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Inspired by series...

Tim Plains

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I am not into signature guitars at all..........but I have a DG 335. Now, I had not played a 335 at all until mine.


That is one sweet guitar! I don't know if Dave Groehl had anything to do with that or not, though.


My brother gave it to me for Christmas, so the price to me was right.


To answer your question, I love it. I like the fact there is only 300 of them. But I probably would have liked the playability of a regular ES 335 just as well.



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I've always seen them as a more of a tribute to the artist than anything. Kind of a honor for being an innovator.


They make them in tiny quantities, and they give you the opportunity to purchase one if you're really *THAT* much of a diehard fan. Methinks that the same people who buy such guitars are the same kind of people who become groupies though. I dunno.


I've never thought they whored out any of the Inspired guitars until they started releasing a new Slash signature every couple months. That is intentionally a business move and they are priced more reasonably, as Gibson knows they are flying off the racks.


I'm no Slash fanboy, but I respect him for his talent and for how his contributions to the music industry. I don't think he's his fault he necessarily transcended from being a musician to becoming a pop-culture icon, but he certainly did roll with it like I think alot of people would. To create a persona, back it up with legitimate skill (however much is debatable) and then become known to people outside of the industry is quite a feat, and something alot of people try their whole lives to achieve. That being said, Gibson knows damn well what they're doing and they're gonna ride that top-hatted train to the bank as long as they can.

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I really like the Warren Haynes. Matter of fact, if I was to make another purchase that one would be on the top of my list to consider. The Dave Groel 335 looks really nice as does the Elliot Easton SG. I also look at it as more of a tribute to the artist. But I also agree that some of the artists credentials are a bit weak for a signature guitar.


I know many people are offended by the Kiefer Sutherland but it actually looks like a nice gutar to me. I did notice that it wasn't on the page in the link though.

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I love the Bonnamassa Inspired By.

It's got nothing to do w/ Joe... great player and all.

That's one bad *** guitar. As good or better than a R7, I think. They play and sound awesome.


There's some cool guitars in the series but I'm surprised some of these guys have a sig.....

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