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Posts posted by Digger

  1. Blueberry bagels for dessert sounds like a good idea. Sitting having a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows right as I write.



    You have a much sweeter tooth than I do it seems. I seldom eat sweet stuff, but that's my taste I guess.


    I do admit to having a banana fritter, ice cream & golden syrup the other night when we were out to Chinese.


    Shared it with Gael.

  2. My blood sugar took a hit overnight!


    We stopped down by the beach for a fish & chip lunch yesterday. Let's just say the seagulls missed out, as we cleaned the lot up!


    Then for tea I cooked a Rib Eye with more chips and an egg as I was feeling lazy and that was easy.


    Like I said, my blood sugar was up this morning so I need to have a walk this morning to get it down!

  3. Well Wednesday morning here and it's gonna be muesli with organic apple juice again I think.


    I get a really nice muesli from the heath food shop, they make it themselves. I might have frozen blueberries or a banana on it.


    If I had more time it might have been soft boiled eggs and toast fingers. Our own farm fresh eggs of course.

  4. No breakfast. Kids wanted us to attend their church service and afterwards at High-V for lunch. They were doing a Easter Lunch buffet today and they put in a reservation for it and treated us there. That was nice of them. For dinner, we ended up at Old Chicago and I had half of a Chicago 7 Cal Zone. I'll eat the other half tomorrow for lunch.



    I have no idea what that is???

  5. Ha, one thing I love about you. You make me laugh! msp_flapper.gif Yea, I can't run anymore either. That's why I just work out on weights. I have a knee problem, don't think I ever told anyone but I had a gun shot accident once many years back. A .41 magnum lead bullet went through my Right knee and exited my upper calf. Somehow the bullet bruised the main artery but Docs said it should have blown the knee cap away and severed the artery which I would have bled out and died in the long trip to the hospital. Yeah I'm a cat with 9 lives, Meow! msp_laugh.gifTwo eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for breakfast. Pepper Jacks Steak Philli for lunch/dinner. Mmm,

    Yes you did tell us about your accident and you were obviously lucky it wasn't fatal. If you'd killed yourself by being silly we would have been annoyed with you and wouldn't have spoken to you again~


    My blood sugar was really low yesterday morning and brekky (0500) was some toast and Vegemite as we were up early for fishing. Next was a roll at about 9am followed by an iced doughnut, naughty but nice!!


    Off the water by 1230 and straight to the hospital where mum had been taken while we were out on the water. No lunch! I staved off a low blood sugar episode with a few jelly beans and an energy bar until tea time and then we had lamb cutlets, mash with peas and carrots. Man I was hungry by then! After tea I allowed myself 4 small chocolates because I knew my sugar would still be on the low side.....YUM!


    So not exactly a gourmet day of dining for me yesterday!

  6. Good Friday menu: toasted French bread smothered in margarine and honey for breakfast,grilled cheese for lunch,maybe fish for dinner?

    Happy Easter everyone.May the Easter bunny smile upon ye. If not use this👌🏼for bait and this 🐇🔫 for revenge.😬



    No problems with the Easter Bunny, got it covered!


    Just call me "Elmer Fudd".

  7. More important to eat healthier when you get older. Good job on the 3 kilos,I know how hard it is to lose weight when you get older. At 71 inches tall,220 lbs I could stand to lose 20-30lbs. But there's too much of🍔🌮🍦🍟🌭🍕🍪🍨🍩🍮🍧🍭🍰🎂🍫around.😁



    Chuckle and Mrs Dig is such a good cook!!!


    My problem is my back doesn't allow me to exercise.

  8. msp_thumbup.gif Too funny. Our son loved it. He was off on his own, hardly saw him and he was trying out pizza, and all kinds of free food. I think they have a track on top deck Rob that you should be able to run around on. At least ours did, and we ran laps everyday. That should help, Lolmsp_flapper.gif


    I wish I could run mate but no can do, so it looks like a crane will be needed to unload me onto the dock at Sydney....Grin~

  9. At Little Kings I do either, Vinegar and sea salt potato chips, Jalopano potato chips or nachos and cheese. Not much into Fries anymore. Too greasy around here. Today I did a Devil's Spit burger at famous Daves with a appetizer. We ate late at 1:00 since Deb had to go to a funeral and I had to baby sit the grandson from 8:00 to Noon. If our day is busy like that, we always try to use pin points, buy one meal and get the other for free. Famous Daves is on pin point rewards now. A Devils Spit burger is just hot barbecue sauce on it.


    OK I think I've got it, what you call chips are probably what we call potato crisps. Our chips are your fries.


    On this cruise we are going on there is a burger/hotdog bar that is included! Imagine free burgers....OMG I'm gonna be the size of a house!

  10. Chicken,vegetables, on a bed of rice and a glass of whole milk.👅



    My goodness that sounds healthy....well done!


    We had a few upsets just before tea with Mum last night and I was too agitated to cook properly. I ended up with a couple of fat beef sausages, chips and a couple of out fresh eggs all fried up. Tomato sauce and a slice of bread & butter.


    Generally I've been eating less over the last few weeks which has allowed me to reduce my insulin by 4 points, also lost about 3 kilos.

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