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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. 4 hours ago, jedzep said:

    Hah! Too big for me, Nick. I can only imagine the voice on that beast.
    Hey, I already hit the jackpot on the $700 L00.  Lieber copied the bridge instead of using the one I gave him. Plays very sweet with a little more jangle than the '35, 1mm string height at the 1st, maybe 2 at the 10th. Pictured here with the Greven guard, but not sure I'll glue it on yet.

    BK didn't say which lottery, OR which guitar he'd pick.



    I assumed we won the lot! (I just wanted to start a fun thread instead of the gloomy stuff).

    What's the old joke about the guitarist that wins the lottery and when asked what he will do says he will be able to afford to play in a band again...

    And while some feel they have won the lotto with a $700 Gibson like JZ (Dave) above, nothing wrong with that - a nice playable guitar that sounds good is literally 'priceless......but sorry JZ, it was not what I had in mind. 😎

    And then there is the other extreme with the already stinking rich that have ALL the stuff......but you know, years ago I was working corporate graphics in the city, suit, tie, short hair, earring removed in desperate attempt to earn more money than guitar playing poverty and I was the only Indian among 2,500 chiefs approx......I was walking down the aisle and one of the big chiefs called me over. He said: "I heard you played guitar?" (ooops, I thought I had kept very secret). Then he said: "Check the guitar I bought!" And the guy being rich enough to buy the whole city 3 times over while owning all the souls in this building opened the guitar case and I expected, well, I don't know, something insane from Southebys or the WORKS, but it was a budget Epiphone copy of a John Lennon electric archtop. Used with action about an inch high. Then he fumbled a couple of D chords or tried to make a D chord about 30 times and I thought: "Oh dear!" He handed me the guitar to try and I couldn't have been more nervous  if I was playing a stadium! The guitar was truly AWFUL. I tried to get it in tune, lost cause, and all I could think to play was something like John Lee Hooker riff in Boom Boom Boom (rather apt, eh?). And he said: "I would give anything to play like you!" But he didn't...

    There is a moral to the story somewhere there!

    And cars! And the rich! Here is a video, priceless, truly priceless - the guy wants the Ferrari 340 but has to ask the wife!:









    I used to put a capo back from the frets to leave some room for fingers not hit the capo all the time, and the guitar(s) were always way out of tune unless I did the Tommy E trick of snapping all the strings after putting the capo on (hoping they would go back to their tuning!). It does work, sometimes but...

    So I mostly left capo work to others.....

    But there was a thread on possibly UMGF 7 or 8 years ago about Tony Rice and how he puts his capo right on the dotted line of the fret to keep his guitar in tune. Everyone tried it and it works! Guitar stays in tune! So I still do this, but the catch is the fingers don't get as much room and occasionally, knock the capo sideways a tad.....AND the UMGF'ers say the frets wear even more!

    A friend was over and he saw my capo on the fret and got all the details and the whole idea spread like wildfire!


    Here is my G7 Performance 3 ART capo on the fret, and the second photo shows after I have played for a while - bumped it sideways a frak on the high string side:







  3. On 11/18/2020 at 7:33 AM, E-minor7 said:

    I for one sometimes miss Gotomdos* and Anthony Buckeridge**, , , , and now think about milod. But where the heck is Murph. . 


    * The member who  patiently seeked the right Banner J-45, , , and eventually found a steller ex to retire happily ever after.

    ** The member who for many posts mistook this Board for a philosophy-forum, wrote like an endless tempest and finally drowned in words. . 

    milod was a clever fellow - appeared here and there in the various sections. RIP 

    But again, , , where is Murph ?!




    Gotomsdos is currently on UMGF Vintage Guitar section, while Murph last logged in on AGF in August........






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  4. 33 minutes ago, QuestionMark said:

    Honky Tonkin' is a great Hank song.  The steel guitar in there just chimes and whines and swings!  

    QM aka "Jazzman" Jeff



    And Wiki say it is Jerry Byrd on steel - I always thought it was Don Helms! I have a cd of Hank's but it is a multi disc 'best of'. Assumed it was Don on all of 'em. Boing, wrong again....

    No matter it is great, great, great, simple but great steel guitar. And worth learning as many of the notes as we can.😆





  5. 4 hours ago, QuestionMark said:

    Au contraire.  Check Don Helms Wikipedia.  Helms’ steel guitar may have had two necks, but lacked pedals like modern day steel guitars that didn’t come into prevalence until after Hank had passed.  Without pedals, Helms’ instrument was basically a double necked 8 string lap steel guitar with a console, definitely not a pedal steel guitar, although it’s 8 strings and console made it different than a regular 6 string lap steel.  It was made by Gibson per the wiki resource.   Although we definitely agree on the iconic great sounds he made!

    QM aka “Jazzman” Jeff



    Thanks QM!

    Only time I have ever, ever danced on my own was an outdoor concert, can't remember who, Elvis Costello maybe, at a winery and the warm up music over the PA pre gig was the usual tripe that put everyone to sleep on the lawn until the roadie slipped on Hank and Honkytonkin'! And off my feets went!


    Learned the notes for the slide part but no fun on my own!

    Here tis'







  6. 48 minutes ago, Twang Gang said:

    The G7th ART system makes a lot of sense.  Most guitars don't stay in tune that well as you move up the neck anyway, so any accuracy that the capo can provide is a good thing.  

    However I will use my Shubb or change the key of a song before I spend $149 on a capo.  (The gold plated one does look cool though).    


    I love my Shubbs and have a drawer full of various models I bought over the years once I discovered that love, normal, v neck, 12 string, black, gold, steel!

    Depending on how thick the neck is, all capos put the guitar out of tune. I find the Shubb puts the WHOLE Strings out evenly, so it sounds good still if you play alone. If you check it with a tuner, whoops. When it all goes really bad is when you play with a piano player like I did for years. I mean horrible. He didn't sound horrible, I did! B string is the enemy. Same note on piano is a dream!😁

    I think people will appreciate the ART system more if they are those kinds of situations. It does work well.





    I bought the gold G7th Heritage capo after reading plenty of blurbs about their A.R.T. system with a cam in the capo to adapt to different necks, radius, strings.

    It does work beautifully for most guitar playing! It just didn't pass my bend it like Lightnin' test - an extreme bend of the strings which most capos don't like, except my Shubbs, and not always with them....😓

    Here is the G7th blurb on ART :







  8. 40 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Richard Thompson approves.


    Well, the Lowden deserves the best looking gold capo, no? Matches the tuning machines!

    And besides, after reading the disasters on this and various forums recently, I was not sure what would happen if I squeezed one of my Gibson necks too much with a capo.....😡





  9. 49 minutes ago, QuestionMark said:

    My first suggestion is to use a bar shaped slide not a round slide that fits over a finger.  Square neck guitars and lap steels, like steel guitars work and sound much better with a bar slide.   Not sure what slide you are using but it’s worth mentioning.  The second suggestion is don’t approach it like you have to keep the bar slide always horizontal over all of the lap steel’s strings.  You can also use it on a diagonal angle and hit only single strings.  And. thirdly, remember that the bar slide becomes the frets.  The frets printed in the lap steel are only there for location ing, not for actually fretting the string.  The bar frets the strings by its contact with them.   And, of course, don’t hesitate to slide the bar up or down into a fret position for a chord or note to make it sound like a lap steel for effect.

    For some great lap steel sounds, don’t hesitate to listen to some Hank Williams songs with lap steel. He had one heck of a great lap steel guitar player in his band.


    QM aka “ Jazzman” Jeff




    A small correction, QM - Don Helms was Hank's incredible 'pedal steel' guitarist, a whole other incredible style!

    Got me at the introduction!:








    A guy on AGF has his 'failed capo drawer'.... mine has the G7 Newport, many Kysers in red, blue, black.... Paige, D'Addario, Dunlops.....first G7, 2nd G7 and NOW - the new G7 Performance 3 with ART AND the new G7 Heritage with ART.

    I may sell them or I may just throw them in the kerb near the music shop and watch the feeding frenzy!😠

    Now in Australia these things cost 3 times what your lot pay and my new Gold G7 Heritage was $AU300 (2 birthday gift vouchers actually, but still...).

    So the only capo that works properly and holds the strings if I do the big blues bend is my Shubb Capo Noir  (black capo) and my Shubb Royale Gold Capo! $AU43.95 here!

    Hmmm.  Better without the @@##@#@#$$ things probably..


    But man oh man, my new gold Heritage looks pretty in the photos!:








    Well, we are back and the capo failed the bending test.....

    What’s he talkin’ bout, bends, some say? You push the string up to make it go WHA , instead of DUH if you just play the note normally. And if you push it as far as your fat fingers can hold, you get WHAAAAAH or WHAAAAAAAAAAA- ah- ah- ah.....like BB King or Albert King or EC. And it can sound like The Blues done right instead of the DUH which sounds like country!😫

    So, I grabbed my fully sensational when in the right mood Martin OM18 Authentic with chunky V neck. No capo, I can bend them strings until my skin falls off. New G7 Heritage, light bends only unfortunately. Which is ok for a lot of songs, just enough to make the sound go tearful, a bit, with some shimmery vibrato. But the big WHAAAH, no good, string  sticks under the capo where it got bent to...and when you play the next chords, well, let us say we are so far out of tune that is an art form alone to  get that sucker bent back to where you need it without.......stopping and taking the capo off and putting it back on......you know: ‘Hang on, good people, I”l finish that tune in a minute when I.....” 

    The OM18 Authentic is an incredible guitar and I feel unworthy, but someone has to do it. 🥶




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    Thanks Buc.

    Well, as I have done this the hard way......I have read all the promo and forum guff but nobody I know here actually used one. But if I had thought harder, I would have noticed they were using pencils and rubber bands!

    I have mainly stuck to using my Shubbs because the blues bend strings return home when released...mostly. I have a shed load of capos but for ease of use, I had been using my G7 Performance 2 for songs with mainly chords.....if I did a bend it stayed. I saw some stuff ages ago about capo placement ala Tony Rice - right on the dotted line of the fret for keeping in tune better.

    Then the G7 Performance 3 with ART came out and being fickle, I bought a black one for my black guitars and the fancy gold one for Sunday best! And the ART thing works! But bent strings still stayed bent, so..... back to Shubbs and another loss.

    Then the birthday vouchers got me the G7 Heritage in gold and another in stainless steel with acanthus engraving. It is early days but I do think the tone of the recipients could be nicer, clearer but number one....the strings return home after bending! I am still finding my feet with how hard to tighten the capo. It doesn’t seem to need much! Yep, I am starting to use it all the time! I suppose the latch will give out sooner or the ART cam but meanwhile...



  13. 1 hour ago, Brucebubs said:

    Ha ha - you should hear it! There's not a Maton on earth that sounds like this ... now Lowden might just be a different story! 🙂


    Don’t know about Maton, though mine are faultless, but George Lowden would rather stick his Japanese chisels in his eye than send out something looking like that! Awful.




  14. On 11/11/2020 at 11:45 AM, Brucebubs said:

    What if I told you it cost the equivalent to US$8,888.00 here?

    That gives you a good idea of how much US made guitars cost outside the USA.


    Attention to detail appears to be......none! I wouldn’t take it off - it probably holds the neck on.

    You the one that cans Matons every chance - send it back and get 8 local perfect quality controlled Matons?

    2 Lowden perfect O22s?





    Box of new capos turned up at last, so to celebrate I recorded a track on my 2005 Dove with the new capo on the 3rd fret. Recorded through the Anthem pickup - way too much noise going on around me to use a mic.......

    So, the gold plate G7 Heritage capo - I was bending strings for the blues a little bit and the strings return to normal position! Hooray, most of my capos leave the string out of wack, except a Shubb...:












    And a short blues on the Dove, capo 3!:







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  16. 1 hour ago, uncle fester said:

    BK - do you feel short vs long scale makes a difference when playing slide?

    Thx - UF


    Long scale would have slightly tighter strings, could be better for slide, but Gibson makes most guitars short scale!

    If I have a nice bow in the neck to allow clean sliding, I tune it down another couple of steps (Open G becomes Open F) for the low down growl. Strings are loose, but! Easier on the guitar when it sits unplayed for a few weeks too.




  17. 1 hour ago, j45nick said:

    Stinker mahogany? I hope you mean sinker mahogany, or I'm not in a hurry to play any of your guitars.


    No, I meant stinker mahogany as in Maton are probably making their share of stinkers as well as any other guitar co, especially under the current circumstances. ....

    We have been in lockdown and the Maton factory closed - until 2 weeks ago, we were only allowed to drive 5 km (about 3 miles) and then 25 km (about 15 miles). We have had no new virus cases for 2 weeks and today our state leader announced a raft of changes including removal of the 25 km limit!

    So I am now allowed to drive to the guitar shop I like BUT.....they have been totally SKUN by lockdown online sales! All the good Matons are gone! Sold. No Custom Shops. Handful of Gibsons like I already have. The only Martin I was interested in, a 0028, sold last night! I was thinking a mahogany 00-18 plane jane under the influence of Dave Hamburger’s videos playing his 50s 00-18....but they haven’t had anything like that in years..here.

    AND....... I had a birthday the other week and got a music shop voucher and bought 2 gold capos online and they haven’t turned up! I mention this because that well and truly confirms there will be no online guitar purchases! AND,.... I got my Tax Return!!! I need to spend it before it gets appropriated for...eek...household items...eek.





  18. 26 minutes ago, 62burst said:

    An oldie but goodie, just insert brand of your preference. BK7^3 might feel differently, but all in good fun, and understandable, considering the new superjumbo ruling the Bubs place.


    Correct weight!

    I have three 00 size Matons (808) that are just superb, first is budget model, next was mid price custom finish and the last on was the top of the line Messiah model. All played at a shop by me. All flawless with perfect factory setup. Best pickup on the planet, Maton AP5-Pro. Just plug it in! What a concept, eh?

    I have no idea what others are like quality wise, but I’m sure they make stinker mahogany as good as the next!





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