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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 18 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

    The five officers did nothing..... so what I learned by witnessing these events is that it is legal to run a red light.

    Until YOU blow through one that is.  [wink]

    I've never witnessed anything like that.  What I usually see are the COPS running through red lights.  And often by flipping on the lights and giving a quick blow of the siren that gets people to move aside or the  green lighted traffic to stop and let them through, then once through the light they turn off their flashing blues and slow down to the limit.  [-X

    20 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    Here’s my semi-incoherent rant I had to blurt out. Going to Angryville again haha!

    @Nifty it always has come down to money.  When in all of humanity has there been action that has not benefited the rich and powerful?  Media is driven by this. 

    Think back about say, 2009-ish...  People were JUST getting their "smartphones".  I being a huge nerd saw the implications of this.  I spend my life setting up computer networks and setting up tech.  I even know low-level programming - again SW/Electrical engineer.  I remember the first smartphone I had - Samsung Moment with a v.1.6 Android.  I was happy that I got the GPS thing because I was tired of printing up all the MapQuest garbage - which was better than highlighter and gas station maps, haha!  But the GPS was AWESOME - literally my favorite thing about the "smartphone".  It had a browser which was actually usable compared to the other crap that was around then. 

    So these phones made or world A LOT smaller.  We had leaps and bounds of advancement on just tracking the population and now this data collection mess comes into play.  I mean, the world today is going at light-speed compared to pre-2000s. 

    But like everything, take the good with the bad.  Social media, ease of accessing sensitive data that corporations/establishments now need a counter-cyber program of sorts (IT support and such)...  This stuff never existed then like it is NEEDED today.  We have spy devices littered in our homes - Alexa, Google Home... - and our phone, the biggest spy device that eliminates the need for microchipping each one of us, and we all are putting in the data faster than the corporate powers can handle.  I mean, data collection as there before, but it's scaled up - WAYYY UP - today.  Our privacy and such online is nonexistent.  You can VPN all you want or TOR browse, you're done for if you bought a phone with some identifiable payment source. 

    Overall, the division was exploited by this tech-network that communications have brought to our world.  We can seek ANYTHING at our fingertips in a moment's notice.  We can even seek information we like to see to affirm some of our beliefs - which being objectively true or not is not relevant.  All I do today (try to) is not contribute to anything corporate controlled, I run Linux, I have a password manager that makes passwords I cannot even explain what they are...  Just improve your OPSEC and quit being a sheep when you go online.  And by sheep, I mean there are wolves out there looking to eat the sheep - i.e. people who don't know jack s*** about computers and understand nothing about what the internet actually IS - lol!  So I don't buy into the garbage that's out there in corporate structures.  They care about profits, not letting me know what's there.  They want to put out stuff that makes money and if inciting division is that profiteering-tool, then so be it they say.  They want to be INCLUSIVE because why shut out people of color that have the same money that spends the same...  Does anyone think that the corporate powers CARE about inclusiveness?  Well, yes, if it makes them money.  It's basically the same as it always was but the tools to reach you and invade your privacy is abundant - and even installed in your home WILLFULLY!  You wouldn't catch a flipping Alexa device in my house...  No my house is a great DUMB house.  No WiFi refrigerators, washing machines, Ring doorbells, nothing...  If I have a security system in my house, it's running on a Linux system that I control.  I pay for the hardware, I don't want sneaky, spooky Alexa 900MHz radios inside it without my knowledge creating mesh networks with my neighbors' Alexa.  I value privacy more than convenience.  But again, I have a phone, so how much am I actually protecting myself I wonder...  Rhetorical question for myself...  Hence, people have a great way of making stuff suck.  Rant over.  I learned this a few years back and continue to learn of the corporate assault on us as my ISP plans change and what I have to sign up for with identifiable information, etc.  They want to own you to sell YOU.  Literally FB's model.  Have fun liking all those racist uncle comments that call Obama some pretty unkind things (not defending Obama, he's an "elite" who bailed out the banks back in 2009, but the racist crap was uncalled for).  Fueling the engine... 

    I'm on the same boat.   Except I'm the one who doesn't know Jack sh!t about computers.  Coming online and getting into forums like this and being able to post and send e-mails and browse a few interesting sties is about all the moxie I possess.  [wink]

    My phone?   I still have an old LG  flip that does nothing but receive phone calls or can make phone calls.  That's all I wanted anyway.  I don't text, tweet, snapchat, instagram surf the web or have any interest in watching TV shows or movies on a screen the size of a business card.   And I prefer to have conversations ON my phone, not WITH it( hear me, Siri?)   And nothing irks me more than going to visit someone and while trying to talk with them noticing they're too preoccupied with their phones and can't go ONE MINUTE without seeing what's going on in "my facebook".  :rolleyes:  I guess I'm just an old curmudgeon.  I get tired of everywhere I go of seeing people too busy "nosediving" into their phones(or pads or tablets or whatever gadgets they're whores to) oblivious to the real world going on around them.    And in some ways the old  Peter Allen song  "Everything old is new again"  is true in some cases.  For example...

    When I was much younger, in my teens( in the '60's)  it wasn't odd to see some applications of other forms asking for information like race, but by the '70's the question had disappeared from such forms.  But now I see it's returned by the late '90's with some variants too.  Like "ethnicity" , "religion" and such.  And mostly in cases where none of that should matter. So I've taken to, whenever a form I'm filling out asks such things, answering the "race" query with "human" or "rat"  and the "religion" query with "the true one".  [wink]  I mean, what does it MATTER that I'm white, Polish or Episcopalian to an eye doctor?  But I guess this world is changing too much too fast for me.  I mean, 

    I thought I was ahead of the game by being OK with men that wanted to be women, or women that wanted to be men.  But NOW we have men AND women who don't want to be EITHER!  :rolleyes:  Used to be if anyone referred to somebody's baby as "it"(  "Cute kid.  What's it's name?") the parents would get all snooty and strongly point out that HE'S a boy, or SHE'S a girl.   So I guess we'll soon be seeing "reveal" parties where some balloons will burst or rockets will explode to emit purple or clear plastic sequins due to the parents feeling they prefer to wait until the CHILD is old enough to decide what IT wishes to "identify" as.  :rolleyes:

    OK.  Old fart rant over.  Now, GET OFF MY LAWN!!  [thumbup]


    • Like 1
  2. 1.  If y'all are going to always take what I post WAY out of context,  or misinterpret it, I  guess further debate is pointless.

    I never said anything about a "shot first approach".  One case I brought up referred to a young black man walking in the direction of a group of officers,  but at least ten yards away, and on a course that was progressively widening the distance between him and them.  The officers opened fire on the unarmed young man anyway.

    Back to what we've learned in the last three years.....

    That some will believe what their favorite iNet or radio "pundit" says, or an elected orangutan  over an experienced specialist in a specific field.

       But gladly(and hopefully) people are getting around to learning that bearded beer guts wearing army surplus camo and sporting assault weapons are NOT REALLY the defenders of our freedom they like to pretend to be.   And what's up with those earlobes? 

    That more people care more about being allowed to do what they like to do and not the health and safety of their other loved ones or the people around them. 

    That people will SAY they wish to unite the country, but not if being united means it has to be with people that don't think or act the way they do.

    32 minutes ago, Nifty said:

    Anyone notice people in general, are more aggressive today than before?  There is an anger I haven't seen.

    My commute to work is like a case study in defensive driving.  I'm not the slowest driver and I have the citations to prove it.  But what I am seeing now on the road is downright insane.  There is a difference in driving fast and then driving like a total a-hole.

    Social media - the amount of  arguing has increased.  The one-upsmanship, the back and forth.... good night people take what someone else posts to a point they get physically mad.   The social media tech giants don't help either because they have shown their own fact checking abilities are far from accurate. 

    Restaurants - I know many who work in the industry.   They have complaints too.   Short tempered customers,  stiffed on tips,  customers with a disregard for other customers.   It's just not what it was.   A friend of mine manages one place and she said it's nearly impossible to keep everyone who works there happy because it can be so contentious at times.  And with shortages, the attitude spills over to overworked staff.

    Schools - violence is on the rise.  I won't say much more other than I deal with this daily. 


    I dont know what it is, but something has happened.


    1.  There's been a "Me first" and "look out for #1"  attitude in this country for quite some time now.  Where ya been?

    2. Since I'm retired I've no more "commute to work" issues anymore.  But both my daughters agree with me in that I'll gladly pay any property tax increase if it's proved  the money will go towards returning driver's ed courses back in the high school.  NIFTY;  That you're not the slowest driver would be a Godsend to my girls.  They both constantly gripe about idiots getting into the left lane on the freeway( AKA; the "fast lane") and barely reaching 20 below the speed limit(70mph in MI.)  

    I myself find a lot of driver idiocy on just the main roads.  Like, what's up with this trend of seemingly counting to 20 after the light turns green before finally locating the gas pedal?  [confused]  Or the other trend I see where many feel the need to stop THREE CAR LENGTHS behind the car in front of them at a light?    OR coming to damn near a complete stop before turning from the main road onto a side street, or into the parking lot of a convenience store?

    I can go on, but just thinking of this stuff has my breakfast churning.

    3. Social media( or what Rat in "Pearls Before Swine" calls "unsocial media") has always seemed to think it's better than it ever really was.  I got out after a few months and when it was clear if you didn't go along with the majority or joined in on the like minded "circle jerk" you're not really all that welcome.  And there are more phonies than in RUPAUL'S "drag race".  [wink]

    4.  My Grandmother, Mother, Brother and I have all worked in the food industry.  Mom and Grandma for years as both waitresses and cooks.  There's always been contentious customers, cheap tippers and unruly customers disregarding other patrons.  But you're right.  I've noticed even back when my wife and I would go out to eat there's an untold increase in them.  I even have a sister in law who'll forego tipping the waitress with the complaint that the food wasn't any good.  And all of us reminding her that the waitress didn't cook it doesn't  matter to her.

    And don't get me started on school violence.  That is, if it was all the school shootings you were averting to.



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  3. 23 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    I  Googled this to refresh my memory - I was right - the woman killed was white.  The officer was sentenced to 11 years. Doesn't that have zero to do with your claim we are  "  letting the indiscriminate  murder of clearly innocent young black men by police go unaddressed? "   In your home town, too !      I guess some of us haven't learned anything in the past 3 years. 

    It was brought up to address the "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude of many police officers.   And while the woman in question was white, it doesn't diminish the preponderance of young black men and boys killed needlessly by police.    And Jaxson, don't bring up some "police duress when approaching an armed suspect" horseflop.  I'm referring to those incidents when the "suspect" was shot while NOT approaching the officer(s) in question and NOT armed.  And not even in the process of committing any crime.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Only difference I see(based on your posted pics) is one has whiter borders 'round the pick-ups(excuse my lack of knowledge on proper name for 'em) and a whiter pick guard.  The other's are a bit yellowed.  Not sure which is which per your posted images.


  5. 18 hours ago, Californiaman said:

    You mean people jumpin' outa' windows and looting and total anarchy?

    Oh, wait... that's New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, San Francisco and Los Angeles on any given day.

    Well, here in Detroit we haven't had anybody jumping out of windows for quite some time.  [wink]


  6. 10 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

    It's them dang Ruskies! 

    Coulda been.  Makes me wonder....

    Did Gibson have to pay a ransom?  And if so, how soon before it's reflected in their prices?



    • Haha 1
  7. Good going.  My daughter's ex boyfriend had a job that got him some perks...

    He worked for a local music store that supplied various venues with sound and instrument equipment(amps, PAs etc.) and while delivering some equipment to Detroit's Chene Park amphitheater(now called the Aretha Franklin amphitheater) for a B.B. King show, he stuck around to listen to B. B.  and even copped an autograph for me.  [thumbup]

    Getting PAID to see B.B. in action.  Nice work if you can get it.  [wink]  Enjoy the job sarge.  And let us know who you've witnessed from time to time.


  8. 13 hours ago, MissouriPicker said:

    You missed us?  You are truly a glutton for punishment.

    It's not that.  You know the old trick...

    If you want to feel thinner, hang out with really fat people?  or in this case;

    If you want to feel smarter,  well........     [wink]


    • Haha 2
  9. 11 hours ago, jaxson50 said:


    Bottom line, when a suspect is armed  with any weapon, they are a threat to the public and the officer.  You have a split second to decide what to do,  


    You mean like the metro Detroit cop who shot the Australian woman in pajamas and armed with a CELL PHONE?  

    And if young black men were wary and apprehensive about police before, I guess you pointed out that black kids that are "big for their age" need to beware too.


  10. 5 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

    No offense intended here but you really think the average officer can actually shoot a gun out of someone's hand? 

    That is literally impossible to pull off intentionally. 

    1. The officer is under duress. 

    2.  These shooting happen in the blink of an eye.

    3. The suspect isn't going to stand perfectly still so the officer can take aim.

    4. What if the suspect is holding the gun in front of his body? You think the bullet will just stop when it hits that gun in his hand?  What if he is aiming at the officer ? 

    When someone suggest things like this it exposes how little they know about 1, shooting, 2, shooting under duress. 3, ballistics. 

    Try this exercise,  run 5 50 yard dashes back to back, do 75 pushups,  as soon as you finish them jump up and spin around till your dizzy,  then pick-up a pistol and try to hit a target.

    These are not actors in a movie, they are average people,  most police officers have very little experience with weapons until they go through the academy, they are not the lone ranger 

    Sure.  So what would have been wrong with just pointing his REAL gun at the kid and demanding he toss the gun down or waiting until the kid pointed his toy gun at him(foolishly)  THEN maybe shooting toward him but not directly AT him?  Could have been the kid,  having real bullets flying his way, could have been scared sh!tless enough to toss the toy and hit the deck.    And lets address your hypothesis numerically.

    1. The officer in question wasn't reported to be under duress.

    2. The officer was the only one who did any shooting.  He wasn't really in a "shoot-out" situation.

    3. The officer apparently didn't wait for any response, submissive or combative before he opened fire.

    4.  The "suspect"( an adolescent boy, remember?) wasn't really pointing the toy gun at anything specific.  Increasing the reason for the officer to not feel "threatened".  

    You might recall the footage of a police officer, a few years ago, shown chasing after an African-American man who, when pulled over, jumped out of his car and went running away from the officer, who was then seen chasing the reported unarmed man firing his service pistol at him until finally hitting him and killing him.  And why?  No reason really, since the guy ran off leaving his car behind which would have all sorts of info on him in it.  And even if it was a stolen vehicle, it was left behind to be recovered.  And since no one was hurt or really in any danger(except of course, the car's driver) there was no need to open fire. 

    And a badge isn't really a license to kill.  Just to uphold and enforce the law.    And FWIW---- An old buddy of mine spent 10 yrs in Michigan's Jackson prison for holding up a liquor store.  Caught by a cop while in the act he quickly surrendered after the cop shot him in the hand that my buddy was holding his gun in.  [cool]


    • Thanks 1
  11. It's still touch and go for me.  I finally got in last night, had time to answer a message left for me, but trying to get back to the topics list bumped me off and I couldn't get back in until this morning.  Then when clicking on "Submit Reply"  to enter a reply on Badbluesplayer's thread about his son's restaurant I was brushed out again.  Gave it a rest until just 15 minutes ago.   Have no idea if or when I'll be able to log back on again once I leave this time.

    But glad to get back any time I can.    Missed y'all, really.  [love]


  12. Just now, jaxson50 said:

    Not to nitpick,  but in regards to the officer shooting of a young person holding a toy gun,, maybe  the entire story was not presented to you .

    A 911 caller reported a person with a hand gun in a park/play ground. In an area that had a problem with gang shootings,  the officer's where advised to approach with caution.  When the first officers arrived they ordered the suspect to drop the gun, he refused, turned toward the officer's,  the rest is history.  The toy gun originally had an orange muzzle , by law it's required so officers know it's a toy, however the young person had painted it black so it would look authentic,  perhaps to impress gang members in the area, maybe to carry out more nefarious activities,  like armed robbery.  

    Given the information the officer's had, what could you have done any different?

    Real life isn't a video game.  Cops don't bluff,  if someone pulled a toy gun that had been modified to look like a real gun would you tell the difference in a split second?

    I don't recall anyone claiming the kid AIMED it at the police.  And given his age, If I were an officer I'd aim at the GUN.  And there also was NO claim that was attempted.

    There's also a case in southwest Detroit, not far from where I was living at the time, where the police confronted a man walking down Lawndale street, near Vernor ave. and shouted at him to put his hands on his head.  Being a visitor to the city from  the Dominican Republic and not understanding English, he assumed possibly they were demanding him to show his visa, which he kept in his wallet.  As he reached for his back pocket to get his wallet the police opened fire, riddling him with more than a dozen bullets.  And later of course,  claiming they thought their lives were "in danger".  :rolleyes:

    And while we're now in Detroit, I clearly recall this, which happened not too long before the aforementioned incident.




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