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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. Same with most of his fans.   and as far as THIS went---

    19 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:



    I found it hard to pronounce.  [wink]  And too, maybe Prince COULD be considered an "edible" band name since......



  2. 22 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    So the manufacturer doesn't need to produce 2 different ATMs, one with braille and one without.  \:D/  I said a hard one. 

    You must'e missed where I mentioned my daughter said her bank's Drive-Thru ATM doesn't have Braille buttons. 

    And to think this all started with me posting a comment about a braille menu at McDonald's by a comic on a comedy tape.  So tell me, do you go to comedy clubs just to challenge the comics who are basically making fun of stuff for laughs?  Say, if you were at a George Carlin show, and heard him do THIS bit-----

    Would you then jump up and tell him  "it's only a figure of speech!"?  [wink]

    You must be that "life of the party" I've heard about.  And here's a hint....

    When anyone asks you for the time, they don't CARE to hear about how the watch works.  [wink]


    • Like 1
  3. I'm with you Rabs.  I don't pay for YouTube either,  but then unlike some I know, I don't spend hours a day on YT looking at any damn thing.  I'm only there looking for something specific. And never, EVER "instructional" videos.  :rolleyes:  as most of those waste five or more minutes of footage of the presenter talking about himself, or something uninteresting and unrelated to what the clip is supposed to be about.


    • Like 1
  4. But recall.....

    You posted "Dixie Chicks"   not "Chix".   And since the thread IS about "edible band names",  That entry could take no other course except  ribald  goofiness.    I don't know about you, but when I (and likely most everyone else)  hear or read the word "chicks" my mind goes to...

    1.  girls and women of the human species.

    2.  Baby chickens, which really aren't edible(unless you're really into things like Ortolans [cool]).


  5. Yeah, that could bum some people out.  Went through a similar type of thing.

    In the very early stage of my relationship with the woman who would become my second wife I, in an effort to "get in good" got her tickets to an upcoming Lionel Richie concert, her being a huge fan(me not so much, but a big fan of hers [wink]).   It was at the now defunct and razed Joe Louis Arena and we left in plenty of time to get there,  but a traffic snarl  due to some kind of 18 wheeler accident made us late,  but in time to see opening act Sheila E wave good-bye as she left the stage. 


  6. 17 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    The blind person's caregiver who drove them there (so they don't have to read the entire menu for the blind person).   \:D/  Got any hard ones? 

    Well, I only knew two sightless persons in my life and neither had a "caregiver" outside of their seeing eye dogs.  And I don't think either of them knew how to read.  [wink]  And  only one ever went to McDonald's, since one was a short hike from his house.  And since he already knew their menu( which was less involved back then) and always went to get the same thing, he had no use for a Braille menu. 

    In fact, he got to where he really didn't need the dog and got along fine with just his white cane. And so then O wise one.....

    What would the purpose be for Braille on the buttons of a DRIVE THRU ATM?  (and before you give the answer I suspect you will, my daughter told me her bank's drive-thru ATM doesn't have braille on it's buttons).


  7. Like I mentioned (somewhere),  there's humor in that sort of thing.  And can be found anywhere...

    One comic I heard mentioned being in a McDonald's and saw a sign over the counter that read:  "Ask about our BRAILLE MENU"  😲

    ( and I actually once saw a sign in a McDonald's like that!) He then wondered, "Who the **** is reading that sign?"  and did a bit about a seeing eye dog(in a scooby doo voice) saying, "Yup master, we can eat in here!"  

    And how many of you ever noticed BRAILLE on the buttons of a DRIVE THRU ATM?   \:D/  The bank I belong to still has it on their drive-thru ATM.


  8. Back about 8 years ago or so we used to go to Detroit's Greektown Casino.  And often, on Saturday nights, a bar located centrally in the casino and set two steps up from the main casino floor would have live entertainment in the form of local rock or pop bands.  Some were pretty good, and some were just plain crap.

    But one night there was a five piece band that was really good.  crisp sound, tight arrangements(and cohesion) and I noticed that unlike many bands, this band wasn't specific in their genre or repertoire. They played a mix of everything from the '50's to just last week.  There was no sign to inform the name of the band, but when they took a break between sets, I meandered over and asked if they had a business card or something I could have and the drummer handed me a card with the band's name on it.  The name?

                                                                 "SHUFFLE MODE"   [cool]



  9. It all just boils down to it being a free country (of sorts) and Bon Jovi should, if he wishes, keep touring and performing as long as there are still people willing to buy tickets and attend the shows. 

    Chuck Berry kept going into his 90's and when it was clear he was nowhere near what he was during his prime.    But he was Chuck Berry and people didn't care.  They swarmed to the shows and gladly paid the price.   You know, if you are a "true fan", it's sometimes enough just to be in the same building and presence.  [wink]


  10. Use critical thinking when you listen and you'll notice.  They aren't out and out "protest" songs,  but do point out certain anomalies in social discourse and behavior.  

    Plus, "protest" songs aren't necessarily nor typically "anti-government".    It's said Bob Dylan's "Blowin' In The Wind" was the quintessential "protest song".  But notice there's nothing at all "anti-government" in the lyrics.  [wink]

    And in my opinion(as a near 60 year Dylan "freak")  his "quintessential"  protest and social commentary song is;

    Hearing it first as a 14 year old I was struck by it's profound relevance at the time( and still today) as it said for me how I was feeling about things then('65) but couldn't articulate as well.


  11. Spare me Ghost.  Of course I know the term "Dixie".   "Chix" is another matter though.  I've seen some use IT instead of writing "Chicks"(Like some businesses use "E-Z credit" instead of "easy".)  But as there are no Chix restaurants in my area (I've never seen any anyway). The term really isn't all that "commonly" used in the first place.  

    And all this crap started over my making an off-color jest at your entry of DIXIE CHICKS as an edible band  :rolleyes:  that maybe you didn't grasp...?


  12. I never considered LOCAL HERO a British comedy.  Or really as a comedy at all.  Sure it's had it's light moments, but most movie sites categorize it as a drama.

    Unlike a lot of Americans I know,  I have no aversion to British humor.   But I really don't go about seeking British comedy movies or television shows.   Unless some word of mouth(and threads like these) point me in the direction of ones to consider.  But then again....

    I've seen several movies, British and American,  that attempted to be dramas,  but were so shoddily constructed and  executed they turned out to be some of the funniest movies I've seen.  [wink]


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