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Posts posted by BluesKing777



    I just recorded this track while playing off the book lead sheet I have.....as soon as you press 'record' it is like a dog is biting your toes while you are playing! Anyway, good practice.

    So here is my loose chord/melody version of Hank Cochran's "Make The World Go Away" played on my fab 2006 Martin HD28V.

    A long story short but I was going to sell the guitar last year but the frets were kaput on 1 - 4 and sounded awful, so I got the guitar re-fretted and .......oh, oh, now I am back in LOVE!!!!

    If, if ,if  - just an if - I put it up on consignment, it would go in seconds and that is before they played it - there are no Martin D28 stocks or variants in this whole country at the moment...zip.

    Last week I recorded some jazz - this week some country! Here ya go:








    Old photos (before re-fret):










    Thanks Chas, RB and KC!


    Some more on the Real Book charts.....the chords are written above the lyrics but you don’t get a chord diagram like some books/sheets...you play a version of the chord you know or...have a decent chord book handy.

    You can play just the chords and someone else can play or sing the melody, or record the chords and play it back to sing/play over.





    Thanks JZ and Nick!

    Yes, Happy New Year......1.30pm New Years Day here....12 hours ahead.....

    So, the track has quite a few clangers, but I posted it for the New Year Resolutioners because I was playing while reading the sheet music, and there could be someone who reads this and thinks their Resolution could be to find out a bit more about the ‘Dots’.

    I probably should have played the tune on something a bit easier than the Gibson J50! But I had a bee in the bonnet about playing the J50 but playing in Eb tuned down 2 to sound like Db was a bit ambitious......But there isn’t much easy stuff in the Real Book, which is a book of music charts of music standards, usually used by jazzers as a memory jog - the main part of a song is there so they don’t need to actually ‘know’ the song to play in the band.......it has the chord chart and the melody for music readers, probably sax, trumpet etc play the melody part, piano and bass follow the chord part and then people play improvised solos over the backing.

    So that was the approach I took above. I read it and played it but I haven’t memorised it! I couldn’t play it without the sheet music!

    For the people wanting to learn some music notes, New Year Resolution!, to play like I did the areas I covered above include chords, melody, music sight reading plus a bit of recording. I fingerpick everything I do. 

    I am so glad I learned to play off sheet music and maybe some others will have a go. It doesn’t have to be jazz, can be anything.

    My good deed for New Year is done....going to have a granny nap.







    Not the usual......here is a slow jazz standard I recorded with my 2002 Gibson J50......fingerpicked the chords from the Real Book sheet music while reading and playing the melody. You may need to use a bit of imagination.....









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    Yes, glad to see a NGD and some playing going on!

    2 local shops I have bookmarked carry Sigmas but after a quick look, 37 different models but not your CF copy.  I honestly have never seen a Sigma at these shops but they have 37! Must be hiding near the bass guitars somewhere.





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  6. 47 minutes ago, CJB said:

    🤣 So true!  I think this coming week I'll go fiddle around with a WL-14mh I know of and see if I can find a ladder braced one to sample.  


    You really won't go wrong with any of them, mine are beautifully made guitars.

    The mahogany would make a nice companion for your Gibson LG2!

    Here is a video of the 12 fret mahogany with Carl Miner playing - I don't think they are as refined as he makes it sound but you know....







  7. 4 hours ago, CJB said:


    Question for those of you who've owned/tried the Waterloo WL-14 in both the X and Ladder bracing.  What do y'all prefer and why?  I'm getting dangerously close to thinking about one of these.  


    Which pretty girl to marry?

    Good news is you don’t have to marry the Waterloos - you can try them out first!

    Depending on what you play, I would go the ladder braced model - simply because there are a billion skinny neck X braced guitars out there.





  8. On 12/24/2020 at 9:48 PM, robroy said:

    I don’t think anyone has mentioned the modern iterations of the Gibson L-1.  I had the model with the Robert Johnson « signature « on it and I am still in disbelief that I sold it over ten years ago. I had some other modern L-00s that were lacking something and I parted with but that L-1 was a very sweet blues guitar.  I can still imagine hearing  those ringing trebles!



    There is a nice 1928 Gibson L-0 at Folkways, Canada:








  9. 50 minutes ago, CJB said:

    That’s a great video! The Gibson definitely wins that one but like you say, the Waterloo is not too shabby for being brand new. 


    Both my Waterloos have opened out sensationally over the years - great job Collings!

    Another thing to consider with my 2 Waterloos is they both had a K&K Trinity Pro pickup system installed, sensational, but the old Gibson is never, ever, ever getting tampered with like that!


    But the Blues King L-00 is crying out for something apart from the silly included Baggs Element - because the saddle/bridge has already been tampered with installing the Element at the factory all those years ago, I may just get that ripped out and a Baggs Anthem installed (also has an Element to fill the saddle space but a mic too). And a new bone saddle!






    Here is an old video with a maple body vintage Gibson L-00 vs a Waterloo WL-14X...Gibson wins!

    It is close though and the Waterloo is fairly available and the Gibson....fairly non existent, unless Gibson reissues a maple L-00 hint hint, hint.....😁







  11. 8 hours ago, CJB said:

    @zombywoof I owned one for a few weeks earlier this year and loved it.  Such a responsive guitar with a fantastic tone - was sad to let it go.  Mine was just under 3 pounds and had that dry bark of a guitar much older.  

    I'm wondering if there are any tonal similarities between the WL-14L and the WL-14Mh - as in if the ladder braced tone somehow resembles a mahogany top tone?  Or if that's just crazy thinking. I've played a WL-14MH and really enjoyed it and is what got me to be interested in Waterloo's to begin with.  @BluesKing777 have you compared a WL-14Mh with yours?


    I did play a WL-14Mh for a mo.....honest thoughts were: "I want it, I want it, but....I surely can't buy another Waterloo the same shape as my..........can I?"

    The one I played was much 'smoother' sounding than my ladder braced.

    Here are a couple of Artisan Guitar videos:



    Some 12 fretters!:







  12. 1 hour ago, CJB said:


    I've owned and tried several Waterloos (thanks to your reviews!) but have not been able to try a ladder braced WL14.  I may have to do a little searching for one.


    I played my WL-14L in my lunch break - instant Robert Johnson tone for some people but I was playing fingerpicking parts of some holiday songs from Acoustic Guitar Magazine for a while - they only gave us half the song and then you had to buy. But I found some more holiday tunes elsewhere online and the ladder braced just cries out a melody - whatever makes them good for that is the same thing that makes them great for slide guitar. I play bare fingers and can't imagine liking a pick on these guitars - would be too raspy.

    One way to describe the difference between new Gibson L-00s and old ones is the old 30s models are 'Dry' while the Blues King L-00 is 'Wet'. Somehow the Waterloo WL-14s are 'Dry' as well - no idea how but thanks to Bill Collings! Gibson la modern don't seem interested but Collings make many Waterloo models of old Gibson styles.





    My first Gibson acoustic was my 2005 Gibson Blues King L-00, still have it and love it but really, it is not much like my real 1937 L-0....different woods, different neck, different bracing, different tuners, different...everything! 15 years on, it is a really nice sounding guitar but probably the cynical could say Gibson are making something to sell, instead of an accurate model L-00. And the current models are the same guitar really... a new, modern guitar shaped like an L-00, sort of.

    When Collings brought out the Waterloo WL-14 models, I played the X braced model in the shop and thought: "Yep, that is what I wanted all along!" Bought it! And later, bought the ladder braced model, modeled on the Kalamazoo KG-14. Both these sound 'older' than my old guitars! Fat V necks like a 35 Gibson!

    Here is the review from 2015 that got me hopping!








    'Tamed in the mix' - to the point of me not hearing a thing from the J50!

    I would move to the lounge room and listen bigger than my iPad but honestly, I would rather hear Bruce and the J50 alone, not clanky keys etc. 

    Why does he need the Bleachers? Are they friends?





    Yes, congratulations!

    I didn't do anything except put up the link to the review on Acoustic Guitar Magazine.

    The shops here have no intention of getting LG2 size as they don't think they sell. So I will be updating my Blues King L-00 pickup system and buying some....chocolate? (if and when my old car comes back from the mechanic). Most people would probably think my BK and the LG2 were the same guitar, same paint! Someone has to barrack for the small guitar!!!!!






    I am liking the sound of the BK acoustically, but I was playing it through Tonedexter to improve the sound of the supplied Baggs Element pickup and I still don't like it much.... I didn't know much about acoustic pickups when I bought the guitar 14 odd years ago, but now I know a bit......😎

    If it was on the rack for sale new today, I just wouldn't have bought the guitar with that pickup.

    So I am deciding between ripping it out  and putting in a Baggs Anthem or a K&K Trinity. ...... the Anthem, I could leave the existing saddle probably - the Anthem is an Element undersaddle with a TruMic on the bridgeplate. The K&K Trinity system I have on other guitars is a passive unit with pickup on the bridgeplate and a mic in the soundhole joined at the endpin and run with a stereo lead to a K&K Trinity Pro preamp outside the guitar....easy to change batteries! But the existing Element would be ripped out and the guitar would need a new saddle as the height is different without the pickup.





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