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Andy Kemp in Wales did up the music for me on this one. Bang-up job. He would LOVE to have an LP, but right now this is a Strat or Tele I think and hmmmmm might be an Ibanez acoustic in there. I can track down his gear if y'all have questions about it. He is on SoundCloud as "m0rk" (numeral zero not capital O) and is a flat-out GREAT player I was lucky to have work with me. His guitar sounds better 'n my vox. LOL


Never Guess Why

words/music Linda Adams © 2011 all rights reserved, yada ya.







I know, a YouTube embedded vid might get more plays but I'm still tired... and wanna be more sure of the mixing before I post up a vid. Can't get a SoundCloud player to embed. Oh well :)


Dedicated now to my dear best friend Jenn, her husband Dave and two little boys. (they lived in CA not Tennessee but CA was a way harder rhyme!!) Jenn was diagnosed with stomach cancer when her youngest was 22 months old, and fought it with all she had for 7 years, many surgeries, many relapses, and passed away Feb 2010. :( This is for all caregivers in really tough situations that may never go away or find a solution - but I mean it to be upbeat and hopeful at the same time.



I've been working at these vocals bit by bit as I can since January... this is the first draft I feel all right about posting. Mixing/effecting reverb etc with Audacity which is kind of crap.... in a few months I may be able to upgrade that to GarageBand (unless there are any vocal producers w/ProTools or something willing to give this a better shot).... meanwhile this is "as good as it gets" for the time being.


Yet I will take all mixing & re-cut this/that line/verse etc into consideration for future retakes. For now I'm done except for small remix issues I can fix in Audacity. Or if someone wants to toy with the vocal tracks and mess with it. There's a spot or two I'm ahead of the beat just a touch. I am never 100% happy when I listen back to my voice. I am always picking on myself. Anything y'all have to say, I have most likely already noted. haha But go ahead, it's cool. I'm tough and I'll take notes and pay attention.


Music mixing pointers, I'll have to send comments to Andy, he's got all those tracks and isn't on this board.


Well thank you for listening!!




Never Guess Why

© 2011 Linda Adams; All Rights Reserved.


I know a couple down in Tennessee

Their life just isn't what it used to be

Travelin around and havin fun

Raisin up a few fine sons

Well sometimes life just delivers a blow

And your health is gone before you know


But she's got you

(standing by her side)

She's got you

(to hold on tight)

It sure is a mess and I could never guess


Bad things happen but

Long as she's got you

Somethin turned out right

Yeah, she's got you


Now it's all doctors 'n tests 'n waitin

Hard to find anything that isn't breakin

Still travel a lot, but it's no fun

Got another appointment when this one's done

That's when life just loses its sheen

When an ambulance is your limousine


But she's got you

(help her through the night)

She's got you

(to hold on tight)

Sure is a mess and I could never guess


Bad things happen but

Long as she's got you

Somethin turned out right

Yeah, she's got you



Can't tell if it'll ever be better

It's all you can do just to

Hold it together

But you love her

And she loves you

Some days

That's all you can do


[chorus out] _________________________

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WOW that is like the BIGGEST SMILEY I have ever seen!!


Thank you all for the listens.


All of you are way more kind and thoughtful than the songwriters' sites I posted this to............ where this is what I'm getting back:


"your POV switch in v 1 messes me up, who are you singing to"




"don't post any recording not TOP NOTCH pro studio recorded it will look bad on you, there may be scouts here listening"


"love your voice but the topic is pretty heavy"


H*** I KNOW it's heavy, my best friend for 25 years friggin' DIED of cancer and I wanted to honor her, her family, and everybody who has to go through crap that just may not ever get better but you keep on keepin' on and endure, and stick together, and have each other. I hope it's hopeful too - which is why it's uptempo, upbeat, parts of it catchy and easy to sing-along to (tho other parts are freakishly hard... LOL... I don't know "that's hard to sing!" until someone else says so.... haha)

And poo, this is the best recording I'm able to do right now, I can't spend $1000 per song working it all out in a studio with an engineer.


I did get some "liked it"s from my songwriter friends too but......... THANK YOU, you guys, music listeners and creators, this nice positive response does make me feel better, like maybe I don't quite suck.


THANK YOU!! Love you guys --- you are wonderful people here on this forum!! Mwah!! If I could kiss you all -- if hubby wouldn't fire me permanently for doing so -- I would!! :D



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And I hope that's not whining............



I'm just sayin', you guys are so much more kind than the Songwriter forums I'm on where everybody there is scratching & clawing to get a hit on the radio.

I'm not. I'm just writing about life as I see it and I hope to be the best songwriter I can be - with songs that resonate with OTHERS not just my own self. :)



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Big Bill -- THANK YOU for your further comments and I plussed up your answer because it made me feel good. :)




Oh and I have more but not all super-well produced yet - better stuff on Reverbnation (my sig link there in purple)

and more worktapes, in-progress types on my SoundCloud http://www.soundcloud.com/lindaofficial


There's one on Damian's SoundCloud that's a co-write, "Hannah" which he wrote melody to & arranged, to my lyrics. I haven't posted it on mine yet as he kept remixing the thing from the version I got. :)



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