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Guitar Center Studios?


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Ok, sooooo if ur from the southeast like me u may already know but Huntsville, AL just got a Guitar Center!!! (Today was my first ever time in one! [biggrin][thumbup] ) Anyways while being entranced by the walls of beautiful guits, I failed to check out their studios. I looked em up online and they look pretty sweet, a two hour session in a pro-looking studio with a free recording of ur session as u walk out the door! 22 bucks per hour, and with their two hour minimum, 44 dollars at least. *BUT* I have two quick questions: 1) Do they provide u a guitar to use? I mean, I have a great V, strat, and an alvarez acoustic, but just wondering.. 2)I have two friends, a bassist and a drummer, that I've been dying to jam with but none of us have a sufficient place to do so. Would this be a good place for us to start? With three guys we could split it like 15 bucks each to get in and have fun in an awesome studio. Sounds great! But, is there trouble in paradise? I'll leave that up to the experienced men and women of gibson forums [biggrin]

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WTF..................Ah man, I'm gonna PM you in a bit with my email address.........................


There are many reasons to walk into a G.C. There are even more reasons to walk out of one.......


One reason to NOT walk into a Guitar Center is to record..........anything......ever......at all.......................

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WTF..................Ah man, I'm gonna PM you in a bit with my email address.........................


There are many reasons to walk into a G.C. There are even more reasons to walk out of one.......


One reason to NOT walk into a Guitar Center is to record..........anything......ever......at all.......................


Oh really? Dang knew it was too good to be true :/

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/chuckle I'd never recomend the studio... any studio... as the place to assemble a potential band for the first time.



Unless of course your band mates are like Micheal Anthony and Steve Vai or something.



$44 would go a long way towards a recording interface for your PC, if you are just wanting to lay down some tracks.... and GRATZ on the GC in Huntsville! Unlike most folks here, I like GC, am always treated well and get some great deals there.





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I live about 25 miles away from two GC stores. One north, and one south of me. From what I hear and I've seen from the one to my north, I'm not missing much.

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.... Unlike most folks here, I like GC, am always treated well and get some great deals there. ....


I've also had good experiences with GC, but one time I caught a case mix up, a case candy missing. Always try to negotiate the price down - the store I've been using will deal. So I caution you to do research and know what your looking for and what the going prices are, because you might get a pretty green sales person at GC. If you end up buying a guitar there, make sure you get the proper case, paperwork and any case candy that supposed to come in the case of with your guitar (you should be up on this from your research).

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Guitar Center's fine as long as you're informed about the whatever it is you're buying.



Oh and never take a guitar in for a trade in. They will offer you nothing and then turn around and want top dollar for it.


Oh and you'll have to use your imagination when guitar shopping there. While playing said guitar let your mind wonder what it will look like without any gunk on the fretboard or teenage drool on the pickups. How wonderful it will feel with new strings and a set up by a qualified luthier.


And finally how perfect it will be plugged into your favorite amp in your music room at home, so you can actually hear the subtleties of this beautiful instrument without someone pounding out drop d power chords on the latest Schecter Hellraiser right next to you, while 3 GC employees talk about how wasted they were at last nights Plain White T's concert!!!!msp_cursing.gif





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