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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. 47 minutes ago, jedzep said:

    I'm sticking to my guns. Pre-war 00/000 Martin. With the change I'll build a luxury partial underground bunker into the mountainside behind my house. I have a feeling my grand kids will need it.


    I nearly had one of these 10 years ago, but someone else bought it - the one I looked at was a 1956 Martin 00-18 with red guard and the same old 'school desk' look!

    Here is a lesson from Dave Hamburger on his old Martin clunker - add a vocal to this tune and it is probably all you need to play all night at the blues night....





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  2. 36 minutes ago, jedzep said:

    What is that, BK? A dingo?


    We were told......half Australian Cattle Dog, half Staffordshire Terrier. (The first Australian Cattle Dogs were part Dingo.)

    Another photo with its mini dog resort - photos by The Better Half on Samsung phone:







  3. 3 hours ago, Jinder said:

    Thankyou so much, all. Gradually getting better day by day. Hoping to go home before too long and continue my treatment as an outpatient, all being well!


    Which guitar are you wanting to play first once you are better?

    Take your mind off things, maybe!





    Thanks Tom!

    Tom's collection of stuff brings to mind another 'problem' big Lotto winners must have: what to do with all the current stuff you have and probably don't want....do want...don't want...

    Give it away, sell it, set a match to it all? A lot of work you won't have much time for while you are counting your beans!!!😄

    You know, you have the opportunity to 'let go' - myself, it could be 2 or 3 beautiful guitars and a laptop, perhaps? Modernism gone wild. 50 style all window low slung house on the sandhill on the beach with the music room overlooking the sand and one guitar and Mac....😁😁😁





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    Sounded a bit Tweedledum and Tweedledee, if you no what I mean....

    But I just got back from a spin in the convertible (black) pictured earlier in the thread . Had the roof off to get the air, took dog for a walk in a park with lights, decided to keep driving a little, Boss with arms folded, dog happy and asleep in the back, had the radio on - the Boss’s choice of channel...I mean what more can you do? Feeling ill when Miley Cirus’s latest big hit came on, and the next song was one of those dreary 40 year old woman singers that try to sound like an imbecile, well, that is what I call the style. No more, BK777 says.....

    Press the CD button and in the slot already is the intro to Z Z Top, Heads In Mississippi, filthy disgusting paint peeling A chord then D, repeat, turn that sucker up! ‘Shufflin’ thru the Texas sand, but my heads in Mississippi (x2)... The blues has got a hold of me, I believe I’m getting dizzy’.....


    Not the thing to listen to sitting in the kitchen, but in the convertible with roof off getting the air, well, well....ahhhhhhh, ack, ack, ack, ack.........








    I was thinking and wondering and assuming there must be some acoustic guitarists that have won lotto, the lot?

    Now, as they moved to their new house on 50 acres at the beach, did they take their old collection of guitars? Or just leave them and the old car at the old house? 😐😵😲

    And as the tradesman runs his angle grinder again next door on some new project thought of by the owners, more lipstick on a pig, my opinion, it occurred to me that if I did win the whole lot of the Lotto, after we were long gone to the new beach house on 500 acres with more room for the NEW guitar collection, I would have the current house .......redesigned, rebuilt, another level added, new landscape and then just before it is finished....change my mind! Pull it down, fellas! Do it again - here is my new plan! 😁 And rinse and repeat forever.



  7. 5 hours ago, AnneS said:

    If I won a modest lotto, I might go for a Louden Wee. (No, NOT the Sheeran travesty).

    Would have to compare wood combos and 12-vs 14-fret options—or buy one of everything and take my dear, sweet time ranking them.

    Go small or go home. 🙃 



    Try a few Wees, ha ha, but they really are an expensive travel guitar like the min Martin, mini Taylor and even mini Matons made popular by the diminutive Sheeran.

    I would recommend going up a size to the S models, a deep body 00 really....and I can’t forgive you if you went the ‘American’ combination of Rosewood/Sitka. Live wild, think bigger, spend more and get one of their absolutely superb exotic wood combinations.


    My 1993 Lowden S35 figured Tasmanian Blackwood/Cedar with Tommy and Phil Emmanuels signatures - one of the most delightful guitars I have ever played:









  8. 40 minutes ago, jedzep said:

    If you boys drove Subarus, you'd have nicer guitars,


    In the 60s they had a Ford model locally for pseudo racers nicknamed the Super Roo - the Ford XT Falcon 'Super Roo' Coupe: (Australian Motorshow Concept No. 6).

    When Subarus first got popular, I thought people were talking about Super Roos but then when it was a old family type person with no interest in fast car anything, I had to scratch my head!


    I s'pose Subarus are better to talk about than politics - you guys trying to get my thread deleted earlier....






    If guitars were car shapes, my preferred 00s would be 4 cylinder coupes! Don't imagine what a convertible would be, perhaps one with the folding neck? Mine are just plain 4 cylinder numbers, not much for standing starts I suppose, but I don't get to do that much! They go through the hills like go karts! Same with my 00s.

    The J45s etc would be like a mid range sedan, general do-er.

    The SJ200 would be  a light truck, slow or fast depending on the engine/bracing!

    The 12 strings could be a...bus!







  10. 57 minutes ago, j45nick said:

    BK, I don't think I would let that dog into my BMW, if I had one. I certainly didn't let my dachshund into my Porsche, even though she was German. Couldn't trust her.

    Dogs can be vengeful creatures.


    Vengeful, is it? Funny!

    Cool cars, eh? Both didn't cost that much. The problem is when things go bad and...gulp......go to BMW. Yikes! The famous $2000 car wash with every service. So I go to a guy that works on his own...and on his own schedule.

    Years back when I got the E30, I wasn't going to let the Boss in but she did get to go in it....😁 

    And 4 dogs later, the (E30)seats need a 'bit of refurishing', so I have been taking current dog, Jazz, everyday after work during non Daylight saving hours and sometimes at 7.30 PM + when they are allowed in Daylight Savings. The plan is to wear her out with running and swimming to stop her destroying the yard and murdering the night creatures....

    But the E30 is at the mechanic's and the dog said it must go to the beach, now! Into the convertible, no turning back. Sand everywhere!


    P.S. for any guitar players interested in a BMW convertible, only one (1) guitar in roadcase fits in the trunk with the roof UP.....


    Would the dog get to ride in the Ferrari?





  11. 8 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

    Oy BluesKing777,

    You're not listening.

    I said I didn't need any more guitars, but the Ferrari 250 GT California ( you remember, like the one Ferris Bueller borrowed from Cameron's dad) would be real nice.

    And I'll need a rather hefty Lotto win to grab one. Seems these days they go for a substantial chunk of change. Check it out.


    Lemme know when you find "Hank's lost 45". I'll pick you up in the Ferrari and drive you over to retrieve it.



    I don't have any sound on this work computer to listen....😁

    I think I use to sketch that Ferrari when I was a kid, and Nick, I use to also sketch your fighter plane.......had no idea what they were then.

    I doubt you will come to my place to pick me up in it, and if you could - the locals are ferocious nice things haters, one step above cannibals, I have discovered while driving my semi classic 1989 BMW E30 or my 2010 One series convertible.... I love them but they are nowhere in the scheme of things with motoring aficionados! The locals give me...err..rude comments, or err..the finger as I go past. I swear if they got hold of my guitars, they would eat them. One night, broken down on the side of the main road in my E30, not one person stopped to help but lots yelled out err........ rude things about BMWs...... Doesn't bother me, I'm use to people yelling out...err...rude things from playing in bands....[biggrin]

    I had some photos of my cars to show you but Imgur is having a meltdown when I tried before.

    What am I getting at? I think to own that Ferrari, you may just need to own the whole mountain like the chap in the 1st video I posted! Drive around your own scenic road never to view the unwashed....



    Imgur is back!

    1989BMW E30:


    2010 One series convertible:



    E30 (dogs taken to beach for many years) has been at the mechanic's for over a month, had to take Destructo to the beach in the convertible!

    If you look close, you can see the car destroyer looking at me with a 'What's he doing?' look:







    Well, well, well, what a party pooping bunch of skinflints....”I’ve won the Lotto and I’m gonna get a Gibson J45!”

    You’ve won gazillions but you gonna buy a $2000 guitar?

    Jeesh, at least aim for a mint 1943 Banner J45/SJumbo! Break out a bit, lose that cash, cowboys. 😎

    59 Les Paul Standard mint $2 Mil. 30s Martin D45 $2Mil ?? Used Gibson J45 $2000. Ha ha ha.

    Mark Knopfler’s 38 D18.....

    Nick Lucas’s Nick Lucas (black).

    Hank’s lost J45.

    Lightning’s 56 J50.

    Rev Davis’s SJ200.

    Keef’s lost Bird.

    Elvis’ black Dove, SJ200, D18.

    Put on your Elvis pants and go shopping!






    Ha, ha, ha, laughing to myself, thinking some of you lot here winning the lotto would be like Elvis with his new mates riding motorbikes around his pool![biggrin]

    Speaking of Elvis, a trip to Vegas would have to include Heartbreaker Guitars - I'm sure I could find something there, though their stock has been affected too. But, you know, a Lowden and a Santa Cruz 00 or...........................




    P.S........I like 00 size because, simple explanation, I come out swinging with something like John Hurt style Freight Train,  on my OMs the bass notes will be a tad loud and the brain does a few calculations and plays the thumb softer....if I play my various 00 size guitars, come out swinging and not thinking, bass and balance absolutely perfect.






  14. 3 hours ago, jedzep said:

    The case you posed, a lotto win guitar, is still the question, though. Not thumbing through what's available locally. You have carte blanc, say, on Reverb. What do you shop?

    As for your neighbors, we have many like that here in the woods of upstate NY. Fortunately, their lunatic leader just lost the election, so it's gone quiet.


    I thought I had mentioned I don't want to buy anything I haven't played first....or wait for it....so, local only. Use to be billions here, so they will be back on the market soon, I imagine, when all the recent buyers are sick of them. Something top of the line, of course, like a Lowden S50 (small body) Custom sinker Redwood/5000 year old Bog Oak, or a Martin 00-45, A Kopp L-00 in funny wood, maybe...don't know - I will know when it appears! Vintage Gibsons or Martins are pretty well non existent here....if anything I wanted was for sale in the last 10 years or so, it would probably live at my place! But, zip.

    Strange news here with virus - Victoria in Southern Australia - we came OUT of full lockdown last night at midnight - no known cases found in 3 weeks - re-opening everything.

  15. 1 hour ago, j45nick said:

    High humidity is a tone-killer.

    Right now in Florida, temperature is just low enough the the central AC runs only periodically--probably 10-20% of the time.  Temperature in my office/music room is 75F/24C. Humidity is 43%. Outside humidity is about 85% right now.

    Inside conditions are near-perfect as far as the wood guitars are concerned. The carbon fiber guitar couldn't care less.


    We have noise as well as humidity - the Screaming Idiot is home after hiding somewhere else during lockdown! Sounds like murder being committed and that is him and little mates  jumping off their house roof into the  pool over and over and over and over...and over............................................................................................................right near the fence about 5 feet from my music room.

    So we plugged in - saved! Preamps, headphones practice. Can't hear the morons, humidity doesn't matter as much.

    Across the road noisiest rude and selfish screaming lunatic terds have gone quiet after the ambulance pulled up.

    I was going to flee once our full state virus lockdown ended yesterday midnight, but the place I may have headed to had an outbreak and  they were all running this way in panic.


    Guitars - I love 00 size and am bored with usual woods, even though they can sound the best....mahogany/sitka. But you know, since I got various strange wood guitars and then bought the 2005 Cherry Dove, well, I am having the guitarist version of the mid life crisis! I am keeping the plain good sounders, but things like the (00 slope) Martin CEO-9 in flamed Mangowood front, back and sides are grabbing my attention. My plain CEO7 is a wonderful Martin version of the L-00 with adi top/very nice looking mahogany, love the neck! CEO-9 is the same neck, sort of.......

    Apart from a couple of gold capos and some downloaded guitar tips, I have not spent a razoo from the guitar fund which is exploding as I am still not smoking, somehow, and the funds for the smokes are still going in the guitar fund. So if a guitar I want, in any shape or form gets advertised in any area close to me, I tell ya, I am on their doorstep! Sorry, don't know what it is just yet......😎



  16. 1 hour ago, jedzep said:

    Cameras, cars, real estate, fighter planes. Jesus, I just wanted BK to name one freekin' guitar he'd buy. I'm gonna' make a drink and go play my Hoboken Guild F30.


    Well I looked at the local wares online and it is skun, gone, empty, zip, nothing decent left. Virus, lockdown, feeding frenzy on new guitars. Really!

    My place looks better than the music shops online here that I like!

    Yesterday, I grabbed my 2014/5 Martin OM18 Authentic and played that in a pseudo classical style fingerpicking pop rock tunes and it was truly incredible....then it dawned on me - the stormy nights have left the humidity really high even though the temp was low...the OM full of socks is easier to handle! Didn't highlight the mistakes as normal.... the other guitars sounded like planks. Usually I play my National/s when it is humid.



  17. 35 minutes ago, j45nick said:

    Reminds me of a guy in my office who was fiddling with a thing he called email via the internet (via compuserve) in the late 1980s. My thought was "what a waste of time".



    Compuserve had the early online chat system, and wait for it....a forum!!!!

    "Why oh why would anyone want to chat to a computer?", I thought.





  18. 8 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

    Oh. And for those of you too embarrassed to ask what a black Nikon SP with s-36 motor drive and Jacobson Powercon is, here ya go.



    Nikon (Nippon Kogaku K.K.) S36 Motor Drive for Nikon S-Mount Rangefinder  cameras -Index Page




    Cool look!

    A little story for ya...

    Everyone in my family had point and shoot cameras when I was a kid but nobody had a clue and most photos were of feet, by mistake, the biggest waste of film! So there is my  photography background...

    I did a course in digital graphics when it first came popular, including very early photoshop sort of software and I was starting to think I would like to be a computer graphics type person for a living...guitarists were pretty unloved and uncool at that time, disco ruled. The teacher of the course put me on to a job at an advertising agency that were going digital. Man oh man, have I got it made - I got a job at an ADVERTISING agency. I mean, was that the coolest of corporate cool? Except the work and the company stunk! So I left, oh oh, need a job....

    So, I'm not sure how but I got a job doing the early version of data mining, but my job was  digitizing paper copy by feeding billions of it into a scanner system, oh tedious of tedium tedium boring. One day, the dept. manager came flying back from a big meeting, stopped at my desk and said: "The boss wants to start an intranet (internal corporate internet thing) - would you like to do it? You will have to learn about the Internet."

    "What's that?" being my reply.

    Anyway, part of my new job was lugging one of the first digital cameras, Apple QuickTake 150 around to take everyone's photo for the Intranet to match their personal details.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_QuickTake#:~:text=The Windows version of the,to the Kodak DCS 100.

    I was feared! People hid. My reputation of taking fuzzy digital horrors was preceding me. Women and men cried when they saw their face on the INTRANET.

    And the battery lasted 4 photos, so I lugged the power lead around. And I thought to myself: "This whole thing will never catch on"








  19. 1 hour ago, j45nick said:

    That car last sold for a bit over $6 million.

    Nothing like the sound of a V-12. I prefer mine in the form of a Rolls Royce Merlin or its Packard equivalent, tucked into the front end of a P-51 Mustang. That will only set you back about $2.5 million, and it's a lot faster than the Ferrari.

    It's a long way from a guitar, however. I don't have to worry about crashing a J-45.





    Fighter jet?

    Cars are a black hole, I can’t imagine what running a fighter plane would be!

    Back to the guitars - the shops near me have been fully plucked, ha ha, dry. Picked bare. Bizarre.

    What about custom builds? Current craze around the traps is various ancient timbers resurrected by hard working people from bogs and lakes and seas, dried, cut and guitarafied! Lowden had 5000 year old bog oak and another with driftwood cedar top. Get to work on a S50 for me please, George! Martin had stinker Sinker Mahogany (nobody tells you it stinks bad but you know, it has been at the bottom of a river for 300 - 500 years, maybe.). Anyway Chris from CFM can make me a 00 in all sinker and another sinker/old growth sitka - don’t be afraid to put some abalone on them either, Chris! Gibson can make me a custom L-00 Legend style with sinker mahogany and some old adi for the top, though I probably have to go get the wood myself. Do they have anything like that?




  20. 2 minutes ago, jedzep said:

    Long explanation, BK, but what 'lotto' guitar for you?



    Well, after the win the thinking would go something like this, full speed..........flat out mind blast........wahoooooooooooooooooooooo to start off. And hope my head doesn't explode.

    Then....custom, custom shop, CUSTOM Shop something but then....don't want to wait for them to make it, want it now, want it now. But then you don't get exactly what you want and deserve as a lotto winner unless you get a full Custom Shop hand built customised something Martin Gibson Lowden Maton, Martin Gibson Lowden Maton, Martin Gibson Lowden Maton Custom Shop hand made. Taylor custom made presentation 00. Martin Gibson Lowden Maton custom shops.

    Then....Vintage!!!!! Err, nothing anywhere near me unless they are hiding it well....have to import it or go get it, have to WAIT! We'll go get it!!!!!! Get what? Tom and JT and Nick have them all. Aha, we'll go see them. Make them an offer they can't refuse! Oh no, we are in lockdown, can't go anywhere. Will have to wait. WAIT.

    Ring my local music shop: "Give me ALL you got!!!!" Send them NOW!" "What, I have to wait, WAIT, till Monday? WHAT???? "I will be there with the truck soon!"

    Then....wood, woods, what woods do I want?

    Might go have a nap and WAIT....





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