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Looking for a pedal or two...


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Hey forumites... I'll be spending Christmas in boston with my family... [biggrin] So I'm going to pick up a pedal or maybe a couple. I have a Boss ME 50 that has all the basics, distortion/fuzz, chourus/tremelo, reverb....etc which I am pretty happy with. I also have a Box of Rock, fuzz and boost... I'd like to add some sort of super delay or looper or something else to complement my set up. Any suggestions?

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The Strymon El Capistan is my favorite looper and my favorite delay..


The looping is a tape sound on sound style looper, so filtering and slight warble effects are recorded over the loop with each repeat. Everything just layers on top of itself and it results in the most beautiful looper sound ever.


Another cool pedal that does lots of things including delay and looping is the EHX Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai. The quality isn't that great and the delays don't sound particularly great but it has some redeeming qualities.. You can use any of the delays while looping, it has reverse delay which can make some really beautiful ambient loops, it can make some crazier noises than just about anything else.


But all in all, the El Capistan just sounds really good. Check it out. There are lots of YouTube demos and stuff.

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