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Battle of the Teles, round three

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...damn... Rich is making me play my whole card...


I'm calling in the crazy greek and the iletrate kid from the south (cudamax and lynyrd skynyrd14, for those who just joined us)


They will have that thing out of the picture and then I will win that 4th round of the tele battle.

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Heh! All Teles are sweet looking, IMO, and it seems that people either love them or hate them with little in between. With the guys in my band, my brother (bass) and I love the look of Teles; the drummer and other guitar player hate them. Fortunately for those two nay-sayers, my Tele doesn't really work in the context of what we play so I stick to mostly my Strat and play my LP for some stuff (although I've been pretty lazy about bringing two guitars and mainly bring just the Strat these days).

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I want a plain standard american strat... and then (or before... who knows!) an american deluxe... those things are amazing.. I'm actually scared I will not like my les paul as much when I buy one of those...



Both my tele and my strat are american deluxes. And I like the strat better than either my LP (#3) or my SG (#2).


Eye candy for you Thunder (Can't quite be guitar porn since they're Fenders in a Gibson Forum!)



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