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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I had no control over when my parents had sex.

    I'm probably four months younger than someone famous too.

    1.  Of course not.  Only your parents had that control( and most likely your Mother [wink]).

    2.  I only mentioned the Kurt Russell thing to give you an age reference.


  2. 11 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

    I grew up in a navy family,  my dad got out when I was two, my two uncles served for 33 years each. 

    These guys could down a pot of coffee and five minutes later hit the rack and be snoring before the sheets settled!

    Uncle E.J. was a cook, his last duty station was San Diego,  he ran the bakery at the base, I swear, his coffee was chewable. 

    I'm reminded of the old Red Skelton TV show when his character Freddie The Freeloader would pour (supposedly) coffee out of his old pot it came out so thick and slow.  The when the cup was full he'd take a pair of scissors to cut it off at the spout.  [laugh]  I don't know what the prop guys used for it, but it was comical.  And later, when I had chance to try the muffler shop java, I was reminded of Freddie.  [wink]

    2 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    Cherry can get in a awful state with vertigo. The continuous dry retching & nausea can go on for a couple of days, during which she cant eat anything. 

    As I did state, my sister in law has occasional bouts of vertigo, but never that bad!  She just gets dizzy and light headed and has to sit down or lie down for a bit.


    • Haha 1
  3. 17 hours ago, Retired said:

    Deb told me ice skating is different than roller skating. I used to roller skate, but never been on ice skates. Guess it's more in the ankles huh? 

    Maybe that and the difference being on roller skates you have four evenly placed wheels on each skate, and with ice skates just one thin blade on each skate.   And for someone who never fully mastered either(like me) both can be rough on the butt.  [wink]


  4. 23 hours ago, Pinch said:

    I imagine figure skating is taxing. You have to spin around on slippery ice. 

    Which is stupid, but it's probably hard. 

    I have no problem spinning around on slippery ice.  When either walking or driving a car.  But on skates?  Well......

    23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    55, born in October 1966.


    I was in my first year of high school!  And I'm only four months younger than Kurt Russell.  [wink]

    13 hours ago, Retired said:

    I have never been on ice skates in my whole life, Deb and I thought surfing looked pretty easy till we went to Hawaii on our Honeymoon and tried it.  

    I used to know how to ice skate.  But when I outgrew my skates(which were handed down to begin with)  I never skated since. There just wasn't money for new skates, so....

    And I would imagine a couple would find more interesting things to do and try on their honeymoon than surfing.  [wink]


  5. 12 hours ago, Retired said:

    I cannot stand strong coffee. I have poured a cup at a few places like waiting for my car to get a new set of tires. Lol, I tried a sip and had to pour another package of creamer in it and that still wasn't enough, After adding more yet and 5 teaspoons of sugar, It still tasted like crap so I drew it away.  People say I drink Foo-Foo Coffee. Amaretto, coffee creamer, and a half teaspoon of sugar. 

    Your first mistake was pouring a cup of coffee in any place providing "free" coffee, like any auto repair shop.  Seems they start a fresh pot on Monday morning and keep it on the warmer all week.  And maybe into the next.  I sometimes wondered if those places also used their coffee to soak nuts and bolts in to loosen them up and eat away any rust.  Works better than coke.  [thumbup]

    I once tried to determine which has the worst coffee.  Tire shop, muffler shop or a general auto repair shop and wound up with a three way tie.



    • Like 1
  6. 1.  I saw Paul McCartney.  See?  It's easy to say.  Hell, I could probably say it all day.  [wink]

    2.  Ticket cost?  Well, like the old saying goes....  "If you have to ask, you can't afford it."   And knowing "Sir Paul", the cost is probably equal to many people's car or house payments.


  7. 1 hour ago, kidblast said:

    skid marks



    25 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    There in my undies. Now we have.

    To digress more, back in the "day" the band I was in changed it's name on a monthly to bi-weekly basis.  So we had many names over a two year period, and for kicks, "Skidmark" was one of them.  [wink]


  8. 10 hours ago, Retired said:

    Thanks Jaxson. And I think Caffein is addictive too isn't it? 

    I tried like hell to find one, but a clip of an SNL  film satire called "Java Junkie" with Peter Ackroyd  wasn't available.  It was hilarious.

    The whole thing was like a send up of the old movie "Lost Weekend" about alcoholism, but using coffee as the "junk".  

    We're all "java hounds" in my family.  For so long we know better than to think the crap they sell at Starbuck's is coffee.  Screw that "crappucino" nonsense.  If I want 31 flavors I'll go to Baskin-Robbins.  :rolleyes: As an amusing aside, my sister gave me a coffee mug for Christmas that reads;

    "How do I take my coffee?   Seriously.  Very seriously"  [thumbup]


    • Haha 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I didn't play for 24. I've been listening to Gerry Rafferty - City To City and Night Owl the past week. Damn those are good. And The Kinks. Those guys were so good and totally ignored. 

    You guys ain't the only ones that had long lay-off spells of not playing your guitars.  I've had a few over my 50+ years of hacking away on one of those. Can't really give any intelligent sounding reason for them though.  And since my mini stroke 8 years ago it's still a struggle, but I'm hangin' in there.  


    1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Here is one. Driving in your car by yourself with a mask on. Are you afraid you have covid and don't want to give it back to yourself?

    Ha!  Seems you've SEEN this before?   [wink]


    • Haha 1
  10. 18 hours ago, Mr. Natural said:


    I think "fuk" also has one "c".

    Sure, but like Sarge, I posted in a way so it doesn't get the "star" treatment(**) 


    12 hours ago, Retired said:

    My cousin, Steve tight me how to read a music staff when I was a teen but since, I totally forgot how.  Once I learn a song, I try writing the chords down with the lyrics and where the changes are. Those with tabs? Well they are a bit tougher for me. I just try and memorize the song. 

    My grade school had a "music class" up until the 3rd or 4th grade.  I remember the teacher, Mrs. Snyder.  And all I remember from it is the value of certain notes(Full note, half note, quarter note, etc.)  Time signature stuff like 4/4= four notes to the measure, the quarter note gets one beat.  And like that.

    And the notes on the staff this way(from bottom to top) Every Good Boy Does Fine;  with the spaces being the word FACE.  Which over the years helped my not one iota music-wise.  [wink]


  11. A sister in law of mine dealt with vertigo for years.  Usually she just rides it out.  And there's no telling what might bring it on.She's also diabetic(like all her sisters are/were) and that plus stress I feel, is what brings a lot of it on.  And she let's WAY too much piddling sh!t stress her out.


  12. 15 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

     True, but to be an Olympic level figure skater you have to practice for many hours per day.   

    And many years of days like that.

    I have a grandniece who was into that as a kid too.  Her name is Alexandra, Alex for short.  I used to make her laugh by saying dumb stuff like, "I can't believe they named that spin after you."  She'd ask what I meant and I'd say,  "Didn't I hear an announcer say some skater did a 'triple Alex'?"    Then I'd ask about the other maneuvers like;  The "Toe Jam"("Toe Loop)  or the "Moo Cow".("Salchow")


    4 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I  don't doubt for a second you were a figure skater, but it was mostly to wear the costumes they wear while skating, like that fruit loop, is it a guy, commentator wears.

    Ha!  My wife also liked that TV show "Say Yes to The Dress".  And one show had a girl come in to try on wedding dresses and brought figure skater Johnny Weir with her.  He too, insisted on trying on a few wedding gowns. :rolleyes:


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