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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 21 hours ago, mihcmac said:

    . My mom would always take the fork out of my left hand and gently encourage me to use my right.


    That just makes me sad(and a little pissed).  I mean, what intelligent sounding reason could she possibly have for doing that? 

    It was the same in schools too.  All desks geared for the right handed students.  We learned to adapt.  And subsequently discovered adapting was something right handed people found too difficult for them to do.  [wink]   And as I've stated in these forums before, I'm a left-handed person who learned to play guitar right-handed.  Why?  You're probably thinking "If he's so keen to post about adapting, so why didn't he have the ingenuity to switch the strings on his guitar for left-handed play?" 

    Well, if I started learning to play guitar on my own guitar, I might have.  Or not due to there not really being any well known rock guitarists who played lefty that I'd see on TV and album covers.  But as I started learning to play on my step sister's guitar(and her being right-handed) I learned to play right-handed.  GLEN CAMPBELL too,  is a left-handed person who also learned to play right-handed.    And back to as far as school goes...

    There were three other left-handed kids in my elementary classes.  And when we started school('56) the state's public school systems, after years of litigations,  started dropping the practice of teachers forcing left-handed children to use their right hands.  For years children in schools would even face punishments up to and including getting their left hands strongly whacked with rulers if the did what came naturally.   And incidentally;  When I used to play baseball, I'd bat right-handed.  I really don't know why I did though.


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  2. On 6/4/2022 at 12:17 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I like Jimi, but first lets look at this, and this is no shade cast on him, he only put out 3 studio albums, cause its hard to record when your not breathing.  All his studio albums are considered classics, Axis is my jam. The first one I have, and rarely play. I really never want to hear Purple Haze ever again. ELL I think needed to be a single LP. Hendrix was a great player of that there is no doubt. He also made many pick up the guitar. Since Jimi's passing the floodgates have opened and he has released more album since he did that when he was alive, hence my first statement. 

    What bugs me about the releases after his death is they were mostly made up of tracks that Jimi never saw fit to have released while he was alive, and definitely far from his best work and what he was capable of.  Just slammed together on a platter for the money the name would bring.  That some might(and a few I know do) think MIDNIGHT LIGHTNING is his legacy still pisses me off.  My ex(when we were still together) gave it to me as a Christmas gift.  I played it once and appropriately placed it in the "circular file". 

    And it maybe SARGE, that ELL could have been split up into two separate studio LPs with different titles, but at least by making it a double it saved me another trip to the store.  [wink]

    I listen to all three studio albums with equal frequency.  


  3. 14 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    This is everyone's chance to sing the praises of Yoko Ono

    I will say this...

    From what I understand,  there was a period in John's life where he was extremely self destructive.  And Yoko was instrumental in pulling him out of that route.  Essentially saving his life. Plus she is a savvy enough businesswoman to have kept his and their finances in good order.   Sure, she can't sing.  But neither could Linda McCartney.  And John and Paul loved both of them dearly.    And I never believed she "broke up" the band.  The rampant egos of both John and Paul would have managed that with or without Yoko. 

    Now back to the "come to your mind" portion of this thread...

    ...If sex is such a beautiful thing why do we insist on doing it behind closed doors and in the dark?

    ...Why is what's called the "Golden Years"  covered with so much tarnish?

    ....What would sonatas, concertos, and other piano pieces sound like if it were possible to "bend" notes on a piano to begin with?


  4. Well, going from movie star to Court TV star can't be good for the ego, so it makes sense to try other things.  And as others before him have proved, you don't have to be a GOOD singer to be a well liked and popular one.  [wink]


  5. Sure.  Too much time on our hands.  Mine too.  Makes me wonder.....

    ...Is a fat chance better or worse than a slim one?

    ... Where in the nursery rhyme  "Hunpty Dumpty" does it suggest Humpty Dumpty was an egg?

    ... What makes the teflon stick to the pan?(apologies to Gallagher)

    ...Has anyone ever told any short tales?

    ...Did evangelist Billy Graham ever own a Lincoln Mark V:14?

    ...If one can be "nonplussed", can they also ever be "plussed"?

    ...And as Lonnie Donegan once asked, " If tin whistles are made of tin, what do you suppose FOG HORNS are made of?"  


  6. Well, he lost me when he started dressing up like Donald Duck and Marie Antoinette on stage. 

    In the summer of '72  I saw him on a TV special hosted by Keith  Moon called The Beach Boys at The Hollywood Bowl.  EJ was playing keys for 'em. 


  7. Read the 1st amendment(those able to) carefully, and you'll notice the wording...

    First Amendment

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to    assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


    Looks to me like it reads that CONGRESS shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.  Says NOTHING about disallowing anybody else from doing so.

    People have been misreading and misinterpreting the first amendment to suit their own purpose just as others have been doing the same with the second amendment. 


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  8. I agree with that last sentence.  I still have that vinyl of "Madman", but never did get around to the CD reissue.

    And one of my favorite EJ releases that  predates those three(as far as U.S. releasing goes) is 11-17-70 (recorded live in a New York radio station with a small audience in attendance).  I still have the vinyl as well as the CD reissue.

    But I'd like to get a CD reissue(if existing) of his first LP simply titled ELTON JOHN released in the UK in 1969, but not here in the States until '75.  


  9. Well, Friday marked the 66th year of my watching THE WIZARD OF OZ annually on television.  TCM broadcast it that evening.

    I was 5 when it first appeared on television in 1956 and watched it every year(for many years it was an annual television "event")  and with the advent of home video cassette players and the sale of video cassettes of movies I was able to obtain my own copy of the movie and watch it even more than once a year.  But, being in some ways a "traditionalist", I did limit my viewings to once a year, either watching my copy og the movie, or if perchance some TV channel scheduled it. 

    No doubt high on my list of "favorite" movies, with young Judy Garland singing IMHO the finest recorded version of "Over The Rainbow".  I accept NO other versions.



  10. 13 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    Can we just have this one thread and delete all the others?  

    Well, THAT certainly is a bloviated  arrogantly presumptuous nihilistic right-wing thing to suggest!  😉

    But seriously.....

    I say leave all threads to die their own agonizingly slow deaths they deserve!  Or quick deaths, as there's really nobody pointing a gun to anyone's heads forcing them to participate in them , is there?

    Whitefang (who didn't mean to bring up the word "gun" and start anyone on some pointless political tangent  [wink])

  11. 4 hours ago, Pinch said:

    Haven't seen it yet. Kaley is a great actress though. But after I heard she made a million bucks per episode on The Big Bang Theory last couple of seasons, well it's called envy. 

    My wife used to like to watch "Charmed" every morning on TNT.  Kaley joined that cast in the later seasons before moving on to Big Bang.  My wife was into those paranormal/supernatural type shows like "Charmed", "Angel" SyFy's "Gone Girl"  and of course, "Supernatural".  She liked "Angel" because she had a crush on David Boreanaz.  I easily put up with the show because of Charisma Carpenter.  [wink]  But I haven't bothered with any of the others since she passed, and have no idea what the Winchester brothers are up to lately.

    2 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

    We have the DVR set to "the same old crap", disgusting doctor shows like Dr. Pimple Popper, My Feet are Killing me, plus Intervention, My 600 lb Life. Those are my wife's shows. 

    Yeah, my wife too, along with those paranormal shows I mentioned up there also liked some of those what I called "freak shows".  Like "Little People" and the 600 pound life type stuff.  Shows about botched plastic surgery and the like. :rolleyes:

    But those mentioned were exceptions.  As for drama or comedy shows we were on the same wavelength.  


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