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what's the most J 200's you ever saw in one room ?


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He probably kept asking on this forum if he should buy that next guitar and everyone just kept saying yes....so he did! That would be MY rationalization if I had that many of the same model. I'm glad to see something like this because now I can rest safely in the knowledge that there are others sicker than me.

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Beautifull.Im sensing a pattern here.


Few years into our marriage, renting an apartment, all our furniture was hand me downs from my mother.

One day my wife starts a big arguement with me saying we don't have ANYTHING....I stood there.. looked at my Stereo,Marshall & couple of guitars along the wall and said,mystified..."But we have Everything!"

It finally dawned on me...even our matresses were from who knows who...And thats the first thing I got us..good matresses.

Being poor sucks.


This guy sure could use the Isfahan Carpet I have posted on ebay

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Beautifull.Im sensing a pattern here.


Few years into our marriage, renting an apartment, all our furniture was hand me downs from my mother.

One day my wife starts a big arguement with me saying we don't have ANYTHING....I stood there.. looked at my Stereo,Marshall & couple of guitars along the wall and said,mystified..."But we have Everything!"

It finally dawned on me...even our matresses were from who knows who...And thats the first thing I got us..good matresses.

Being poor sucks.


This guy sure could use the Isfahan Carpet I have posted on ebay

Nick ,


good story =D .


bet that was a long time ago ?






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Here we see a good clean obsession and what a thrill. The pictures belongs on these bluey pages, no doubt - thanx for posting.


I can follow why so many of the same model could be interesting. Simply because we know how much they differ.

After such a gathering, one could begin to thin out with the feeling of having been there. Always very satisfying, if you are drawn to something thematic.


Wonder why he didn't pick a few cherries, , , and a black one also. Then again, this person is a specialist who knows what rock his boat.

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