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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. I'd gladly like to be able to just walk around the block.  But my lower back,  weakened by  fusion surgery won't allow it.  Unless I'm willing to use a walker while I travel.  But then too, the lymphedema  might add another dimension of difficulty to  the effort.

    To RBSin I'd say I never did like shoveling snow.  But as it was necessary at times, did so without grumbling about it.  While most of the time having my car running with the heater blowing full blast with the setting for my windshield  turned on.  By the time I was done shoveling the walks the car's windows would be clear of any snow or ice and a push broom would clean the rest of it off.  [wink]

    But today,  my latest Covid test came back negative and I'll soon be off to get my booster finally.


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  2. 1 hour ago, NighthawkChris said:

    I heard vaccinated people aren't as contagious.  Also, start smell training yourself.  I started with a bag of coffee grounds each morning trying to see if I can detect it.  Find other various things that are safe to smell as well.  Best of luck, that loss of taste/smell is a strange feeling...  It just all of a sudden started to come back for me.  I have full sensory though now - thank God! 

    I broke the news this morning and he said no sweat.  He was my drummer and he understands.  I just hate to bail on this because of this damn virus...  I'm having hard enough time just keeping my kid in daycare without it closing down because a kid/staff member got COVID.  Happens very frequently these days and it costs me full-price for me to stay home with my child for 10 days while I should be in the office.  Just no coherence these days...  Hard day to be a parent too - I guess when is this ever easy, right? 

    Thanks for the input though fellas, I appreciate it 🙂

    It's not only vaxxed aren't contagious, but the vaxxed can contract it, but their symptoms won't be as bad.  I tested positive two weeks ago, and before being tested felt like I had a slight cold.  Never had trouble breathing, or lost my sense of taste or smell.  And happily, my last test came back negative.  And I'll be off shortly to get my booster.  But too, I'll still go along with any mask requirements requested of any store or other business I happen to have to go to.  After all, I might have my "individual rights", but they don't include my thinking I can ignore or supersede any way a business wishes to operate.

    By the way....   Which concert is it that you're  passing on?  And yes, I think you have to put those who you're charged with caring for ahead of any personal preferences.  And if any who are "anti-vaxx" or "anti-mask" can't understand that, then more's the pity for them.


  3. That's healthy thinking.  My first marriage was fine until the last few years.   And what was good about that was if not,  I wouldn't have had any interest in getting to know the woman who became my life saving second wife.  My first marriage lasted only  14 years.  But I was married to my second wife Alicia for 30 years when she died.  If not we'd likely still be married which would make it 34 years this Sept.   My wife's older sister and her husband were married for 63 years when she died in May, 2020.  I'd kid them and say, "You know, that's 600 in Hollywood years!"  [wink]

    He's still chugging along at 86 years of age.  

    And BUTCH:

    You had double vision for a time after your brain tumor surgery?   So that means you were seeing TWO of your mother in law? [omg]    OY!  [scared]


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  4. Truth be told, the healthy mind doesn't really suppress miserable memories as much as  they just don't dwell on them.  

    Like at my age I still recall some of those miserable memories if for no other reason than to remind me how much better things are now.  And that no matter how bad things some people try to tell us things are now, I can easily recall much worse times and it helps endure what's going on now.  and keep in mind too;

    In the words of WILL ROGERS;   "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."   [wink]


    • Thanks 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, Notes_Norton said:

    I'm Going Home - 10 Years After (Alvin Lee)


    Notes ♫

    "Home! Sweet Home!"--A song written in the mid 19th century by Sir Henry Bishop with lyrics by John howard Payne, adapted from Payne's 1823 opera "Clari, Or The Maid From Milan"   Many people think it's title is "There's no Place Like Home"  (Be it ever so humble  [wink] )


  6. 22 hours ago, mihcmac said:

    When I was 9 I built a crystal radio and started listening to music all night through the ear piece, the songs I liked usually had interesting guitar.

    When was that?

    My brother had a crystal radio he built from a "snap on" kind of kit that I used to sneak listening to after he went to sleep at night.

    Long story short, it was when I developed a strong liking for blues due to a Chicago station I'd pick up in the wee hours.

    I was about 5 or 6 at the time, which would make it '56-'57.


  7. 5 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    Yep, stereo gear.

    Two amps on order, three subwoofers coming up next.

    It's endless.

    Sure.  But it was many moons ago...

    The near $1,000.00 I spent for a  Miller and Kreisal sat/sub system back in '98.  Still got 'em, and working just fine.

    Looking into replacing the B&O Beomaster 4400 and M-75 speakers my ex paid her coke debt with.  They were c. 1980.  And I got a line on someone who can find those vintage components for me.  [wink]

    Other than that and as far as overspending goes....  the $6.00 I spent on my last pack of cigarettes in '18(when I finally quit.).


  8. 18 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Nice. You gonna set it up for slide work like George did?

    You got me beat. I'm at I think 3 times watching it. It is killer and I see different stuff every time. I especially like watching Yoko eat, scream like a wounded animal into the mic, paint, knit or sew, and just be basically useless.

    I love when Paul calls Glyn Johns a fuk-face after he interrupts the beginning of a recording.

    The dill-wad director thinks he's cool calling all The Beatles by just their initials. 

    Did the Beatles survive on toast and cigarettes?

    I heard in the early days it was corn flakes.

    Anyway....  I never did detail a guitar in that fashion.  Only with a couple "peace" sign stickers and a Woodstock sticker I got at a theater that was playing the documentary.  But that was 50 or so years ago.

    Back in '93,  while recovering from foot surgery, I used the wide variety of colors of paint pens I pilfered from work to detail my crutches.  

    And you did a fine job on that axe Duane.


  9. 11 hours ago, MissouriPicker said:

    I don’t know if it was just one song, but I always liked the way Luther Perkins and Bob Wooton (Johnny Cash’s lead pickers) played.  I can do that pretty well, along with keeping a constant baseline going like Doc Watson used to do.  Then, I’ve also picked-up some stuff from Peter Yarrow and Joanie Mitchell.  There are probably too many influences to remember.  I just took whatever I was capable of using from these artist and made it into my own limited ability technique.  Like most folks, I have a lot of favorite songs, but the ones that have had the most influence on my playing are of the folk genre.

    Uh,.... JONI.   [wink]


  10. A cop comes across a drunk trying to unlock a lamp post with his house key.

    "I don't think anyone's  home." said the cop.

    "Sure there is..."  said the drunk.,   "There's a light on upstairs."


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