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  1. Nifty

    Gibson Studio

    I see the price of a Gibson LP Modern Studio is now more than the price of the LP Classic I bought (new) three years ago. You have to wonder when this will stop.
  2. Speaking of guitars, I often wonder how many people are priced out of the market as prices keep going up. Two years ago I had my mind set to get another Gibson but it seems each time I check the price has gone up. When production guitars start to reach the price of used cars, something isn't quite right.
  3. There are some good ones listed here. Another one that come to mind for me right away... Boston's first album
  4. I've still got packs - unopened - that contain gum. Late 70s, early 80s.
  5. It's an illusion. Things are not priced to buy outright, things are priced to obtain through loans. This started eons ago with homes, then we went to automobiles. Now, it seems everything no matter the "price" can be obtained via taking on debt. When I was younger, the thought of using a credit card hardly ever happened. We carried them in case of emergency. Now look at the 20 something year olds and the crap they buy. I know college kids who have multiple credit cards, department store cards, some maxed out already. (This is the same group for the most part that wants their student debt erased) So, sellers continue to sell things at a higher price because the market/buyers cooperate and continue to pay. Think about the car. The question that dealers throw out is "what do you want your monthly payment to be?" People take out 72 month loans now which is insane. Reverb always has a "as low as XX month with Affirm" reminder. I wonder how many go this route. Imagine what would happen if there wasn't this option. I make good money, but I'm not ever going to pay 5k for a guitar. There are 100 other things I could or should purchase before that will give me a better value years from now. So as there are more avenues for obtaining a guitar, the prices will continue to remain high, and continue to increase. The "new" prices will then impact the perceived value of the used prices, and those selling will use that as some gauge.
  6. I know. There is a used LP Standard not far from me. I looked at it in person over a month ago. No mods, a few nics but nothing noticeably bad. They want 85% of "new" retail. WTF would I pay that? And I just checked, the guy still has it listed. Our locally owned music store sometimes lists stuff on Reverb but it's rare. I talked to the owner just today about guitar prices. He said Reverb prices were generally high or flat out absurd, and it is getting more common. He's got a Rickenbaker on consignment, but the guitar's owner set a price (based on Reverb research) that in the end won't help the guitar sell. And 8 months later it's still hanging in there. The other problem he mentioned is when people show up to trade something, they want Reverb prices for their trade or believe the item is worth more than it is. Then some get pissed off when they hear the offer. Go look at the prices on Reverb's Gibson Demo shop. I should have just bought a bunch of Classics last year and flipped them this year. LOL
  7. Im right handed only because i write right handed. At least that's the hand the teacher put the pencil in my hand when I was a kid. I broke my right arm twice and both times ended up writing everything left handed while in a cast. I play a right handed guitar. But i shoot basketball with either. My junior year in high school the coach had me change to right hand to shoot free throws. I eat with my left and, drink left handed, putt (golf) left or right handed, bat left or right handed, full golf swing right handed. I had a foreign languages teacher in high school that would write on the board with both hands at times, at the same time. Freaky thing to see.
  8. Nifty

    Guitar Prices

    It was about 15 feet high up on a wall. Its not a big shop at all. I'm certain they don't have more in the back or anything. One person in there who seemed like the owner. That city is near dead. I bet he gets three or four people in there a day if that. Just call and ask him. He seemed like a nice gent.
  9. Nifty

    Guitar Prices

  10. Nifty

    Guitar Prices

    I stopped off at 5 different shops yesterday I had never gone to before. (2+ hours from my home). One shop was said to be the guitar place for all the local area musicians. (The closest guitar center was over 120 miles away). The only new LPs he had were a 2021 Standard and a couple of Studios. The shop owner felt they were priced out of his market, and his customers don't even buy the Studios anymore. At a second store, they had 5 or 6 new Gibson's but the guy working there said they hadn't sold a LP this year. He had a Standard gold top for 2,800. I asked him jokingly if he would take offers. He said check back in 6 months it would probably still be there.
  11. Not really a fan. I listened to KISS though, started with 8 tracks then albums. But after Ace left was done. It's really interesting, Gene had this vault thing. And you could pay some stupid amount of money and he would come hang out, play some stuff. Then you get some container to keep with some items he put together. Its really genius cause there were enough people who signed up for this. After watching a few YouTube videos though, I question the sanity of some LOL. To each his/her own. So, I expect there are enough out there who will pay whatever for this guitar. https://youtu.be/zbSLs1-IPYs
  12. Our local media has a policy. They will not give physical descriptions of people police are looking for, but they will damn sure report someone is at large. This started a few years ago because people complained it was always a certain type of person. here is an example just from TODAY.......they blocked streets off looking for a male suspect. This is a college town. And right next to the college, Frat and Sorority row. There are at least a dozen multistory parking garages within a mile of this location. Yet no one knows who to watch for. LOL The comments on social media are always entertaining. https://www.wctv.tv/2022/04/08/tallahassee-police-scene-barricaded-suspect/
  13. I worked for an NBC affiliate - in the studio - back in the 80s. At the time I didnt much care about anything other than trying to hook up with one of the reporters. We had two producers who ran the show. One of them hated Reagan with a passion. So any national feed that reported something negative he made sure aired. We'd get national stories fed to us all day and used any of those to fill time, The other guy was friends with ppl in the mayor's office. He was also shacking up with the asst news director. So you see things on the news but knew there was always something else going on. The local paper would create problems. The entire place was a zoo to work in and somewhat entertaining. But looking back, it was incredibly bias. The problem news has now is, there is so much that people can find out for themselves. But I think it's more about ratings, money and an agenda now.
  14. The pause at the light - usually someone on their phone (texting or whatever) not paying attention.
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