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Posts posted by Digger

  1. We had tea at a community get together last night sharing casseroles with our neighbours.


    Most of them were sh!t! but the spaghetti & meatballs that we took got me fed and was nice.


    Now I don't usually have dessert but I spied somebody with wine trifle and i LOVE wine trifle!


    I had 3 serves and am dreading taking my blood sugar this morning.


    I offered to marry the lady that created this masterpiece~

  2. Cheap but very good tv dinner pasta with white wine from Aussie-land... Such an underrated white wine country! Reasonably priced and with that extra pert zing in the taste that I like.


    I can safely say it's not gonna happen for a few years, but I gotta visit sometime...



    Underrated wines? Not here they're not!


    Some excellent product to be had for very little money!

  3. I've got one of those Sunbeam bread makers and the bread out of that is great and that's why I don't make it very often as we keep eating it.


    Lunch yesterday was a round roll split & buttered with yummy corn beef and covered in shredded tasty cheese and then grilled until the cheese was melted and starting to brown.


    We got a call during the day from friends inviting us to meet them somewhere for tea and decided to go to the RSL. It was a busy as hell and my meal, a hamburger, was utter crap!


    The girls had chicken & mushroom isotto and said it was nice.


    Anyway the company was good!

  4. Gael had a big day yesterday with the AGM of the art society so I had tea going when she got home.


    I did a butterflied marinated leg of lamb and roast veggies. Not too bad if I say so myself!


    I posted this last night but it didn't take. This place is running slow again and that is causing missteps in posting.

  5. Fish! Both my last two dogs would mug you for some fish! You have to ensure that all the bones are removed of course but it's probably Bella's favourite food.


    She doesn't get a lot 'cause it's too expensive but we always buy a little bit more for her.


    She also loves veggies cut up small. Gael was giving her bits of cut up celery and carrot last night and she was talking (for about 5 minutes) saying "Can I please have some more Mummy?"


    Bella also eats any fruit that we offer her, apple, grapes, kiwi fruit, think she's had bits of banana?


    She's overweight, for the same reason, "Oh poor dog's hungry, here have a snack Sweetie".

    (well it is a food thread~)

  6. It's OK Bell got the fish for tea last night and we like her having it as it's so good for her. She has also learned to eat raw veggies and some fruit, also all good for her. She's awfully over weight and we are substituting veggies for other things like scraps to try and trim her down.


    Lunch yesterday was a chicken fillet with bacon and mayo on two pieces of toast....it was nice. Followed by an apple.


    For dinner we made beef olives with potatoes and veggies....bloody lovely! Followed by a fruit yoghurt and the last two Cadburys chocolates I won from the choccie machine in town the other day.

  7. Met friends at the RSL for lunch yesterday and we had a nice time before moving to the art society to do some work moving stuff and hanging honour boards etc.


    I had butterflied chicken breast with mushroom sauce.


    Tea last night was crumbed fillets of sand whiting, chips and coleslaw.


    Bella was naughty so she didn't get any fish!

  8. I believe is a sort of burger but the meat filling is loose mince, Dig.


    As for me, dinner was a stir fry and rice. Yum.



    Thanks SG.


    I bought a couple of gourmet pies to bring home for lunch.


    Tea last night was fillet steak, some new veggie stick things and an egg. Maybe not the veggie sticks next time but they were Ok, just not for this meal.

  9. Brekkie was an omelette on toast with a few baked beans cooked for me by my beloved, a request for Fathers day!


    Lunch yesterday was at my daughter's and we had Italian style. First was a garlic bread with 2 types of cheese melted over it. It looked decadent and tasted like heaven! Then followed by a chicken pasta dish which was great too.


    Not very hungry last night so I cooked up some garlic prawns and rice.

  10. Well worms are good protein at least!


    Left over "worms & gravel" for lunch...Yum! (by the way, that's a little Diggerism to amuse the grandkids)


    We were discussing going out for tea last night when friends rang and wanted to meet up for a meal so we headed into an awful night driving into town. I hate driving at night in rain!


    We went to the local club an absolute institution in our town, food always excellent and a bit cheaper than the average. Sort of place where it's intimate and friendly and the staff know us.


    I had the house hamburger which is monumental!


    Couldn't eat all of it but it was lovely ($18)

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