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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 2 hours ago, saturn said:

     I wonder if I got over the initial awkwardness of playing lefty style, I might actually do better? :-k


    If you recall, I mentioned that up there a while ago.  But I suppose it might not really matter.

    23 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:


    Strange thing is I see a lot of people who are right-handed play hockey with a left-handed stick - that's me.  I've seen lefties that use right-handed sticks...  But I golf right-handed...  I couldn't shoot a good shot in hockey with a RH stick (holding like a RH'er).  I can't even stick-handle trying to do so RH... 

    I neither play hockey or golf.  But I BAT right handed when I played baseball.   And like I alluded earlier, much of it might be sight association.  Like back when I was only an "air guitarist"  or tied twine around the barrel end and stock of an old toy rifle for a "strap" I'd play those pretend guitars left handed.  But I'd notice all the guitar players I'd see on TV played the other way around(right-handed)  and of course, I first learned some playing on OTHER people's guitars, and THEY were right-handed, so I had to start learning that way too.  They weren't about to restring their guitars over and over again.    But left-handed people had to deal with those sorts of things a lot of times.  Like in my grade school, there actually weren't any desks specifically for left-handed students. So me and the couple of other left-handed guys in my class adapted to the right-handed desks.  Everybody however,  at one time or another, has to adapt or adjust to various situations and learn that whining and crying about it won't make it any easier. 


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  2. 2 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

    I’ve heard it from a reliable sluice- an aspiring professional - that  the IOC is considering Pole Dancing as the next “sport” they’ll add.  

    You sure he didn't mean THIS kind of "Pole" dancing?  [wink]

    And this old time kid's game is now considered a sport( saw it not long ago on ESPN)  [omg]

    Maybe some day your grandchildren will be on the Team U.S.A.  Olympic SIMON SAYS  team!


  3. 1 hour ago, duane v said:

    From a cost savings aspect it's really not a bad idea.... But just imagine you just purchased a $4000 dollar Fender Custom Shop geetar, then a few weeks later you show up with a $600 Fender engagement ring to propose to your girlfriend....... I can't imagine that going over very well.

    Even without the purchase of the guitar, my wife, had I proposed with a Fender ring in my hand, would have showed me( using me) how it worked as a suppository.


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  4. Actually, he COULDN'T care less about anybody else.  [wink]  And the object of his desire is himself, right?  One thing for sure...

    "The Donald" Trump really loves himself a lot of HIM! 

    Always has, and always will.  


    • Thanks 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, DanvillRob said:


    I recall how then-candidate Trump was ridiculed for saying the FBI was 'wire-tapping' his campaign.... the MSM made a big deal of saying they don't 'wire-tap' anymore...and it was ludicrous to think the Obama Administration would spy on an opposing campaign, (after Watergate).   But....as we all know....the DID tap his phones, and hired people to spread vile misinformation.


    I never knew anything of the sort.  And really, your statement seems to indicate that Trump was an "opposing campaign" to the Obama administration, which he never was.   And WHOM was it spreading vile misinformation?  You know, like Obama NOT being an American citizen?( all that idiotic "birther" BS) 

    But politics, in my case, has nothing to do with anything about "the Donald" Trump.  I've NEVER had any use for that bloviating Narcissist since the late '70's.


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  6. 10 minutes ago, RBSinTo said:

    Being left-handed, I find it easier to perform tasks right-handed than right-handed people do trying to do them left-handed.

    But having learned from Day One how to play guitar right-handed, what would be the point to trying to re-learn everything to play the opposite way? 


    Yeah, I'm another "lefty" who learned to play guitar right-handed.  So was Glen Campbell, y'know.  And probably the three of us for similar reasons.  I often wondered if being left-handed but playing right-handed was a detriment.  Like maybe if I tried to learn left-handed I might have wound up a better player. But I doubt piano players ever wonder about that.  But they had no choice, really.  I mean,  how many are really willing to go through the trouble of "restringing" a piano in reverse? 


  7. 12 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    When I was in high school, Russ Gibb ran a video class and had a mini production studio there. Cool class, easiest passing grade ever. 


    I liked the Bbig Ssur - was a great guy and helped a lot of the “losers” make something of themselves. 

    Ah, yes.  I remember when Uncle Russ, for a project and story for The Detroit Free Press posed as a Dearborn high student in the early '70's.  Probably helped him get that teaching gig.

    And I spent a LOT of time at Uncle Russ' Grande Ballroom back in the "day". 

    22 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

    We here in Ontario knew it was nonsense very quickly after it first appeared.

    On the cover of the Sgt. Pepper album, Paul has a patch on his shoulder that supposedly read OP_ ( sorry, I forget what the last letter was claimed to have been). These three letters were supposed to be a Britsh medical shortform for something like "dead on arrival" or somesuch, therefore "proving" that Paul was dead.

    In reality, the patch was from the Ontario Provincial Police (known throughout the province as "the OPP"). He likely got it from an officer when they were escorted from the airport into the city on one of their visits.

    The whole business was just silly.



    And don't forget that other "clue"....

    Paul wearing the dark suit and barefoot walking across Abbey Road,supposedly an indicator of his being dead as it's believed that decedents were buried without their shoes,and usually barefoot in their coffins.   And all those clues in lyrics and bits of recordings.

    "Just silly" is putting it mildly.


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  8. Heh!  There was a guy in one of my classes that was totally convinced it was all true!  I hadn't seen him once out of school(graduation and all), and sometimes wondered WHO he thought recorded all that music in the '70's under the Paul McCartney moniker. Billy Shears?

    Well, since there's been tons of film footage of McCartney in concert, and the guy doing all that singing surely LOOKED like Paul,  I suppose Apple Inc. must've shelled out a FORTUNE in cosmetic surgery fees to get Shears' look just right!  [wink]


  9. To digress this a bit...

    As a "huge Beatles fan", you surely recall all the fuss made over "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"  being about drugs and all that, but what still tickles me about it is...

    John Lennon admitting in an interview( I forgot who the interviewer was) that while THAT song had nothing to do with drugs, the later song "I Am The Walrus" was written a line at a time, and each line a week apart and  written while he was tripping on acid.  But nobody made a big deal about that song!  [wink]


  10. 2 minutes ago, gdecant1 said:

    Depending on what country or religion your in, you just fill in the blanks differently. 
    (Unless your_______ or________or__________etc.

    Slavery was mostly over in the U.S. in the 1860’s. Racism never ended. We just keep pushing stereotypes onto people that are different from us, like someone saying that all the people crossing a certain border are all rapists and murderers. Just makes things worse in my opinion. Human nature I guess.

    Don't forget the slavery of Africans was also big business in Britain.  And Arab Muslims were essential in capturing and selling African natives to the British slave traders.  And throughout history, Africans weren't the only, nor the first people kept as slaves.

    ie;  It was Hebrew slaves who built the pyramids and other temples for the Egyptian Pharaohs.  And the Romans kept slaves from many corners of the known world back then.


    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    I have wanted a cat for a long time. 
    One to let loose on the land to be a mouser, and one that will come inside every now and then when it's rainy or cold. 


    Gotta watch out that cat doesn't drag a not fully dead mouse into the house as a "tribute" to you.  My ex and I had a cat that tried dragging in all kind of still living mice or dead birds as his way of thanking us for taking care of him.  :rolleyes:

    I remember all those old wives tales that friends of ours(who weren't old wives) were convinced were true and tried to warn us that having a cat( the one who went nuts just as my ex was going into labor) in the house with the baby was dangerous as they were idiotic enough to believe that BS about cats, attracted by the smell of milk or formula on the baby's breath would suck the air out of the baby's lungs and kill her! [omg]  [blink]  Good Godfrey!

    NEVER in my life have I ever seen or heard of, a cat drinking liquid through a straw.  Can't be done, which means a cat would never be able to suck the air out of ANY baby.  And besides...

    That same cat wound up being so protective of our daughter that only me and the ex could go anywhere near her.  Anyone else who tried to pick her up or hold her would set the cat on a hissing, spitting and growling fit and go at them with claws fully out!


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  12. Just now, gdecant1 said:

    Does that make Trump, the con man, a “scum bag politician now? 

    Uh, that's "scum gag".  [wink]

    1 hour ago, jvi said:

     I feel we can and need to change to a place where we are less hatefull to each other and get to a place where we try to be kinder....

    My only argument with that is I don't think any of us should be forced to suffer fools.


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