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Is this for real?


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Is it me or is this guy down the street smoking serious dope? http://morgantown.cr...3602253799.html

Dude needs to put down the bong and step away from the keyboard....

3k, he can kiss my A$, Besides I have always thought that trans black LP's Are Fugly.



Oh and P.S.

NEVER list what you paid for it, especially when your asking DOUBLE...




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It's also from the last generation of really crap, ugly, poor quality fakes so, in one sense, what has he got to lose?


Apart from honesty and stuff, of course.......


Chop his balls off is my advice.


It won't right wrongs or anything noble but, hey, why not?



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Guest Farnsbarns

I sent him a message telling him it was clearly fake and if he hadn't taken it down in 24 hours I'd report him to the authorities. Get replied saying he'd only just discovered it was fake and would take it down. He did.

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I sent him a message telling him it was clearly fake and if he hadn't taken it down in 24 hours I'd report him to the authorities. Get replied saying he'd only just discovered it was fake and would take it down. He did.



Rats I missed the shenanigans!

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