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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. Just now, kidblast said:

    it wont end,  there are too many people who are profiting from keeping it going.

    if there was no racism in America, how would guys Al Sharpton , Jessie Jackson, BLM ever make a living??


    I didn't know BLM was a guy, but I getcha.   And that's the point I was making earlier up there.

    Sharpton and Jackson were already making livings as preachers, but nobody ever heard of them outside of their congregations until they started showing up at times to protest some racial motivated crime or police action.

    I can't fault them for that, as it needed to be addressed.  But it led Jackson to be considered as a potential presidential candidate some years back, and netted Sharpton a lucrative job at MSNBC.  


    • Like 1
  2. There's something to that Hawk.

    If not for racism, there'd be several people who would have gone unheard of and unseen and not making a ton of money by writing or talking about it.  Or loudly publicly denouncing it.


  3. 20 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:


    Yes the people leaving Spot have a long and storied careers (I have seen Neil, Bob x3, and CSN x2 all in concert), but would they attract the attention or even get recording contracts today in this day and age? 


    Probably not, but from what I hear that's getting the recording contracts this day and age,  I'd point out that it wouldn't mean their music isn't any good.  [wink]

    2 hours ago, jvi said:

    you are a rude yank wank- I used to come here to talk and your spew did piss me off  so go to hell and the rest of you can have an angry hate life and I guess have fun with your put downs if it makes you feel better (you arnt )  JVI out.

    Guy must've thought this was supposed to be like another wimpy dweeb FACEBOOK page.  :rolleyes:


    15 hours ago, Rabs said:


    Really..  You had to have some real thick skin back then I can tell you.


    And it's been said that a thick skin is often the best defense against a thick skull.


    • Like 2
  4. I really don't care who wins either.  But if pressed, I'd hope a win for the Rams, as quarterback Stafford, once with Detroit, does finally deserve to be on a big winning team after wasting too many years in Detroit.


    • Like 3
  5. Pizzerias are so all over the map here I'm not really sure there IS a "Detroit style" pizza.  The biggest names here are BUDDY'S,  PAPA ROMANO'S,  and HAPPY'S,  and they're pretty much similar.  Then there's the chain's like DOMINO'S (which I never liked) And LITTLE CAESAR'S (which is OK,  but not great).  and a whole slew of "local" pizzerias which people in those regions consider the "best". 

    The deep dish pie I tried when in Chicago some years back didn't really impress me that much.  Sure, it was tasty,  but not "Earth shaking" great.


  6. The closest I came to having homemade pizza was when our nephews were still young enough to have to sell those Little Caesar's home kits for school football fundraisers.  

    They never turned out too bad.  Not great, but still edible. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    My brothers pizza is the one with fruit and a lot of extra s-hit on it. My next door neighbor made the one that is more cooked. He put his toppings under the cheese cause he’s from Wisconsin.

    There was a pizzeria 'round here that did it that way.  Claimed it was how it was done in some Italian region or something like that. 


  8. 13 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Actually its my gut, the fat butt is an expression. I paid the taxes on the house in SC last week. Didn't this country  get started by people who were fed up with paying taxes to a King across the pond? Just sayin.

    That and religious repression.  People left England just to come to this continent, start another nation that 200 some years later would get back to the business of religious repression.


    • Thanks 1
  9. On 1/28/2022 at 6:06 AM, IanHenry said:


    He than went on to tell me that he lived next door to the pub and would we (I was with my wife) like to come and have a look at his gun collection.  er NO.  

    Was a time it was ETCHINGS one was asked if they'd like to see them....  [cool]

    And this guy asked you AND your wife?  [love]

    Kinky dude!


  10. I never saw them, but remember the first time I heard them was when I was sitting in my car in a parking lot near the Masonic Temple Auditorium waiting for the doors to open.  Their song "Fly By Night" was playing on the radio.  Never heard it before then and thought it was alright.  It was 1975 and I was going to that auditorium to see the second incarnation of The Mahavishnu Orchestra on their "Visions Of The Emerald Beyond" tour.


  11. I'm not sure how it is now, but during the height of "Beatlemania"  and the British invasion here in the States I saw something on TV about how American Country music was really big in the UK.  

    And country music( most here stopped calling it "country/Western"  decades  ago) has a really  strong following here, as illustrated by this funny line from a popular movie from some time ago.  [wink]

    [laugh]  Whitefang

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