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I'm not saying the early records are poor, far from it, and of course there is the sense that Beatlemania meant they could hardly put a foot wrong between 63-65, but it is what it is a pop band, Rubber Soul is great, by Revolver we start to see some real magic, Sgt Peppers has a couple of duds on it (in my opinion) but once you hit Abbey Road and the White album or Let it be, it's staggeringly good.


Form the cheesiest of pop fans to the chin-stroker muso types, they've got something of a ridiculously high calibre for you, across the borad I'd say there's never been a better band overall. There's plenty of stuff I love way more than some Beatles stuff but their catalogue os just phenomenal


When I think about it, the Beatles, along with The Stones, Led Zep and Bowie occupy the 'classic rock' territory in my Itunes collection. I dont actually own any individual records by each artist (I know, shameful) but do have the 'best of' which are double albums and contain a ton of tracks. (although Im close to buying Let It Bleed).


But when I get into that 'classic rock' mood of mine the first two artist I seem to go for is Bowie and Led Zep, the Beatles are rarely top of mind.

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When I think about it, the Beatles, along with The Stones, Led Zep and Bowie occupy the 'classic rock' territory in my Itunes collection. I dont actually own any individual records by each artist (I know, shameful) but do have the 'best of' which are double albums and contain a ton of tracks. (although Im close to buying Let It Bleed).


But when I get into that 'classic rock' mood of mine the first two artist I seem to go for is Bowie and Led Zep, the Beatles are rarely top of mind.


Horses for courses, matey... love em, hate em, the back catalogue speaks for itself. There's room for them all, even the old lesbian ones msp_rolleyes.gifmsp_laugh.gif

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