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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 12 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


    Looks like a cheap, discount department store instrument.


    I'll second that.  Like something from the old SERVICE MERCHANDISE  stores.

    12 hours ago, Californiaman said:

    If Prince were still alive, he’d buy it. 

    probably have a matching outfit made to go along with the guitar. 

    Nah.  Wrong color.  Would need to be purple.  [wink]

    Plus, it's SHAPED like a guitar!  [-X


    • Haha 1
  2. I have Elixirs on my acoustic six string.  No complaints.  But D'Addario's on my 12-string.  But cost was a factor there.  Where I buy strings the 12-string set of D'Addario's cost the same as the six string set of Elixir's.   Close enough really.  

    But as I'm not a working professional musician and don't play as hard as those who are might,  I can't speak towards that.


  3. 23 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

    This is your big chance,  apparently you could corner the market if you start a rock band that play's Bluegrass as I can find no such animal.  

    My days of getting bands together for whatever reason are long gone.  Best we can do on this one is try to imagine.....

    MINISTRY doing "Freight Train" in their inimitable style.    or...

    GRETA VAN FLEET doing their version of "Dooley".

    Or how 'bout AC/DC giving us "Pretty Polly"?  [wink]


    • Like 1
  4. The only notifications I get are the ones ON the site that inform me that someone had responded or quoted a particular post of mine.  I suppose if anyone saw fit to send me a PM I'd probably get that notification.  Or at least when I come to the site I'd see a number over the little envelope image in the upper right hand side of the page.


  5. All good advice, really.  But it does boil down to one thing....

    What YOU like about a certain guitar, and what YOU find has better "playability", and which has the tone that YOU like and etc.  is far more important that all our collective yet various opinions.  And all I can add however, is a question...

    HOW does one OUTGROW  a guitar, except for one that they got as a kid that was built for kids?


  6. Cripes jvi,  you sound like those dudes from my Dad's generation who thought hippies hated America because we thought the direction the government was taking it at the time was wrong.   Actually, we LOVED America(and still do)  and hated to see it destroying itself in the name of corporate greed and self righteous saber rattling.   And even still, there's times when it seems a bit misguided and occasionally needs shaking up to get it back on track.  


  7. Interesting Jaxson.  But a rock band playing bluegrass with bluegrass instrumentation wasn't what I was looking for.  I was looking for rock bands doing ROCK versions of well known bluegrass tunes.  Just as those bluegrass bands did bluegrass versions of well known rock tunes.

    And  Buffalo Springfield was always a rock band that mostly played rock,  maybe wandering into "folk-rock" now and then.

    And "Fox On The Run"  was written as a rock tune by British Pop composer Tony Hazzard that later was done bluegrass style by  Bill Emerson.

    Now we're doing each other's homework.  [wink]



  8. "Gold domed church"  eh?

    We have one of them here in Southfield, MI.  That was the church that had the wedding ceremony I attended as a wedding photographer.  Those people were incredibly warm and receptive.  It was one of the best wedding assignments I ever had.  Beautiful people really.  I mean, how can ANYONE have any dislike for any people capable of something like this...?

    The Bandura is an exclusively Ukrainian creation and as you've found, a very beautiful sounding instrument.


    • Like 1
  9. Like that quote at the end there 40.

    Not all those gatherings in 2020 were "riots", although many that were had also been condemned by BLM organizers.  Going back to the anti-war protests of the '60's there were always fools who would join in the "marches" in order to cause violence and needless destruction.  After all, back then, it usually was the COPS who'd wade in swinging their billy clubs and cracking heads.  And yet, when the protesters responded in kind it was THEM who were tagged as an "unruly mob". 

    And if you read comprehensively you'd have realized nobody was blaming you for any of the mayhem of 2020.  And indeed it was never the "peaceful protests" that were intended to be peaceful and regrettably got out of control that was the problem.  It was what CAUSED people to protest that was.   And it's usually those who parrot such divisive and provocative rhetoric initiated by others who tend to group all who don't go along 100% with their ideology together under one name despite the truth that not all who claim to be one or the other totally all think  alike that are part of the problem.  

    There are other problems infecting this country.  And state-to-state(as the case may be)

    Here in Michigan we're in the middle of some trials of the members of a  "militia"  :rolleyes: that reportedly hatched a plot to kidnap the governor.  The plot was said to be a reaction to the governor's pandemic restrictions and recommended  mandates, based on what science was known at the time, in an attempt to inhibit the spread of a serious virus that would eventually cause the deaths of over a half million people in the U.S. 

    This group claimed it was their way of bringing attention to and resisting the "tyranny" of the governor's mandates. :rolleyes:


    These camo clad posers with arrested development had no clue as to what REAL tyranny is.  Mostly they were just mad that they couldn't have their bonfire rallies and go to the bar.   Then there's the "free speech" thing.  People not realizing the the freedom of speech comes with both responsibilities and possible consequences. 

    And what's up with those earlobes?  [blink]

    And of course you should vote.  vote for the candidate of your choice.  NOT the party.   Don't like either candidate?  well you really don't HAVE to vote for either.  (example:  I passed on voting when the choice was Bush/Gore.  But went to the polls anyway due to several propositions and proposals on the ballot that I felt compelled to vote on)  OH, and Bush 41 and Clinton too.  I supported  Tom Harkin in the primaries, but Clinton got the nomination.  So I went to vote on proposals and some local municipal candidates.


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