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Posts posted by Digger

  1. What's wrong with Deb Butch? Gael is awful crook too, just a bad cold but it goes to her throat and every time she tries to sleep she starts coughing. No sleep for days now, poor thing!


    I wish them both a quick recovery!


    Food? I haven't been eating much in the last 10 days or so and have lost 7 or 8 kilos. I've just been having light meals or fruit and I haven't had a drink in almost 2 weeks now.


    I'm seeing this as an opportunity to reduce my stomach and maybe change the way I've been eating. See how we go?

  2. It's really weird!


    Since coming home from hospital earlier in the week the flavours I'm used to are INCREDIBLY strong and I can't approach them.


    We had a piece of eye fillet with Gael's killer mushroom sauce, steak had bacon wrapped around it! Couldn't eat anything that had the gravy on it as the flavour was too strong, and the smokey flavour of the bacon was so intense I had to spit it out and the dog got it! Not sure if it's new medication, the ulcers and where they are or something else? I've hardly eaten in the last week and have lost kilos of weight, but it this keeps up I guess I'm gonna lose a lot more!


    (It's OK I could stand to lose 10 or 15 kilos more....grin~)



    Chuckle.....maybe I should stay away from this thread for a while?

  3. Are you feeling a little better Digger? Glad your back home and feeling better soon. Tonight is now: pepper Jacks with a steak giant Burrito and Pepsi. rolleyes.gif



    Thanks Butch I do feel better than yesterday but the tramadol wore off about the time I did the dishes and there is a lot of pain lurking in the back ground.. I'll probably be in bed by 7.30.

  4. Having almost nothing to eat since Sunday night I was relived when the decided to feed me here in the hospital last night.


    It wasnt anything that I'd been fantasising about but it was bloody nice!


    I had asparagus spears wrapped in bacon and cheese that had been grilled. Accompiniments were a handful of poatato gems and half a grilled tomato! I never have dessert but last night I gobbled down ice cream & jelly without missing a beat. Bloody yum!


    Wonder whats for brekkie!

  5. Speaking of "food"(??) I took the lazy way out the other day and bought a prepared meatloaf from a quality butcher we have at one of the shopping centres. I usually make my own but wanted something for sandwich fillings and buying one seemed like a good idea at the time.


    I cooked it up and made myself a meatloaf roll, took one bite and spat it out! Loaded with salt and garlic powder and not at all edible. Gave some to Bella for lunch and she was promptly sick on the carpet!


    There is a small Kookaburra sitting out on the fence in front of the house just visible as the sun rises on yet another beautiful morning. Without thinking I chucked out a bit of the first thing I found in the fridge, a piece of meatloaf!


    Gonna have the RSPCA knocking on my door I reckon....cruelty to birds....oops! Hope he survives~


    (Gonna make my own meatloaf this weekend as it makes a lovely roast with gravy and then some left for sandwiches as I've got the fancies now)

  6. We at at Spagetti Works. Don't know what it was called, but we each had a piece of boneless chicken breast, broccoli, red pepper slices, Butternut squash, spaghetti with Beer cheese and chilli. And garlic bread. My favorite place to go! Dinner was Valentinos pizza baffet.



    We don't have those companies here but I suspect you must live close to town with the number of times you eat out?


    We are 15 kilometres out and the only company that delivers is a pizza company and 2 pizzas delivered is $60. We could eat out twice in town for that!

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