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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. Just skimmed through it for now, but filed it in my "favorites" to watch when I have more time.  Like what I saw so far.

    14 hours ago, Retired said:

    Thanks JDGM. Interesting looking at old videos.  Yeah, each person does the same job in their station.  Think how bored they would get doing the same job over and over each day? 

    Butch, I worked that way for near 30 years at GM.  And it's not as bad as some imagine.  But it depends on the individual.  With a good imagination and the job becoming more automatic the more you do it you can let your mind go anywhere and not lose a beat.


  2. I've used Elixir strings since back when I got a free set after sending in a promotional coupon more than 20 years ago.  I use what they call "Medium Light"(forgot the gauge)  I've had the set that's on my axe now for about eight years now.  But since my frequency of playing has been greatly reduced since my 2014 mini stroke there's not really a whole lot of wear on them.   And they still sound and feel good.  Never had a problem with 'em.  Even before the stroke. 

    As I don't have an electric I can't speak towards those strings.   But as far as their acoustic strings go I have no complaints.


  3. 16 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    I have young kids and I have been sick on and off since Christmas. As a matter of fact I right now have a stomach bug. I woke up at 4 am puking and pooping nonstop.

    Not all at once I hope.  that would REALLY suck!   My toilet's too far from the bathtub for me to reach if I had that happen.

    18 hours ago, jdgm said:

    2 of my band have currently got it. 

    I'm still wearing a mask in shops. 


    Me too, depending on whether there's a sign on the door or not.  And how large or small the particular shop is.

    The Dunkin' Donut place near me has a sign on it's door with a drawing of a person wearing a face mask that reads, "Please cover your face".   I mentioned it to the girl at the counter and quipped:   "People have been telling me to do that for years!"  [wink]


  4. 25 minutes ago, DanvillRob said:

    I don’t use a slide…..guess my grip is too hard….can hear every fret!    I’m sure they use all the strings.   

    Not always.  To whit:

    And dig the single note slide on this gem by the "slidemaster"  


    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, slimt said:

    Transition of script to block if thats what your asking 1947  .  I hope I got your question right.     



    Yep, you got it right.  And thanks to both you and wildbill for the info.  And maybe it's just me(or maybe not) but I kinda like the old "script" logo better.  [wink]


  6. As my ex worked nights(of course) I'd be home with the kids when she worked.  I'd manage to get there whenever Toby Redd was there, and after original drummer Chris left I managed to sneak my camera in, loaded with fast film and got a few good shots of Chad when he took over the drummer spot.  Some years later I was surprised to find him drumming for the Chili Peppers. [omg]


  7. I've asked this in various Gibson boards since 2000-------

    When did Gibson change the "G" in their headstock name from a script("cursive")  "G" to the one they've been using for the last how many decades?

    Gibson's "history"on their website doesn't give any info nor does WIKI.

    And I'd like to know why, since I like the way it looks.  [wink]


  8. 1 hour ago, merciful-evans said:


    The audience is important, but so are we. Improvisation is what I do and what I'm in it for. In 25 years no one has ever complained about how we play. Nor has anything like that ever been reported to us. 

    If you want it like the record, then why not stay home and listen to the record?

    My ex used to serve drinks in a place( called "Drinks" Ha!)   that had live bands.  She told me several bands she liked were never asked back by management due to patrons complaining about them not sounding "like the records".  And the only band that was a "regular"(meaning frequent returns) was Toby Redd.  Who's only cover was the Who's "My Generation", which they did THEIR way(and not a bad way at that) their own"post punk"/"new wave" style.  Nobody there complained then.  But I never had an issue with bar bands not sounding like the record.  Coming from a (barely) third rate basement band i had no room to make that kind of demand.  And just for the record(no pun intended)  An example of Toby Redd(pre their Chad Smith days)----


  9. 41 minutes ago, merciful-evans said:

    I got sacked once for refusing to play it 'like the record'. I had joined the band about 2 weeks previously. Well they had another guitarist anyway.

    I always improvise solos and re-arrange songs as I see fit. If you copy someone, you can only shoot for 2nd best. I love to hear artists change song arrangements. Its like getting something extra for free. 

    I got into those arguments before.  And my look at it is....

    A working band finds more success(read:"gigs") if they give the audience what it wants.  And if it's playing songs "like the record" then so be it.

    I can see how it gets tempting to put your own stamp on something you play night after night, over and over just to break the monotony,  but then too, if the musicianship needed to play a certain tune "like the record" is a challenge, then why intentionally wimp out?  [wink]  And yes, I don't mind,  and in fact LOVE it when an artist throws some changes into arrangements.  But usually if it's the original artist. 


  10. I never saw NICE, but heard of them much earlier than ELP,  and of course, was an instant fan.  And I still hold ELP in high regard since it was at the one and only time I saw them live that I was introduced to The Mahavishnu Orchestra, who opened for them.  What a GREAT night of music that was!  And Keith's use of electronic instrumentation induced me to look further into all that and to discover others, some who were into it long before Keith (like Karlheinz Stockhausen for one) and some extraordinary audio experiences. 

    And Keith was one of a kind, and will never be matched for many years to come.


    • Like 2
  11. 17 hours ago, jdgm said:


    The singer in my 1st or 2nd band had the right idea.  All chords were 3 notes off the E or A string, based on the bottom 3 notes of those shapes, played with 1st and 3rd finger or for A and E, just the 1st.  He never sounded wrong!!


    Ain't that what some call "power" chords?  :rolleyes:  [wink]

    19 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


    How about Augmented, and Diminished chords? And the dreaded fifths?

    17 hours ago, DanvillRob said:

    I think only Bob Wills used those chords back then!



    But Bob Wills didn't play cowboy music.


  12. Hearing booth, eh?

    I remember when hiring in at Cadillac they gave me a hearing test as part of the physical exam.  That big booth to me resembled the gas chamber  seen in the movie "I Want To Live".  [laugh]

    I mentioned that to the person giving the test who said nobody ever told him that,but agreed it did indeed.  Then told me "Guess you better pass this test or else!"  [tongue]

    Go to the 1:50 point of this clip.  [wink]  Except for the spin locking hatch type door it did pretty much resemble it.



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