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My next guitar purchase

Shnate McDuanus

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All I've ever wanted from Gibson was an Explorer with a thin neck, hot ceramic pickups, and an OFR bridge. Today I was surfing around online when I remembered that they put out this little beast of a guitar:






As a matter of fact, it has everything I've ever wanted from Gibson (even the OFR [woot] )! This is, for sure, my next purchase--unless I find another guitar from another brand that meets my requirements for a lower price, of course...Although I would really like the Gibson, because they made me very happy with my SG Special Faded, and because they designed the Explorer shape, after all.


That guitar, along with Mesa's Mini Recto (although I don't know when it's supposed to come out,) rounded out by a few pedals here and there (basically a wah, a boost/OD pedal for leads, a digital delay for leads, and a phaser) would basically complete my dream rig. Now I've just got to scrounge up the money... [crying][unsure][scared]


EDIT: Just looked at the ESP and Jackson websites. ESP does make an Explorer-shape (the FX,) but it has neither the OFR nor the hot passive ceramic pups that I want. Instead it has a hardtail and EMGs (good pickups, but not my thing. I'm into more classic, organic high-gain metal tones like Kreator, Death, early Metallica etc.) Jackson has the Kelly, and the KE3, which has Seymour Duncans and a famously-thin Jackson neck, but it has a Jackson tremolo, which I'm not so sure about as far as usability. They also do the KE2, which does have an OFR, so I may have to check this one out, too. Surprisingly, the list price for the Jackson is actually more expensive than the Gibson, so...I think the choice is rather academic.

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Id change the floyd, its made in Korea. [sad] [sad] Just change that and it truly is perfect.

I really like it though, get it! Also the white will age to cream in time.


Dude, are you sure the FR is MIK? I read that it's an OFR made in Germany. Anyway, if it's one of those stupid licensed Floyds, I'd switch it out for sure.


I'm piss-broke right now. I just wanted to express my GAS for a very sweet guitar. And yeah, that white will take on a very nice cream color after a while.

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Darn. Well, I can get an OFR for about $170-190, so I think it would be well worth the cost. I will get this guitar, one way or another.


Oh look, another dem00n/XDemon thread. Well, time for some vintage Kreator:



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If I played metal, I'd probably be drooling all over that. As it is, it doesn't do much for me, but I think it would be awesome if you got one.


I can't help you out as far as brokeness and Gibson/Mesa GAS, but if you ever want me to build you some pedals I'll do it for the cost of parts. I might just make you a nice RAT or something for a Christmas present, cause I think some pedals could really open up some new possibilities for your music. And I know how being **** broke in college is..

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If I played metal, I'd probably be drooling all over that. As it is, it doesn't do much for me, but I think it would be awesome if you got one.


I can't help you out as far as brokeness and Gibson/Mesa GAS, but if you ever want me to build you some pedals I'll do it for the cost of parts. I might just make you a nice RAT or something for a Christmas present, cause I think some pedals could really open up some new possibilities for your music. And I know how being **** broke in college is..


Once I run into some money (should be a few weeks, I have a freelance writing job that's already in the bag and I just have to wait for editing corrections,) I'll hit you up. If you could do an MXR Distortion III clone or something that would be amazing.

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Once I run into some money (should be a few weeks, I have a freelance writing job that's already in the bag and I just have to wait for editing corrections,) I'll hit you up. If you could do an MXR Distortion III clone or something that would be amazing.

Check it out. I did some looking around online and I found this http://diy-layout.com/62


that makes building a Distortion III pretty easy.


Just out of curiousity why do you want a Distortion III?

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