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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. On 11/5/2020 at 9:24 PM, jedzep said:

    Joan Baez just called and said she wishes she thought of this version first.  Protests may subside here soon, as it's looking like we're dumping the 'maniac-in-chief'.


    Well it took longer than expected but all they gotta do is wedge him out!

    I was going to mention the other day (before the delay) that my track above is based on the melody of Dylan’s “Blowing In The Wind” for the first 2 choruses and the last chorus is loosely based on Dylan’s “Changing Of The Guard”......😎






    Thanks HH!


    No result yet? I can follow it from the other side of the world due to the internet. We buy, sell, pay tax online, surely voting could be online by now? The result would be instant, like the online Lotto! The other week I had to physically post my vote for the local council in a postbox!





    Last time I checked it looked like a dead heat and you have to have both of ‘em!😵

    Dad, I want a guitar, want a guitar, want a guitar, want a guitar........

    but Dad, I don’t want that Luna Safari Muse Spruce Travel at $169 or the Luna Safari Bamboo Travel at $179.......

    I want the Gibson L-00 Original!






    Here is a little instrumental of a tune some may recognise to test the Baggs Anthem pickup in my 2002 Gibson J50, plugged to a preamp for some EQ and to my mixer/Imac to record.

    There seems to be plenty of wind and protest getting around, so:









    Hi - ‘Whatever his name is’ here......

    You can play open tunings and slide on any guitar, but to get clean and fat notes a guitar with slightly higher action and fat treble strings is better.

    I like a guitar that has been pronounced unplayable because of a bow in the neck, put a 16 on the first, tune to open G, grab a glass bottleneck and that is it. I play simple chords or chord partials with my fingers as well as slide, so it all becomes a compromise between here and there! The nut extender ZW mentions makes any guitar great for slide but way too high for fingering notes and chords.



  6. 12 hours ago, DonnieLee said:



    Baggage handler get it?

    Hard to see really but from the side, the semi circular bridge pin shape and the pointy end of the pickguard make it look like a mid 60s Dove? Apply some gaffa tape and play on!😁





  7. 1 hour ago, Brucebubs said:

    I'm in Eden on the far South coast NSW and guitar is in Nowra - sure they could courier it down to me but I preferred to see it 1st hand before handing over the $ balance! Could have chosen a closer Canberra dealer but border closures might have left it stranded it it turned up earlier. They did knock a little off the price for picking it up at store when I ordered it. The courier itself isn't expensive but they weren't prepared to send it down without insurance - which I appreciate!

    The store owner described  it as it was like finding a 60 year old guitar in mint condition.



    Fabulous part of the country to drive through!

    Depending on which wheels you have.....






    Phew! Just when everyone had given up!

    I had a thought it may arrive soon - the Acoustic Centre, Melbourne just got a small shipment of the new models, probably off the same shipment? 1 Original series J45 $AU4899, 1 original series J50 $AU4899 and 1 Original series Hummingbird natural $AU6699, 1 SJ200 Standard $AU9299.

    Where do you have to pick it up? Can't they deliver it and save you driving?




  9. 4 hours ago, uncle fester said:

    wise words - yes seems like a simple fix, but when it's really important to get something right, a trusted resource is always best



    2 points...

    The luthier may not get it exact, either! But it will be way better than an amateur, just because they have ALL the tools at hand.

    Call it today and get it organised - we are currently in lockdown here and can't leave our suburb. Have to get a courier to deliver to the luthier and back - in full protective mask and gloves etc.... So if you can drive it now, do it.....






    Yes, where will we be without these nuggets of information? Yuk Yuk.😲

    I have a problem with the saddle end of a non Gibson that I am trying to hone in. I have a mic to solder to the K&K pickup that is already installed to upgrade it to my Trinity system, but this time the 1st string is not playing as loud as the other 5. This is physically and electrically impossible on a K&K pickup as it has ONE sensor for each 2 strings. So if it was the sensor in any way, the 2nd string would not play properly either. It has to be the bone saddle (pin bridge with split saddles) not contacting underneath properly??? Break angle?







    I change one string at a time - old habit from playing resophonic guitars and archtops where the cones and bridges move without strings holding them all down!

    I change the strings sitting where I play in my music room with all supplies and tools on my music stand. I also clean and lube as I go. The whole thing takes forever!

    My luthier uses the 'Martin method' for strings attaching to the posts - the string version of 'a round turn and 2 half hitches' rope knot with an extra twist after to lock the string and flummox said guitarist..... on the 1 and 2 strings, I have to get my magnifying glass as well as my reading glasses and undo the string hook with tweezers to avoid the dreaded impaling.

    I just put a kink in both ends of the strings, haven't had one slip ever, and it is a breeze to take them off! And I use Elixir PB mediums to last forever!






    Yep, off to a reputable luthier/guitar tech.... do it yourself and give yourself other string problems.

    But as a matter of interest, you could get a string of wool or cotton and find where the burr in the slot is. ...... (if it is on the side of the slot, not the depth, you could run a bit of sandpaper back and forth a couple of times.)






    Well........I had a closer look at a couple of acoustics I own.....first up as I walk in my music room is my decoy guitar that I put there for an opportunistic guitar thief to steal first! Hummingbird COPY of unknown origin.....not one glue spot anywhere. Zip. I took each guitar into the daylight near the glass back doors of our rumpus room.

    Then I got out my 2002 Gibson J50 - not one blip from the Ren Ferguson era! Zip. Pretty perfect in there! I am starting to worry they didn’t use ANY glue.

    Then I grabbed the 1937 Gibson L-0 and that is also a work of art in there! Zip famous glue spills.

    The heater is running on extreme for the Boss and I got hot lugging those around, so can’t comment on my other guitars.

    So I reiterate what I said in my earlier reply - there is just no way that glue was done at the Gibson factory, but I also see no reason for a dealer to ‘repair’ failed heat damaged bracing and leave it looking like that.

    Nope, that is a home repair. If it was done at Gibson, they may as well give up.




    Edit:  Played my Waterloo WL-14X and was reminded of the story of Bill Collings and the beginnings of his Waterloo range. After years of training his staff to remove all signs of glue drops on the Collings guitars, all of a sudden the same highly trained craftsman are now told to leave the glue splatter in the new Waterloo Guitars! ‘But, but, but, Bill, I don’t like it - the glue has to come off!’  He replies: ‘Leave the glue splats!’ ‘Stop polishing that guitar - it has to look rough like in the 30s!’

    And my Waterloo X has the creepiest little perfectly straight line of glue across a back brace that looks like somebody has put there later.......




    • Thanks 1

    Another update....

    The mission is almost complete!

    Both my Waterloos above have a K&K Trinity pickup system now! Trinity is a K&K Mini on the bridgeplate and a mic in the soundhole held by velcro. Both run to the stereo jackplug. A stereo lead is needed to run to the Trinity Pro beltclip style preamp. It has gain, bass, middle, treble controls in miniature inside the box and outside the box, a volume control for pickup and another for the mic. I have set the gains low but left the EQs flat. I run another lead out to a preamp/DI/EQ. Then to mixer!

    They both sound terrific! The mic gives the K&K that extra thing that makes it all real to hear and also to play. All in guitars that have the neck and sound I want. It has taken years to get here! All I need is my custom plexiglass screen and I will be ready to do the strange gigs of the near future......guitarist/singer behind plexiglass and the audience spread out 5 feet apart outside in the weather!☹️





  15. 59 minutes ago, j45nick said:

    OK, I had lost the longer post I did earlier that had the metric measurements

    Measurements at bridge are center of pinhole to center of pinhole (center of low E to center of high E)

    SJ re-issue is 55.5 mm

    L-OO Legend is 60.3 mm

    If you want to do it yourself, the conversion formula is decimal inches x 25.4= mm. Conversely, mm divided by 25.4 = decimal inches. If you want to convert that to fractions, you're on your own, although 1 3/4"= 1.75"=44.5 mm.



    My digital vernier has a button to press to show all 3 measures! 55.5 mm is 2 3/16".......60.3 mm is 2 3/8" (my personal fave!).

    A lot of guitar US builders use the fractions while Europe/Australia use mm and hopefully don't round out to the closest.

    All meaningless unless you have played it and want to replicate it on another build, perhaps.




  16. 1 hour ago, j45nick said:

    SJ string spacing at bridge is only about about 2.19", as opposed to the wide 2.375" of the L-OO Legend.


    Can I ask where you are measuring? (pinhole edge to pinhole edge?). I don't suppose you have mm? Even a fraction (just under 2 1/8")?


    I have seen another brand use a jig and template, but I suppose the more 'custom' models are done by hand/eye?





  17. 4 hours ago, Dave F said:

    No offense intended but it would be nice to hear from someone who actually buys new Gibson guitars. You three  (there's a lot  more members in this category) would be toward the bottom of my list for opinions on new ones. Of course ZW just did venture into the newer market 😀  and Nick has the L00 Legend.

    I really don't mean any disrespect, I wouldn't even want Tom B on this list. Early 60's would be a new guitar to him .

    For me. listening to those 5 in a row, I could pick a favorite sound wise but would still handle each one if possible.

    And I do agree that finding a shop with that selection would be rare for me. 

    Many of the 5 star dealers will make videos comparison for you if you ask. If I was really interested I would ask them to do a facetime.





    Maybe they should call the new J45s something like the Gibson J45 -2020A, J45 - 2020B, J45 2020C  so it is clear the guitar is new in 2020..instead of confusing all the poor old fellas with this Vintage, Original, Historic, Standard, Modern, True Vintage, Modern Deluxe.....😜








    Pretty clear to me - the J45 Standard robot machine must be spitting out J45 standards....and nothing else. What happened to all the new models? Is that just an 'iffy maybe we will do them' sometime in 2025? After the NAMM 2020 splash, I assumed the J45 Original would replace the J45 Standard? Guess not.

    But the shop in the city near me is waiting for the new models after all the interest from the NAMM videos, and they get one SJ200 Standard turn up, 4 - FOUR J45 Standards and 2 of the new cheapies. The cheapies have gone but the Standards still sit on the shelf......

    Edit: It just occurred to me that the Golden Age tuners (imitation old style Kluson type) are out of stock and they have plenty of Rotos left....?





  19. 36 minutes ago, filipem said:



     To be honest I had no idea of how rare and valuable it is (still don't) and I didn't want to mess around with much.  




    When I bought my 1937 Gibson L-0 which looks like a box of splinters, I had to really impress upon friends and relatives that the guitar was going to stay that way, please! I just had a thought of the father in law so proud of refinishing the old table he gave us (we liked it a bit shabby - shabby chic!), that I imagined coming home to find he had come over and give it a coat of something to make it look a bit better and more respectable. I-I-Yi- I- Yi.

    But the old L-0 was half ruined by previous owners and the J45 above is perfect! Just needs a tweak!





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