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Everything posted by gdecantoo

  1. Firstly; A lot !!!, Bigger tubs take a lot more. Smaller tubs take a lot less. Secondly; Depends on what kind of matches you are using. lastly; I don’t clean, I warsh!😂
  2. Can we stop worrying about water pollution now that water comes in bottles?
  3. A barrel of oil is back down to around $100. Why didn’t the price of a gallon of gas decrease with the price of a barrel of oil? Was it the politicians? No. Oil company greed. They milk it as long as they can. My guess is the pump prices will be artificially high until after the 4th. OR, it might just be that the critical math theory they teach in schools now produces equations like; barrel prices down equals pump prices up, and 1/3 is less than 1/4. I’m sure no one noticed a bunch of the corporations earnings calls recently. They admitted, on record, to raising their prices recently just to jump on the bandwagon to make more profits. Hostess really pissed me off on this one because I fkn love their stuff! A question was asked why companies etc. decided to raise their prices now. Mostly Opportunistic Greed!
  4. Good old fashioned GREED! The thought that a politician or bureaucrat can, on a whim, raise or lower the price of a companies product is laughable. Unless, of course, the said politician owns a stake in said company.
  5. Just found out there is no popcorn in popcorn shrimp. No reason to try pot roast now I guess.
  6. I know about the golf carts and all but is there anyplace one could buy a T-shirt around there? Mobility scooter races! I love it! The Myrtle Beach 500mv😂
  7. Looks good! When I saw those rubbery fingers it reminded me of the early 70’s when I visited the Metaverse!😁
  8. Been looking for a walnut P90 myself. Hard to find in the states too. Need to switch to lighter models. The 9 pounders les Paul’s are getting too heavy anymore!
  9. There are repercussions when drummers come out of retirement.
  10. Couple stupid questions. Why should an attack on an American capital be treated any differently than an attack on an American embassy? Why is it ok for the daughter and ADVISOR of a president to make over 600 million while dads in office but not ok to make 50,000 a month while dads a Vice President? I won’t mention the numerous trademarks granted to a presidents child from the Chinese while dad was in office imposing tariffs on many Chinese imports. Why is it ok to use your influence as a son in law and advisor to a president to receive over 2 billion dollars from a foreign government to invest? Payoff? 50,000 lol! Manafort was paid more than that by the Russians, to influence the president, while being an advisor to the president!
  11. Great deal Har-Vie! Offering to check all my school work for only 13.99 a page! How can you do it so cheap in this day and age? Also are there currently any supply chain issues when requesting your service?
  12. Within the last three years I have reached the age of junior senior citizen and have learned that it is entirely possible to get stuck in an under inflated air mattress!
  13. I pull in to my employers parking lot with a bumper sticker that says “F*** Bob Blingly”. The company owners name is Bob Blingly. Does the company have the to right tell me to remove the sticker, my car or myself from his property? I worked for a company fixing stuff. The other companies service techs in the same field were able to wear casual clothing to work in. My company required everyone wear a suit and tie to keep a certain image for the company. Does the company have the right to tell employees what to wear? So yeah, if I like my job and want to stay working for the company I’m removing the sticker. A private company has every right to tell you what to wear, how to act, how to look etc. to stay employed with them. Why do your rights take precedence over someone else’s? Sounds like you have been “woke” to something that has been going on forever since the beginning of private sector employment.
  14. I know what first generation means silly! I was asking as to the context of your post which I don’t understand. First generation what? Fortyyearspickin, French, Spanish, English, Model T Ford? 1G? Just think, your tax dollars may have paid for my education! Maybe you should have forked out a little more.
  15. There are people in Texas that say the civil war was about states rights while, at the same time, denying millions of people basic human rights! Hmmmmm!
  16. Just out of curiosity, what era do you consider the “first generation”? The 1400’s, 1500’s, 1600’s, 1700’s or 1800’s? Another thing I don’t understand is who are “we” and “they”? Weren’t we they at one point?
  17. Fantastic! Enjoy the new house! Stay dry, no exceptions!
  18. “You are being scammed” could also be replaced with “you have been indoctrinated”😁
  19. No that’s not what I said. Quit making stuff up.
  20. There was nothing “alleged” about it. It happened. Never did I say the “U.S. is an extreme racist country”. Quit making stuff up. Was the report and video of the Nazi’s lining the street in Florida alleged or did we really see it with our own eyes? Did the guy with the star on his license plate get harassed because of it or was that fake alleged news too? Must have been the fake news. There’s no extremists in the U.S. though. My bad! Some people just don’t get it. When your children were little did you take them to only one church to practice only one religion because that’s the one your parents taught you or did you take them to visit other religions? Do you know what indoctrination means?
  21. After all of the things implemented above we still have extreme racism and discrimination excluding many from “equal opportunity” simply because of the color of their skin or what religion they practice. Yes we still have people standing alongside of the road wearing swastikas and yelling at certain people that they should be executed because they are not like them. We still have banks denying service to certain people because of their skin color. “Your black and you shouldn’t have this much money”. Both of these just happened in the last week. What more do they want? Hmmmm. We need to stop teaching our kids at such early ages that their religion is better than others or they are better beings because of their skin color. If your parents were racist or discriminatory there’s a good chance you will be too. Your not born with these ideals, they are taught. Some might call it indoctrination! Remember the picture of a Muslim extremist years ago holding up a baby strapped with explosives? That is no different than the religious /racist indoctrination the we teach our own kids to this day right out of the womb.
  22. Absolutely! You are missing my point. There is racism around the world. Each country has their own racism’s (if that’s a word)! What I mean by filling in the blanks…. Iran is racist towards whites, Christians and anyone not like them. China is racist towards uyagars, Muslims and anyone not like them etc. etc. etc…… again just fill in the blanks, it’s all over.
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