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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. I found an old Ventures LP at a thrift store("The Ventures Play Telstar and The Lonely Bull")  and in the back cover's liner notes, under "personnel"  it stated  "Don Wilson; Rhythm  guitar" and next, "Nokie Edwards; "Base" guitar" .    Then Bob Bogle playing both Bass and lead guitar.   That "base" guitar thing threw me off a bit.

    But the other guitar player in the band I was in had a Ventures model Mosrite.  Damn thing had great action.  But as far as Mosrite guitars go, I leaned more to the Mosrite Combo.



    53 minutes ago, badbluesplayer said:

    I don't know what "lost the plot" means, but over here in Tennessee we have "y'uns."  And "Git back to y'own trailer."

    And fake cowboys.  We have lots of fake cowboys.  You can't go to McDonalds without ten fake cowboy hats getting all jammed under the drive thru height restriction banner and blocking everybody from getting to their jobs at the lead acid battery plant.  🙄

    Well, back in the '80's, when the "Urban Cowboy" trend was still strong, you'd find a lot of fake cowboys here in the metro Detroit area too.  Guys who've never been farther South than Toledo Ohio wearing Stetsons, yoked shirts and cowboy boots talking with poor imitations of a Texas "twang".  :rolleyes: It was pathetic.


  3. 21 hours ago, Retired said:

    Yes, the rabbit ears, Foil on them and mom or dad were always fooling with them adjusting this way and that. Dad also climbed up on the roof with foil thinking that might help with the signal? Funny about you being the remote. When the remote was invented, Deb always called it a Clicker. That upset our son. "Mom, it's not a clicker, it's a remote!"  I think she did that on purpose to get back on him for all his faults.  😂

    I know people who still call it that.  And not for fun either.  [wink]  I also know some who still call their refrigerator  the "icebox".  There's different terms for the same things, like the "fridge" and "icebox" thing, or the "cupboard" / "Clapboard" thing, and some call it the sink, some the "basin",  Some call it the stove, others the "range" .  But EVERYBODY calls it "the junk drawer".  [wink]


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  4. I think a lot of the trouble is there's no high school driver's ed classes anymore.  And haven't been for more than 40 years now here in MI.  They at least gave one a foundation of driving knowledge to build on when driving the first time on Michigan roads in Wintertime.  They can get pretty sloppy and dicey at times.  And "transplants" are a problem too, especially if they come from a state that doesn't get as much snow.  I've about had it with younger people and kids who drive in moderate rainy weather like it's OIL dripping down from the sky instead of water.   Or dunderheads driving 10-15 miles under the limit in the left lane on the freeway.  Just because it's dark. :rolleyes:

    As for Petty----

    He was OK.  But not a big fan here either.  But I'd say there were plenty I liked a lot less.


  5. 10 hours ago, Retired said:

    I played Pipeline. Actually, I still do as its a typical warm up song I have been playing ever since. Walk Don't Run is another one.  I used to play Hawaii 5 O a lot too. 

    The Venture's "Pipeline" was a cover of the CHANTAYS original.  And not really all that hard to play.  But either version(The Chantay's or The Ventures) was cool.  They did other tunes, as "covers" that you'd never think a rock'n'roll guitar band would bother with.   Like----

    To give an idea of what I mean, here's a more "traditional" version.  [wink]


  6. That's interesting Duane.  And for future consideration, it's GUINEA PIG.  [wink]

    I fail to get why some huge businesses wouldn't go along with a vaccine mandate for their employees.  It would help protect the already experienced workforce they already employ, and prevent having to go through the now difficult process of finding replacements for those who become infected and hospitalized and possibly deceased, and suffering productivity downturns while the new employees try to get up to speed as to how to efficiently do the jobs they're the replacements for.   It's not too much different from where I used to work(GM) which, depending on which job you were assigned, required certain clothing, footwear and eyewear  or you'd be sent home and refused to do your job until you complied.


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  7. 21 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    No you don't have to like the artist as a person to like their music, but I can no longer stand the site of Bruce, Neil and Bono cause they think they are politicians and need to tell people what to do and what political party to support. So I used to listen to Bruce and Neil but not anymore. They could care less cause they are rich b-astards and can do whatever they want due to their wealth. And Bruce's, Bono's and a lot of Neil's music is s-hit.  And us people who buy and go to concerts we can say your not getting my $, but like I said it doesn't matter their kids kids kids will never have to work a day in their lives, but us slobs still need to hit the grindstone.

    Actually, they COULDN'T care less.  [wink]  But no matter.

    If I were to dislike any artist's music based on my not liking their political stances, I'd have a lot of music library purging to do!  Starting with all my ZAPPA.  And I never cared for Ted Nugent post Dukes, so that makes things easier.  

    We go through this same kind of discussion on the Turner Classic Movies message boards.  Whether it's right or wrong to hate some old movie star's movies based on their personal political views or not.  Usually, John Wayne is more often mentioned.  But to me none of it matters.

    I still like John Wayne movies despite the vast difference in our politics.  Same with Bob Hope and Walter Brennan.  AND Jimmy Stewart and Shirley Temple.

    Same with musicians.  I don't care if some guitarist or band frontman is left, right, centrist, or gay or straight or whatever.  It's their MUSIC is what caught my attention.  If it's good, then why should I give a phuck what their politics are?   Especially since they ain't running for office.


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  8. How this went from someone stealing a guitar to Covid mask mandates and all is the puzzle.  And proof that too many people are suffering from ADHD  these days.  Especially in THIS place!  NOW you're gonna get nitwits that'll blame THAT on the vaccine.   :rolleyes:   Just like those who blame the measles vaccine for causing autism.   And so we have all those cretins putting both their children and other's children at higher risk in order to keep them "safe".   [blink]


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  9. Sorry Evans.  No image shows on my PC, I'm assuming, from Butch's response, it was a photo of houses with TV antennas.  Surely I do remember those.  But we never put foil on 'em.  THAT we saved for those "rabbit ears" on top of the set.  [wink]  As some things improved over the years some of the changes were....

    A special adapter placed on top of the set and hooked up to the TV in order to get the couple of UHF channels in our area.  My dad got it specially to be able to get in the Detroit Red Wings games.

    And the special rooftop antenna designed to pick up the TV signals from Tiger Stadium( where the Detroit Lions also played) during the "blacked out" games.

    When my ex and I bought our first(and only for us) house in '73, we added a TENNA ROTOR  device that turned the TV antenna in different directions to strengthen the signal.  It would be another 8 years until cable finally came to our area.  Had some fun with that rotator though.  At times, I was able to pick up some Canadian stations that showed some pretty racy uncut movies on weekends.  [wink]

    And by the way Butch....

    Comic George Lopez joked about it but it was true in my case too.  Him saying when he was a kid, HE was the "remote".  [laugh]  I was in our house too.  Often I'd hear my Dad say, "Hey, Kenny.....  change it to channel 7...."   or whatever other channel.  [cool]


  10. 15 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

    Don’t You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds

    "Try To Remember"--Ed Ames, The Kingston Trio and a boatload of others( from the B'way play THE FANTASTIKS  and first sang by original cast member JERRY ORBACH)


  11. As a kid, I once had an all plastic guitar( made by EMENEE, that old chord organ toy company)  body and neck were plastic, and the frets were molded raises in the plastic fingerboard.  Nylon strings too.  The only other material was the foil thin "metal" material used for the tailpiece.  Looked as sh*tty as it sounded.

    And then


  12. 14 hours ago, Retired said:

    The TV is plugged into a surge chord which the 2 chargers are also plugged into. 

    Was wondering that might be the case.  And so we have another(of the way too many) that has an issue with satellite TV.   I still use cable, and my cable remote turns on and off my TV, cable box and stereo receiver.  Simultaneously.  And has yet to turn just my TV back on after turning it off.   But my remote will work on any other TV hooked up to the same cable service.  I recall when one of my brothers in law lived next door to another brother in law(with the same cable service) he would f**k with the other one by using HIS cable remote to change channels and volume of the other's TV.  \:D/   The other brother in law was a heavy drinker and really freaked out whenever the one BIL did that.   See, in their Detroit neighborhood, the houses(c. 1920's) were so close together you could stand between them, raise your arms and touch both at the same time.  And too, each had a small window in the side wall of the house on both sides.  The one brother in law was pointing his remote though his small window, and into the other BIL's house through his small window in which the first guy could see the other's TV and hear him freaking out.  [wink]


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  13. Yeah.  It seems like such a small thing to ask too.   And I always bring up a same point time and again....

    Where was all this "individual rights" indignation about masks  when 50 years ago stores and restaurants started posting those "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service" signs on all their doors?  You don't remember hearing of people raising any big fuss and getting into fistfights about THAT, do ya?


  14. I wouldn't mind my guitars laughing at me when I play.   It's when the PEOPLE in the room start laughing is when I get upset.

    I don't recall( getting back on track) any who bought those early (c. '66) composite bodied Ovation guitars.  And by the end of the '60's, when they overcame that seam breakage problem and switched to a composite parabolic back and side they became pretty popular.  Endorsed by Glen Campbell they were played by a whole host of well respected artists(Cat Stevens being one). 

    And then too,  how about AIR as an alternative to wood?..................


  15. I'm not sure about my guitars necks, But MY neck hurts me more in the cold, dry Winters than in the hot summers.  [wink]

    Some Ben-Gay and a hot towel usually helps.   But getting more serious;

    Like Sarge, I keep my instruments in their cases and never really noticed any changes in the necks from season to season.  


  16. Well BBP....

    J. J. Johnson he's not.  But bless him he's still able to blow that thing.  I tried years ago to try and blow into a buddy's trombone but all I could manage was wounded elephant sounds.  [tongue]

    Looked like all were having a great time.  And the music sounded good too.

    Wonder what it would have looked like if recorded with a camera instead of a phone.  [wink]


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