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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 56 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

    I woke up tired this morning.  Dreamt I had been on a dessert island with a computer that kept asking me if I was a robot when I tried to reboot it.   

    Finally I got a prompt:   "Why is the word hyphenated, non-hyphenated?"  

    For the same reason  the word "phonetic" isn't spelled fonetically.


  2. Good one.  My brother, back in the early '80's was living with his woman friend in a quiet Oakland county, MI neighborhood.

    One who never abused animals, but also never let them get away with much, looked out his front window and noticed an unfamiliar dog squatting on his front lawn, ready to let go.

    My brother charged out the door, got to the dog just after it dropped a large loaf and swiftly kicked it's hind leg, causing the dog to yelp loudly and run off quick.  My brother then went into his house and came back out with a large wad of paper towel.  He stooped down to pick it up.  Just then an average sized middle aged man walked up just in front of where my brother was and asked, "What's the idea of kicking my dog?"  My brother looked up and asked, "Was that your dog?"  and the man said "Yes."  

    Then my brother stood up to his full 6'3" height, looking down to the man he towered over and said, while slapping the handful of fresh dog crap into the man's hand saying, "Then THIS is your dog s h i t!"   [thumbup]


    • Haha 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    The good kind. Like the one Mrs. Lovelace was know for. 
    Isn’t that Harry Reams. Killer porn name.

    DT is a classic.

    Actually, the name is REEMS.  But I get the homophone connection. [wink]

    And Lovelace was never Linda's real name.


  4. 4 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I threw up in my mouth a little after seeing that.

    Can't figure that out.  But you can see Travis himself playing one of his signature Bigsby/Martins in the movie "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY"  

    And I was implying that the Fender headstock seems nothing more than a slight modification of the Bigsby design,  so if Fender didn't get any hassle over it, I can't see why any other maker(and they have) can't use that design either wirthout shelling out bucks Fender probably doesn't deserve.  To whit:


  5. Actually, after having three Shih-Tzus,  the OP lyrics do seem to capture the dog's spirit.  Hell, I'd just go out the back door to take out the trash and when I return to the back door of the house,  the last one we had would(like her predecessors) be at the top of the landing acting anxiously as if I had been gone for hours!  [love]

    And thunderstorms?  Well, after a couple of them I thought it best to place a soft, folded fleece blanket under the head of our bed where they would typically hide for the duration.


  6. 51 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

    Doesn't Gibson sue copiers who use their 'open book' headstock profile?   Martin's is sort of squarish, maybe not seen as an actual protectable design.  Fender might fit into that category for six on one side tuner headstocks.   I've always wanted to try out making something like that - but given my skill level, would have to start with a ukulele.  G'Luck. 

    Remember that the "six on one side" headstock design wasn't a Fender exclusive.  So maybe the issue must be the copying of other neck aspects.  But certainly, not headstock design...

    check out---



  7. 13 hours ago, Retired said:

    Deb thinks I get more emotional when a pet dies over a human. She might be right? Haha.  I buried our Champion Doberman in the back. I had a headstone made for him. Our son was in grade school still and wanted to put some of Bandits things down there with him. I dug that grave down past 5 feet, but not quite to the 6 foot mark. I wanted to make sure that if more cable or wiring was put in that he wouldn't be dug up. Gosh, It took me like 20 years to get over his death.  He will always hold a special place in my heart. Yeah, I can still shed a tear if I think about him. 

    Here's a story I read in Reader's Digest back in the mid-'60's while waiting for a friend at his doctor's.  It was contributed by a reader and presumed to be true.  It stayed in my memory all these years, and I always thought it astounding.

    The lady wrote that her family had their dog, a small Scottie, for about 15 years, even before her kids were born.  It was so old it had trouble getting up the inside stairs of their house.  It would go up two, rest a while and then take two more, rest again and do this until finally reaching the top.  It would also lurch around the house in a slow, stilted manner just like an old man.

    Well, one night the lady wrote she had trouble getting to sleep, and suddenly heard a noise in the house.  It sounded just like when the dog was younger and trotted up the stairs at a good pace.  Then she heard the "tick-tick-tick" of a dog's claws on the wooden floor, and wondered if somehow some other dog manged to get inside the house.  Then suddenly, their old Scottie jumped up on the bed.  She lied still as the dog quickly licked her sleeping husband's face.  Then it jumped over him to lick her face.  Then it jumped off the bed and quickly trotted down the hall.  She quickly but silently got out of bed, went out the bedroom door in time to see it enter her young son's room.  She got to the door in time to see their old Scottie jump lightly onto his bed and quickly lick his face, then jumping off the bed(and then she leaned fast against the wall to escape notice),  the dog trotted lively to their much younger daughter's room and repeated the procedure.  Coming out of the girl's room the dog then quickly trotted down the steps until he got to the last one then lied down.  The lady followed the dog down the steps, and when she reached the bottom step discovered the dog had died!

    It seemed to her the dog, knowing the end was upon him, somehow mustered the strength and energy to perform those tasks, as if to say "good-bye" to those he loved before finally departing.

    In almost 60 years I still haven't forgotten that story.  If only people could do the same.


    • Thanks 1
  8. On 2/22/2022 at 12:20 PM, kidblast said:

    My bro inlaws were in a band named Skidmark as well.  too funny

    OH! I Like that!  

    how about Spooge and the Del Tones?


    Another of our many names was based on what one of our player's older brother called that six week wait time after his wife had their baby.  It was tantamount to her being on a six week period.  he called it (and a pun on a popular phrase used on a brand of sinus decongestant)  "post-natal drip".  Thus the name.....   


  9. Do you have an outlet nearby where you can get used vinyl?   Thrift shops are the only place 'round my vicinity that I know of.

    Polk does (did?) make some excellent audio speakers, so I don't think you'll be disappointed.  I almost went with Polk in late '90's, but found a better deal on Miller & Kreisal. 


  10. 15 hours ago, Retired said:

    Thanks Ken,  I think we should make a vet appointment. At least have them check his ears? I cannot see inside them  as they're cropped like the show dobermans.  Yeah, we had our sons dog when he went into the Navy for 6 years and I said to myself, I will not get emotional over this dog. But Smokey loved me so much and became my shadow. One day coming home from work, I walked inside the door and there was Smokey lying dead on his bed. He was still warm like he just passed.  I totally lost it and cried like a baby. 

    I can understand that.  I buried Megan in a corner of the back yard that's visible from the kitchen window.   And marked the site with a couple of those solar garden light spikes.  And every day for the last 8 years I've said "good morning" to her, and wish her "good night" each night.   We had another Shih-Tzu a couple of years before we got Megan and Megan grew up with.  And She died shortly after we moved into this house.   But at the time, it was a case where I took her to the MI humane society  to have her put down, and then too, was too broken up to wait to claim the body, so I left her with them.   The way humans affectionately attach themselves to their pets is astounding.  My younger daughter used to work at a dog/pet kennel (they also housed cats and other pets) which was also a pet cemetery.  She told me that many people visited the cemetery on a regular basis, always laying fresh flowers on the graves.  They also provided  cremation services for pets.  And not any of it was cheap.  But pet keepers(I dislike the term "owners") had no qualms about shelling out big bucks for their dearly departed.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, kelly campbell said:

    Cool sounds like a good Birthday for her and you.  Have you seen Ringo before?  I have three times may go again this year, I love that you get to hear the other artists with him doing their songs as well.  Fun time.  As far as Temp Sec I have no clue..not one of my favorites  I was able to sim him do some quirky like " Tequila" and "Ram On" in Nashville he always tries  to pay tribute musically to the local music history.  In Dallas it was to Buddy Holly doing  "It's So Easy".

    Like I said, I've never seen McCartney(or the Beatles for that matter) but caught Ringo's "all stars" on one of their tours in the '70's.  So long ago I can't recall who all was with him.


  12. Yeah Butch.  I'd get that checked out.  Hopefully it could just be an easy fix.  But serious enough to warrant investigation.

    Our Shih-Tzu Megan one day seemed to develop a hacking cough.  We thought nothing of it, figuring maybe trying to clear her throat of a hair mat of something like that.  That night we went to the casino and didn't get home until 1 in the morning.  We got concerned when she didn't trot out from the bedroom to greet us like she always did.  I went back there to check on her and found her lying dead next to our bed.  She was 14 at the time and without much longer to go, but that didn't keep us from being completely bummed.


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  13. Skelton was a funny guy too, despite all the tragedies in his life.  My wife and I had tickets to see a live performance of him in Detroit in Oct. of  '97.  We got the tickets in July of that year, but he died on our 9th anniversary(Sept. 17, 1997)  so of course the show never came off.  I've been a fan of his since first seeing him on TV as a kid(His TV show debuted a couple of months after I was born).  And over time I caught up with most of his movies, many that are frequently shown on the TCM channel, so I'm still very much a huge fan of Red's.


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