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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. Here's that thread OP I mentioned;

    I don’t mean “Classic” rock, which is just a nice way of saying “oldies”.   I’m referring to “classical” rock----rock music that uses what we might consider “classical” instrumentations and arrangements, or borrow themes and passages of actual classical works.


    This all started thus;


    I’ve long been in the habit of buying old vinyl LPs of classical music, since I can’t sit and listen 24/7 to the classical music station, which we haven’t had here in Detroit since the late 1990’s, and even now, we only have a station that plays classical music for 12 hours a day, the other 12 taken up with jazz.


    Anyway, I’d buy these albums of music by composers whose other works I was familiar with was favorable to me, and others out of curiosity of their compositions.  And, if I liked them, I’d hunt down a newer recording on CD, or a CD reissue of the album I bought.


    So, one night, I’m listening to an album I bought that afternoon at a thrift shop, and I heard a familiar “riff”.  Thinking hard, it hit me!   I was listening to a work by Janacek  called, “Sinfionetta”, which, it turned out, was used by KEITH EMERSON of ELP for a song called “Knife-Edge”.      Now, on the old VINYL LP of mine, it said nothing about adapting it from Janacek’s work, but it gives the acknowledgement on the CD reissue.  And also gives credit to adapting the lead-off song, “The Barbarian” from Bela Bartok’s “Allegro Barbaro”.

    We all know ELP has done a lot of this sort of thing….Aaron Copeland’s “Hoedown”, and “Fanfare For The Common Man”, and on BRAIN SALAD SURGERY, Emerson adapted the fourth movement of GINESTERA’S 1st piano concerto into a piece called “TOCCATA” (I’ve YET to find a “straight” recording of that concerto ANYwhere!)


    We also know ELO has used classical elements heavily for their LP EDORADO.   And ELP went a step further by once adapting nearly ALL of  Modest   Mussorgsky’s  “Pictures At An Exhibition” .   Plus a piece of  Tchaikovsky’s    “Nutcracker”   for the short but rollicking, “Nut Rocker”.


    Are there any others I might have missed?      


    • Like 1
  2. Y'know, there IS a product that'll give your car that "new car smell", so why not have one for other things.  Like guitars?  [thumbup]

    3 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    Such a disgusting habit. Just a shame it’s so addictive. You’d think that spending what is it… $10 a pack give or take… just how powerful the addiction is. 

    I first quit smoking tobacco in '73.  But between then and the late '80's smoked everything else but.  And in retrospect, I honestly say I've had far worse habits than tobacco.  So in the late '80's I took up cigarettes again and quit the other stuff.  And the smokes helped.  And finally, in 2019, I quit tobacco again.  And haven't yet gone back.   And I still enjoy the aroma of a freshlylit cigarette.  But one smoldering in an ashtray is off putting.  Was even so when I was a smoker.   And compared to other habits, it's not really all that bad.  For instance...

    I never smoked too much and drove my car into a tree, building or schoolyard, as many drunks have been known to do.

    I never  smoked too much and wound up in a gutter, getting angry and beating my wife or kids, or losing my job.

    Nor waking up in a strange bed or the backseat of my car in a freeway rest area.( I know a few who have).

    So, enjoy the beer and other drinks tonight watching men in tight pants grab each other and roll on the ground.  [wink]



  3. I'm still spending the day trying to stop the bleeding from a rough tooth extraction yesterday.  See....

    I'm on coumadin therapy, and although I quit taking it four days before the extraction, it's still bleeding more than it should normally.  I even went through five teabags and no help.


  4. "Foreigner"?  In HAWAII?   What!  Did they think you came from BRITAIN or elsewhere Europe somewhere?  

    I'd more go along with the Hawaiian form of "H o n k i e".

    And that was the "confused" emoticon, and it was me .  And I typed my words in this post.


  5. "Howlie"?   What's that supposed to mean?

    I sort of bristle a bit at those who wish to move here, take up residence, live in our neighborhoods, and become citizens, but still wish to live like they're still back in "the old country".  There's a family story about that....

    Back when my grandmother was 14(1921) My Great Grandfather handed her a box of simple food staples to take to a neighboring farm  which a new family just moved into, as a welcoming gift.  She walked the mile to the place and when she got there, noticed it was an Italian family.  And walking up to the house, also noticed how it was decorated.  Typically with a checkered tablecloth on the kitchen table,  the familiar wine bottle as candlestick holder and hams and sausages hanging on the kitchen walls and flowers everywhere.  She said that to her, it looked just like she imagined a farmhouse in Italy would look like.

    Returning home, she asked her Father(my Great Grandfather),  "why don't we have anything in our house or on our farm to show that we're Polish?"  and explained and described what she saw at the other farm.  My Great Grandfather led the to the door, opened it up and pointed to the mailbox next to the road.  "Look on that mailbox.  Is the name Korawlski.  That's not Polish enough for you?"  To which my Grandmother replied by again stating the other people's house looked like what a farmhouse in Italy would look like.  And to which my Great Grandfather replied,

    "If I wanted my house to look like a house in Poland, I would have STAYED in Poland!"  And walked off shaking his head.

    As for the stated issue...  Like my wife told me when one of her sisters got me angry and I called the sister a bad name,  "Don't call my sister a name like that!"  "But",  I said, "You call her that all the time!"  And she answered, "Yeah.  But she's MY sister!"  [wink]  So if those who chose to move here, after becoming citizens and lived here a good spell, I'd say they have just as much right as we natural born citizens do to gripe, complain and bash.  But until then, shut the fuk up.


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  6. Y'know, the history of popular music in the 2nd half of the 20th century is full of "covers" of music from the "classical" genre into rock.

    A few examples-----



    Even long before any of these were done, there've been songs in popular music that were built on the foundations of 19th and 18th century orchestral music.  In the '70's, British actor John Williams(no relation to the composer) did a TV record offer commercial for an album containing many of them.  Like this popular '40's tune....

    I'm gonna try to find my OP from another forum I was in about "classical rock"  which addresses this.


    43 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I think its smoke and mirrors as she may not even be plugged in and, miming to a baking track.

    I wondered about that to since the clip didn't show anybody eles playing all that background music.  As for her jeans....

    Collateral damage, as she WAS shredding!  [wink]


    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Here is what the Olympics is . . . ever 4 years we watch sports that we usually never ever watch at any other time in our lives. There are a few exceptions like Hockey. Can’t remember the last time I turned on the TV in the hopes that figure skating is on.

    I believe I mentioned my wife was really "into" figure skating.  She was uncanny in being able to find it on TV.  Anytime, anyplace.   I'd sit through it just to win brownie points by showing "support"  [wink]  But found it easier to take whenever this lady hit the ice---- [thumbup]

    Or this young lady  [love]

    They sure put the "figure" in figure skating.


    • Like 1
  8. I gave all that up years ago too.  For several reasons.  Weed because it quit getting me as high as it started to just make me sleepy.  And being hypoglycemic made me constantly sleepy enough.

    All coke did was make me want to do more coke.  Never really di get any kind of "high" from it.

    And meeting the woman who became my second wife helped as her ex was a drunk(why she divorced him)  and I figured since sobriety would make her happy, and when she was happy the rewards were fan. TAS. tic, then that's the route I'd take.

    And I didn't really drink much as I never liked the feeling of being drunk.  And hated the recovery time.  Maybe a glass of wine every blue moon or glass of Champaign or Asti  at New Year's, but that was about it.


  9. 19 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    lol, yeah I know what you mean about the dabs.  It made me scared high - like the first time getting high.  Vape pens work great, but I usually use my glass piece - or use my friend's volcano when I see him.  My friends smoke a lot of weed.  But in our band, we learned that it's better to smoke after practices.  Not that the high sessions aren't any fun...  Just don't make as good of music, haha!  You think you do though. 

    There's an amusing story about be-bop sax player supreme Charlie Parker.  He was under the delusion that playing while "riding the horse" made him play better.  His bandmates knew better.  So at one session, and without Bird knowing it, Mingus recorded him playing while high.  When  they played him the recording, they told him it was some guy that was trying out for the band.  Bird got livid, claiming listening to that guy was a waste of time, "He plays like $hit!  He couldn't blow his way out of a wet paper sack! Why you wasting my time listening to this no talent motherf**ker?" 

    Diz asked him didn't he recognize the riffs, since it was what HE was playing the night before.  "While you was HIGH, $hitwit!" 

    It's said Bird never played while high again.


    • Haha 1
  10. 4 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    Haha where do you go to the bathroom when you have a pegina? Damn me to hell but I think people that dress like the opposite sex are freaks. 

    I have a photo of both my wife and I wearing T-shirts, Levi's and sandals.

    So which one of us was the "freak"?   [cool]

    1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:

    We use to enjoy the Winter version much more than the Summer (regular?) version.    But, like the Super Bowl, it's just gotten too commercialized and politicized.  

    We used to be divided on that.  My wife preferred the Winter Olympics because she was a figure skating fan.

    I preferred the summer Olympics for the female beach volleyball.  [wink]

    Just now, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I think the thing that killed the Olympics is when Pro's (not hookers) started going and competing.  Those people are already the best at what they do and get paid well for it and have endorsements, now get medals for doing it.

    Sho' 'nuff!   And I'm wondering, since they started letting professional athletes compete in the Olympics(basketball, hockey et al)  if the IOC had the decency to return Jim Thorpe's gold medals to his estate and his name in the record books?  


  11. Under our circumstances, the engagement ring wasn't necessary.  After living with her for two years our getting married became understood.  We were already sharing incomes and expenses, so we just kind of pretended that I "bought" her wedding ring, and she "bought" mine.  [wink]  And now 36 years later, most of the in-laws still don't say my last name totally correct. [cool]

    CIGAR band, eh?  What kind?

    White Owl, or  Phillies?  [wink]


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