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Happy Columbus Day


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Today is a national holiday in Spain. Spain celebrates the 12th of October as the day Columbus discovered America. What many people don't know is that the discovery of America was a Spanish venture that was paid for by Queen Elizabeth and King Ferdinand. Just sayin'...

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Today is a national holiday in Spain. Spain celebrates the 12th of October as the day Columbus discovered America. What many people don't know is that the discovery of America was a Spanish venture that was paid for by Queen Elizabeth and King Ferdinand. Just sayin'...



Dave, all us "old timers" know all that.... today Columbus is looked at as a "plunderer" and the person who brought small pox to the Americas.


In fact, many now celebrate "Indigenous peoples day", not Columbus day!


Columbus Day, 1967 is the day I started in my current career, so I always remember it!

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Today is a national holiday in Spain. Spain celebrates the 12th of October as the day Columbus discovered America. What many people don't know is that the discovery of America was a Spanish venture that was paid for by Queen Elizabeth and King Ferdinand. Just sayin'...


The only problem is that Columbus didn't discover America. The Vikings were here well before and there are rumors that Columbus obtained nautical maps and charts from sailors that had already made the voyage from Spain.

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The only problem is that Columbus didn't discover America. The Vikings were here well before and there are rumors that Columbus obtained nautical maps and charts from sailors that had already made the voyage from Spain.



If he already had maps....why did he think he was in India?

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