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Posts posted by Eracer_Team

  1. GC Probably not a good place to sell your guitar. 

    I'd guess you'd probably won't get more than 60% of what its worth. 

    And without pictures of so called cracks in the back of the headstock,  we can't say what's going on.

    Some nitro shifts around where the tuners are tightened down. 

    Need clear close up pictures 


  2. Literally thousands of guitars hit USA stores, there's probably a percentage of damage, but literally thousands for sale 

    Now to get across to Europe. 

    Leaves Gibson in a truck, probably transferred to another truck.

    Probably put in a container with others,  doubt they'd fly a container of guitars, so probably boat.

    Loaded on a boat, cruise across , container on to a truck, container unloaded at a sorting facility. 

    Transferred to a Gibson authorized distribution center. 

    Put on yet another truck(s).

    Finally make it to Italy. 

    As side from QC issues,  its a wonder all the headstock aren't broken off

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  3. There has been other people feeling "bait n switch" posts I've seen in forums  

    From someone on the Bonamassa forum complaining Bonamassa changed band members after they bought tickets close to a year in advance,  

    To (now) Gibson making a limited run of guitars that someone wants but can't get. 

    Rick Beato is referenced as a "YouTube  influencer".

    He's not out on tour night after night after. 

    To get a "signature " guitar,  ok, well.. "just an influancer"

    I'd buy a Buddy Guy or Joe Bonamassa or BB King or Slash's signature guitars first if I had an thoughts of buy signature items

    Which I don't even let alone my wallet 



  4. @marco mancini sure they can, 

    Limited run artist guitars,  premium select dealers will get first shot at quantity. 

    Europe probably pretty low on Gibson's list of delivery 

    (Edit: if you watch the video that Rab's posted from Trogly's blog, Trogly started in his video all ready sold out from large USA distributors,  so wasn't widely distributed)

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