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Posts posted by BluesKing777



    If you cut the bass and treble knobs by 1/2, the electronics are designed to accentuate the mids! (ala Gibson!)

    Just saying I have glued my 717 knobs in that spot - that is my sound! Bare fingers and less treble....it makes a HUGE difference. Most guitars with electros, I leave on 'flat' but these knobs actually work - HEY!






    My Taylor 717e BE is perfect verging on the ‘Synths’ type perfect in the series ‘Humans’ (robots overtaking humans).....but the presentation straight out of the box last year was just.....have to say....faultless. Built in ‘radio era tone’ to alleviate the perfectness of the bright Taylor models.......even has a bit of a growl. But the V bracing, finish is just excellent (on mine). Beautiful setup.






    Yep, hijakked poor KB’s threadaroonie about a Taylor, haven’t we?

    But I have said it here before when talking about my fully lambasted evil ones x 3 which set off many mouths to frothing vile stuffs - how do we know what is good, bad or indifferent if we only have one guitar. Viva la houseful!!! Different guitars and different ideas have lead me to all kinds of tunes....and tunings!

    I did sniff the old L-0 soundhole and it smelled like a dogturd, honest!





  4. On 8/4/2020 at 10:31 PM, kidblast said:

    yea  search bar  not there any more..


    The 'search bar' I meant use to be at the bottom of the pages, for a while lately, I think it was a Google bar. It was always quite easy and powerful. For example, if you wanted to look up Gibson LG3, you just typed in...ha...Gibson LG3 and  anything to do with Gibson LG3 in the history of AGF came up in a list! And you didn't have to log in and do all that hard search stuff.😵😵😵

    It, the search results, may have been the sum total of my knowledge of say...Gibson LG3.[biggrin]

    Fore example: "Buy one, you will love it" or Don't buy it, they stink" or "What is that?"




  5. 57 minutes ago, kidblast said:

    ah  so maybe it is that my 2017 514CE NY has the new one already.  Cuz guess what rattles?  I wrap a piece of black electrician tape around it, and that stops that.

    I love the tonedexter, and it works it's magic quite well on my acoustic herd.  I haven't had a lot of killing time since this arrived, but creating a wave map is high on the list.

    for all the taylor contraptions for the built in pickups I don't mind this one.  Don't like barn doors and the AA battery fitting for the ES1 was not all that great either.



    Of course it is a rattler! The Laws of Murph! (Where is Murph?).

    Anyway you will have to look on AGF for the batteries which use to not fit...and now probably won’t rattle! Last time I looked, the AGF had lost its search bar.....true!



  6. 2 hours ago, PatriotsBiker said:

    I did not read you incorrectly. I understood everything you said. I just disagree with your own assessment of your previous actions. I think you did the right thing. No, it may not have been for the greater good, but man, you've got two guitars that you enjoy not because of something you did not do, but because of something you did do. Made it perfect yourself. My proof came from you. You still have those guitars and are proud of them.

    Just because you have a right does not mean it is in your best interest all of the time to exercise the right. There are times when it's in your best interest to NOT. We're old. We know this already. 99.9% of my battle to get a guitar along the order I want is done. I'm not risking that on some nick on the nut. That's my decision.

    And no, I did not work on my guitar in a manner that negated a warranty. I filed a single nut slot down .003" and changed the strings. I am allowed that. If I damage my guitar in the process of doing that or if the guitar suffers damage due to the result of what I've done, than that's on me. I didn't reset a neck or anything. I didn't turn it into a lefty. You think replacing tuners negates a warranty?  You think you runing your warranty by playing musical chairs with your pickups?




    You are still misunderstanding or not reading correctly...

    One more time - if everyone keeps accepting poorly made guitar parts, then they will keep selling rubbish.

    I hope Bruce from Eden gets his in good condition if and when it arrives, because it will near to impossible to return it from there.



  7. 56 minutes ago, PatriotsBiker said:


    Your Blues King - 13 years. You still have it. You didn't send it back. Your luthier made you a nut and a saddle - one a guitar you still have and just bragged about - and you insist sending it back would have been better for you?  Hey, we have two ways of looking at things and that's what makes the world go around. But I have to say that I agree with the 2007 decision.

    I think I am more inclined to agree with you than disagree with you on the case. That said, as soon as I get a brown one that fits in the spot, this one that does not fit in my storage spot will go to the back of some closet and be in pristine shape to sell with the guitar when the time comes for my Son to unload his dead-Daddy's gear. Besides, maybe using it a few more weeks will break those buckles in a bit like was suggested earlier. And then it goes into the closet. 🙂


    I guess you didn't read me correctly - I am trying to say that I should have sent the Blues King back in 2007 and a J45 in 2010 that had a wobbly nut also, and perhaps, just perhaps if everyone sent them back, this rubbish would not still be leaving the factory.

    I have cheap and cheerful and very expensive guitars and the only ones that ever came with dodgy nuts and saddles were - you guess.

    You have worked on the guitar and your warranty is probably shot anyway.






    Well, I would send the guitar AND case back.

    Complaining about them on the forum won't help anything.

    I have a thing about it because every Gibson acoustic I own has had to get a new nut made - back in 2007, I should have sent the Blues King back - nut and saddle were a disgrace, but we live and learn! The one my luthier made is fab still! 






  9. 13 hours ago, kidblast said:

    I've already run through a hand full of alternate tunings, DADGAD being one.  and yes, it holds out just fine for these.  This really a great guitar.  Used it out yesterday for a  short session with the LB Artist, (Standard tuning of course).. it needs far less coaxing of the EQ to get a natural sound, I was plugged straight in than any of my other UST pickups.

    btw,, I have read about the battery holder, I have a few hanging around, one is a new duracell and a few long life knock-off alkalines.  I'll see what the deal is there.   I checked the build date, and this particular guitar was built just 2 months ago, (June 4th according to the Serial #)  so not sure what remedy Taylor came up with for this.  But what ever it was or is, it is probably in this one.


    Plugged direct to an amp, the ES2 has a 'pretty' sound, very good, handy to have the controls which actually work - but not a sound what I like - Tonedexter rules OK 😁...

    And the battery compartment - I think they made it bigger (so the smaller Duracell rattles!). I put on another thread that they should invent a guitar with a 'door' for a back...you know, a couple of hinges and a handle plus a strip to keep the air and water out! Change battery? Just open the door! [biggrin]





  10. 2 hours ago, slimt said:

    That spec of black was put there  to round off the nut which was not done. 


    It is just fully amazing how it can look like that after so many, many people and departments have been looking at it! (usually fret the neck, file them and add the nut.......and then on to all the other processes after up until setup and quality control......and nobody saw that!).

    Hmmmm. Send it back or they will keep doing this stuff.








    I put my 717e BE ( name sounds like some kind of BMW limo!) into DADGAD yesterday......when I first bought the guitar, I mentioned that I thought it was more 'Lowden' than the J45 slope shoulder shape implied. It sounded good when I first did this but the guitar was too 'new', torrefied top or not. Not now!

    Later I ran the guitar in DADGAD through Tonedexter file I have, added a touch or reverb and ... Voila!

    DADGAD electrified through mic like sounds! (My Lowden O22 has no pickup and I fear drilling it but I occasionally slip a Sunrise pickup in it).

    I bet your 814ce would be stunning in DADGAD!






  12. 12 hours ago, kidblast said:

    so far,, knock on wood!  




    Don’t knock on the guitar wood!😐

    I like the Taylor ES2 battery compartment, so easy compared to various systems that get around, worst being the battery bagg stuck to neckblock, next worst the watch battery on the bottom of Baggs soundhole pickups! Maton not immune either - the newer Maton AP5-Pro pickup system uses 2 AA batteries that go in a plastic harness that slides into the pickup control panel....not for doing in a hurry! Stupidest of all is not guitar related but the watch battery on my digital vernier...yes, I got the most expensive one, not the cheapie, and I see there is no way to find how to find the battery compartment  without...gasp.....reading the little manual!😀

    But the ES2 is not all apples....I read on some forum that the battery compartment for the ES2 was first designed using Duracell 9 Volt block batteries, which are smaller than other 9v blocks! I believe Taylor have remedied the situation recently, but if you peoples have an older Taylor ES2 and the new battery don’t fit, well, off to the shop for a Duracell! I had a similar situation with my D18e with inbuilt Aura F1+ .......... I bought some rechargeable 9vs that wouldn’t fit in the compartment! Rats!

    Oh, KB, I think I told you before but I like the ES2 > Tonedexter with the character blend knob only just ON. If it was an Aura setting, it would be only 15-20%. Anyway just enough to give the ES2 some ‘mic’....





    Deliveries here are taking so long with everybody ordering online stuff - I am waiting for a K&K Trinity Upgrade pack.....almost 4 weeks now. Last year, a gadget from the same place took 4 days. My sister sent me cool home made face masks (masks compulsory here) and the ‘overnight express’ package took 10 days.....log jam plus!

    The Trinity adds an internal mic and external miniature mixer preamp to the plain K&K pickup, to give it some ‘air’ and more realism......hopefully sound like my sensational Maton pickups with internal mics. That is what, my opinion, is missing from the Taylor ES2 - a little internal mic mixed with the pickup. Only need a few percent mic to give some air. But too many twits stand with the mic facing the wedges and........ Apart from that, the ES2 is a very ‘nice’ sound for a factory setup guitar pickup. I have tortured mine to get all I can out of it...and actually get a sensational mic type sound through Tonedexter using my old Shure SM57 to make the file. Many Tonedexterers frown on SM57s, but I think it could be a great live sound as it trims the fat while a condenser mic grabs everything.

    All a moot point if we can’t go anywhere to play...and it sure will be hard to sing with a face mask on! Or drink beer or play harmonica!🤠





    A shop I frequented in better times is selling online only, so we can’t waddle in to try a few guitars and buy some strings and have a gossip. The place has been skun by online buys - they must really regret offering free delivery!

    They are down to ONE Gibson acoustic, a Sheryl. They even sold the poor old Blues King or Standard or whatever name it was after it sat there since 2017! The promised re-supply in mid-July from Gibson hasn’t happened. The ‘Maton wall’ is also empty, so not just Gibsons missing.

    But regular shipments of new Taylors have kept coming all these months and the shop currently has a shedful!

    All good, except BK777 loves 00 size guitars generally, and they have ONE GC model, maple. I truly live in dreadlover heaven. But watching some promo videos, the top shelf 912 Builder’s Edition Grand Concert took my eye..... I mean, I love my old worn guitars like old shoes but phew, that 912 BE sure looks a fancy unit! I have never seen or heard one and there is not one here...anywhere. Anyway, not buying anything, just want to try one on a Saturday morning for a minute........ they do have that maple 612 though.......



  15. 24 minutes ago, kidblast said:

    Hey BK, look up this "Neck Up Strap"   it will solve the "slip" problem with your Taylor Slope, offers a very comfortable way to play sitting down.  I love the one I picked up a week or so ago.



    That is a contraption, isn’t it? It could confirm a few fears the Better Half has about sanity.

    I put a long strip of Velcro tape on the guitar side that sits on my leg.....(my resos have this too).

    Back to the V bracing....words don’t describe it very well. What about ‘terrific’? A lot of people don’t like it, probably because it can highlight mistakes a lot.

    I am hoping Taylor bring out their new budget AD series in a Grand Concert (00) - give me that Urban Ash recycled! Paint it black.





    Congrats, KB!

    And put on your raincoat...😎

    My Taylor 717e Builder’s Edition slope shoulder dread in rosewood and terrified top is just outstanding - the V bracing gives the guitar sound what I think if as ‘high definition’. Build, setup, straight out of the box were superb. Very, very clever!

    Small complaint -the ‘Silent Satin Finish it slips off my leg! If I play it while wearing my track pants, the guitar becomes a bar of soap!

    The ES2 pickup system is handy, but I run it though my Tonedexter - fab!

    Enjoy the guitar and the lightning, KB.





  17. 10 hours ago, zombywoof said:


    I assume that any guitar which is hand finished is going to have some slight variations in neck carve in both in terms of nut width and depth,    But the one spec that the builders tend to leave out and which is important to me is string spread at the bridge.  I only play with my fingers and so prefer a more generous spacing.   My 1920s through mid-1930s  Gibsons tend to clock in at around 2 3/8".   I would have to go back and check but I believe my '42 J50 has the "modern" 2 3/16" spread .  It is not  deal killer or anything.  But it  will take me 15 or 20 minutes after playing one of the older guitars to acclimate the the skimpier spacing.  And oddly, while it has to be a fig newton of my imagination, I find the string spacing actually feels wider when combined with a shallower neck carve.  


    The companies that make a 2 3/8" spacing usually put it in the specs.

    Yep, 1 3/4" nut with 2 3/8" bridge spacing is just ideal for fingerpicking!

    So we assume it is horrible for flatpicking?

    All Waterloos have the 2 3/8"!

    I can cook in a cramped little kitchen (my first flat with the front door opening and hitting the stove?) but prefer a large spacious kitchen!





  18. 13 hours ago, zombywoof said:


    I certainly do not want you to hurt yourself.  And I admit there are times when I will mutter to myself "if only this guitar had one more fret"  

    But I know I was lucky to have found my 12 fret L1 which was one of the last of the Gibson 12 fretters.  And no doubt, there are probably a couple of hundred 14 fret L00s out there for every 12 fret version.   The best description though I have heard of the difference between a 12 and 14 fret guitar is it is like the difference between hitting a drum skin in the center as opposed to hitting it more off to the side nearer the rim.   The irony, of course, is today there are more 12 fret guitars available that at any time since maybe the beginning of WWII.



    A quick look at the local wares for sale (online) and I see three 12 fretters in the whole country!

    A National Tricone like I already own...

    And 2 Waterloo 12 fretters, one in maple and the other all mahogany. Give me both! But no space - I have one guitar too many and it is parked on the floor in my music room instead of a rack. I was about to list some guitars at a music shop but they closed for virus lockdown. Anything without a neck I love is going soon, and some hard cuts will be made.......

    Speaking  of necks and the bizarre world of Gibson......in an effort to see why I like some guitars, I have put the calipers on the nut after playing various. And have been shocked to discover my 2002 chunky neck J50 has not the claimed Gibson 1.725, but 1.736 - the same as my slightly wider necked Matons! No wonder I am fingerplucking away at it! More room! And then I nearly fell off my chair to see my 2005 Dove has a nut of 1 3/4”. Yep, 1 3/4”.....but the neck is way slimmer than my J50 and not quite as easy to fingerpluck. My Martins  are dead on spec but my custom Cargill is under.......





  19. 1 hour ago, zombywoof said:


    Lawdy, have Mercy.  I would hate to think what a 12 fretter would do to you .   


    I would probably hurt my left hand as I tried to play the 14th! 🥶

    Unless someone has one here for sale, chances of importing a 12 are zip these days. I have not seen or smelled one anywhere here, ever. Even the Waterloos are scarce now.....there is a 12 in maple with black top in the next state - I could be there in about a 7 hours drive, except the state border has the ‘ring of steel’ police virus lockdown. And I am not buying something I haven’t played, though a Waterloo could be high on the trusted build list. That 12 could be in my future. Just need to shake out and sell some lazy guitars from the closet first....no room!

    So I just played my Waterloo 14 ladder braced, which makes approximately 2 people I know that like the ladder! You and I, ZW.... But fingerpicked versions of Careless Love or CCRider or Cocaine sound close to perfect on the chunky V neck and 2 3/8” bridge space.

    As a comparison I grabbed my 1935 Gibson Black Special which I always say has the same neck as my Waterloos and while it is the coolest of cool to have, anything more than half a dozens tunes and a photo opportunity are plain hard work and possibly ....a sentence. 





  20. 8 hours ago, zombywoof said:


    Anyway, I guess I was just curious as to close a nuked top gets you to the parched dryness and clarity a guitar with 75 or 80  under its belt has.  


    While I played some J45 Vintages at the shop but don't own a Gibson with toasty top, I own 2 other makes with terrifiedness.

    One is my Taylor 717e BE slope shoulder dread, which has no old version to compare the top to as it has only just been invented!

    The other is my Martin OM18 Authentic and I have never seen or played the original 1933 model...and unlikely to ever buy at approx $40K 😁

    Both are fabulous builds, fabulous tone but I doubt anyone else would mistake them for being 'old'.

    As soon as I get to play a reissue J45 Banner, I will let you know! But my Blues King L-00 sounds not one thing like my 1937 L-00! [biggrin]








    Well....it is a few months on and no sign of life with the new range here.....zip.

    The guy at the shop I go to said mid July....

    I am interested to try some Historics...not buying. I don’t understand why there is no 30s L-00 Historic, toasted top, 1 3/4” nut etc... in the collection? 14 fret AND 12 fret! Though I probably don’t need one - the LG2 Historic is a disappointment to me with the skinny nut!





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