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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 2 hours ago, Karloff said:

    lolol. and that probably had more to do with the hot little brunette dancing ... 

    But then too, there HAS been some discussion 'round here about guitars designs resembling  the female torso.  [wink]

    And also mentions of "sound holes" and "F holes",  why who's to say nobody mistook what the "F" in "F hole"  stood for?  [tongue]


  2. I've seen the body camera footage of a young black man walking past a small group of police officers(in San Fran I think) and walking in a slight direction AWAY from them and they opened fire on him, and killing him then claiming the typical "life in danger" BS excuse. 

    How about the pre-teen black kid in Georgia(was it?) who got blown away by a police officer because the kid was holding a TOY GUN? 

    And WHERE did I claim I believe it was the JUSTICE SYSTEM?  To me, the justice system refers to courts.  Which don't get involved until after the fact. 

    I can't come up with any more "proof" as I'm not in the habit of taking notes when viewing the evening news, or cutting out clippings from the papers I read.

    Listen.  I can make assumptions with the best of 'em.  And I can assume you believe all those rioting and destructive protesters have no real reasons to protest to begin with.  And that they only do so because they're driven by "wokeism".  :rolleyes:

    And while I'm bringing up "idiot-speak" again, let's address another one....

    You might think it's "woke" form me to point out the use of the "idiot-speak" term "Karens" is really unfair to those women actually NAMED Karen who don't necessarily behave in the manner the women that term is referring to do. 


  3. 22 hours ago, jaxson50 said:


    I have yet to see or hear any " conservatives " apply or invoke " Woke " doctrine. I have witnessed conservatives react to criticism from the " Woke " movement.  If you can provide such evidence that would be enlightening. 

    So far I have provided references to any claim I have made regarding the "woke " movement.  Woke ideology is the product of the progressive movement.  It is specifically used to stop discussions pertaining to specific topics.

    The nation I grew up in celebrates free speech and the exchange of ideas. Woke university staff have denied conservative speakers from having access to campuses,.. What are they afraid of? 

    As to gay rights, it is established law that gays be protected from discrimination,  no conservative that I know of is against equality for gays, or people of color. What they are opposed to is the establishment of special rights that supersede those rights granted everyone.  

    Cases in point,  the NYC library that allows and promote Trans Book Reading programs, where drag queens dressed up in their costumes read questionable books to minors without parental consent.  

    Or the teaching of gender fluidity to children to young to understand the subject.  

    Democracy is two wolves and one lamb deciding what's for dinner.  Without challenges to new concepts and untested theories we would still have Japanese Americans in detainment camps, an action carried out by the order of the most liberal president in our history,  FDR.   

    In 2019, 2020 and 2021, we watched as radical groups destroyed private and public property with no consequence because liberal mayors, govorners and district attorney's ordered police to stand down. When the president offered help he was pilloried by the press and his political opponents. As a result hundreds of millions of dollars in damage was done to court houses, police stations, officers were attacked. Very few were held accountable because the left wanted chaos in hopes of undermining a sitting president.  I know you will blame conservatives for these events. Like blaming banks for armed robbery because the banks have money, or blaming police for crime. 

    I do not consider myself a conservative,  or a liberal,  but a pragmatist,  I consider Obama to be more pragmatic than liberal. Did he make mistakes? Certainly,  we all do, but he reined in the radical progressives in his party, and they criticised him for it. 

    Bottom line,  when extremist from any political spectrum take actions,  the political opposition aka their counterparts will also take action.  Every protest draws counter protesters. Assigning responsibility for the results of those actions taken by extremists to mainstream liberal or conservative citizens is not only unfair it's partisan and serves no possible benefit to the nation.

    Ah, see?  That's what happens when you don't read carefully.

    I never ONCE stated that ANY conservatives apply or "invoke" "woke" doctrine.  But that indeed, it mostly are conservatives who use the term to indicate and disparage any train of thought or action that counters their dogmatic beliefs. 

    As for "gay rights" I do know of several people(and personal friends) who were either denied employment, housing,  or service in some stores and restaurants by being "openly" gay.  And the people who denied them those things were admitted conservatives.  And remember it was republican president George W. Bush who worked fervently to prevent the advent of same sex marriage.  

    And it's only in online forums and other internet outlets that I ever hear or read about schools teaching "gender fluidity" and other such fallacy.  So far, I've never heard any such complaints about those things from family members and friends and neighbors who have school age children.   

    And sure, I thought it not only unwarranted but also misguided for some to take pot shots at police, especially those in another city far removed from the city in which some nationwide outcry about police brutality took place.  But then who do we blame for letting the indiscriminate  murder of clearly innocent young black men by police go unaddressed?  And what's gained by blaming uninvolved people(of some ideological camp) that didn't do the harm when the carnage of the massive uprisings in protest occur? 

    "Pragmatist"?  Sure.  That's a pretty neutral way to put it.  I mostly consider myself a "Centrist".  Amounts to basically the same thing.

    Peace out.  And later....


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  4. 17 hours ago, Californiaman said:


    Eddie Murray: Nastiest comedian during the late 80s and 90s.

    They all had several things in common.

    They were black comedians with a vulgar act.  And we sat back and laughed our aszs off.


    Do you mean the former DH and first baseman for the Baltimore Orioles? ('77-'88)  Who later played for the LA Dodgers, Mets and Cleveland?

    I had NO idea he sidelined as a stand-up!   Unless.....

    You meant Eddie MURPHY...?   [wink]

    16 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

    Woke originated Inn the 1940s,  it was used by civil rights activists to identify people who were aware of racism. 

    In its current reincarnation it was resurrected by left-wing activists after Erykah Badu’s song “Master Teacher” was released in 2008. 

    The fact that conservatives are critical of it doesn't mean they created it. It has become a tool of anti capitalist.

    Last  I checked, capitalist have the right to defend their opinions 

    Far as I know,  people who were aware of racism weren't necessarily "anti-capitalist". 

    And your statement is confusing as it appears you're trying to claim it's conservatives that are critical of the term "woke" when indeed, these days THEY are the ones most likely to babble it.  Unless you meant to say conservatives are critical of anti-racism.  Which really isn't always necessarily so.    Look....

    Many people vote for the person or party they do for a variety of reasons.  some good, and some puzzling.  For example...

    I had two brothers in law, who were also brothers and thought alike.  They were(past tense due to them both being deceased) both pro gun, pro death penalty, anti-gay, anti-abortion, racially bigoted sexist neanderthals.  Everything most people would expect to be republican voters.  Yet when every fourth year election rolled around they voted for the DEMOCRAT!  Why?

    Because they(like too many) being long time autoworkers and U.A.W. members labored under the delusion that democrats were always in favor of the working man, and republicans all favored the wealthy fat cats.  That may be true to an extent, but an unreliable criteria for a voting choice. 


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  5. Something like that happened to me twice.

    Once in '74 a buddy of mine who was once the drummer in an earlier band I was in(and the Godfather of my 2nd daughter) took me to another guy's home that he knew.  Can't recall his name and haven't seen him since, but we wound up doing an acoustic improvisational jam that when it was over, we both admitted blew our minds.

    The next was a harmonica jam a buddy(and co-worker) and me did one night at his dinner table.  Even his otherwise musically disinterested wife was impressed.

    I can well relate to the high it probably gave you Saturn.   And I wish you and the others here many more of those moments.


  6. I usually tend to think most YouTube guitar reviews are mostly created by guys who, instead of honestly reviewing a guitar, just wants to show the TY addicted how GREAT a guitar player(at least) HE thinks he is.   And over my PC speakers (which cost me $30 a pair) there's not too much difference in distorted tones to be able to tell one from another. 


  7. I see part of the  problem too is too many people feel an obligation to some arbitrary title.  Like "conservative" or "liberal".  Once they claim to be in either camp, then they start to sound robotic.  All chattering the same "out of the handbook"  soundbites and catchphrases.  It's how idiot speech like "woke", "snowflake" and "cancel culture" and "re-thug-lican",  "neckbeard",  "conspiritard" and "Trumpkin" permeate the lexicon of people who otherwise pretend they know better.  

    Once you hear or read any of these words used by ANYBODY it's clear they're not really thinking on their own(if at all).  And merely pretending they long for the days of civil discourse between people of different political bents.  


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  8. Gotta remember that free speech, like all other freedoms, comes with responsibilities. You know, like the thing about not shouting "fire!" in a crowded theater.  Some might call it "free speech" to go around saying things like, "I hate all them ni**ers and think we gotta kill all of 'em."  Without giving consideration to the possibility that many might agree and use that statement as catalyst to actually try and accomplish it.  

    It's one thing to assert a point of view or state an opinion on an individual.  It's another to make generalized provocative disparaging remarks that might lead to the marginalization of entire groups of people or ethnicities that would be unwarranted or in some cases endangering.  

    As for the other stuff;  I don't much care for Neil Young's music(except for a couple of tunes) and might agree with some of his political views, but not with what he sees as any "solution".

    I never cared for Kid Rock's music or politics so I don't bother listening to either.

    I really didn't always see eye to eye politically with Frank Zappa and thought him often an over opinionated  self important jerk, but always loved his musicality, so I ignored that which I didn't like. 

    And so, in the words usually attributed to Voltaire, but was actually a summary by English writer Evelyn Hall of Voltaire's principles;

    "I wholly disapprove of what you say , but will defend to the death your right to say it."


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  9. Over more than the last three years I learned that your real family and friends are the ones who show up when you could use their help, call to offer sincere regrets and apologies for the times they couldn't, and show up to see if you need help even when you don't.  And sadly,  some of the ones I thought could be relied upon weren't so inclined to be reliable, but great at giving empty promises.  

    But generally(and to the OP intent)   We've really(as a people) didn't learn much collectively.  Just reinforcing the idea that what really matters is what our particular segments of society feels it should be.  That measures taken in the effort to protect public health were "tyranny"  to some.  

    And too that sadly, what really needs to be learned by too many is----

    "He who lives by the phone shall perish by the phone."  

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  10. [confused]

    Wondering how a violinist got into a discussion of cowboy chords and slide guitar.    But I had to laugh...

    I have two nephews who are brothers.  Named Jason and Joshua.  Then I saw the last name of your fiddler up there and what came to my mind was a close parallel.....  (in last name and instrument)  And the name....


  11. 18 hours ago, Retired said:

    I guess? I worked the rack line at Omaha Standard for 3 years. Only, we were so busy, I had no time to think about boredom. 30 to 40 some racks per day with some 22' long.  The paint line couldn't keep up so I had to stack them 10 high.  Those were the days I lifted one end up over my head and slid it on top from the other end. They were 200 & some pound racks. That place was a madhouse.  What was your part of the job at GM? 

    The job???

    Which one.  I've been moved to 10 different jobs at Cadillac between Nov. '71 (seniority date) and the plant's closing in '88.  Went from there to the Livonia, MI engine plant in April '88 and shot pistons, set crank bearings and cranks for a year before becoming team leader in '89 and then going to the new Northstar division that same year and was team leader there until going on sick leave in '97 and medically retiring (official date 1/1/2000) one year before my 30th.   My first job at Cadillac was setting engines on what was called the "chassis line".  My last was applying script in the pinstriping division.  I've done some jobs that were easy going and others that busted my ***.  But all in all I never got bored and retired with my hearing intact.  [wink]  And a good pension with no out-of-pocket healthcare costs.  I sometimes wonder how all those guys I knew who thought they were too good for factory work are doing now.....


  12. That was clear.  But the "quote" you posted had the reference to him under the YT vid of Harrison giving the impression HE was the "slidemaster" I was referring to.  

    And you didn't find this slide work impressive?


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