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New Les Paul Videos


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Here are a couple of videos I made this morning on the freshly finished Les Paul project I've been working on. Naturally, not with out a few goof-ups but that's the way it goes. Enjoy... any feedback welcome and again, thanks to those of you on the forum who helped me get this project together. Cheers, JG.




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Lovely stuff, JG ... really fine work!


That first one spoke to me especially. Are those your backing tracks as well? Vids like these are just more proof that the Les Paul is as close to the "perfect guitar" as anyone has ever gotten.


Thanks for sharing!



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Thanks folks, much appreciated! I'm really enjoying the new Les Paul... it's a fantastic guitar and has a real depth to it that many of my Fenders lack (not that I don't love them) I'm also bouncing between guitars so the flatter radius is something I'm getting used to, as is the weight although I have a tele that's just as heavy. It's always been a bit awkward playing up in the higher registers but I'm sure I'll get used to all of it. I'm thinking very seriously now of wiring up my Epi G400 with the same pickups and wiring scheme as I think it sounds just fantastic. I thought the SG sounded fine until I finished the Les Paul....so it goes huh?


So... not too much in the way of technology at work (which works for me [thumbup] ) The underlying loops are mine that I played first on a Boss RC-20 loop station... I simply start recording on my digital camera (Nikon Coolpix S8000) and then jam over the loop track. Nothing fancy and no further sound or video editing. I have an older mini mac computer, plug the camera in, the videos download via image capture to my desktop, then I upload them to YouTube. The camera is elevated off the ground at about 7ft using a little gorilla pod and is about 10 ft away from my guitar rig. I know these aren't the cheapest little point and shoot cameras on the market but the quality of the photos and videos is really nice IMO... here's an iguana from my recent trip to Puerto Rico.



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