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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. I had to skip ahead several times to get to where the dork actually talks about the guitars used in "Get Back"(like the clip title promised).  I was already familiar with the history of Epiphone and Kalamazoo.  And the history of Epiphone and the Beatles use of them.  

    Oh, and thanks for the SPAM warning(he said sarcastically).


  2. 21 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    In the metaverse, you'll ask your virtual girlfriend to zuck you off.  She'll say no, and then you'll say it won't zuck itself. 

    Don't worry, Mark will be watching... 

    And thanks to Alexa's echo, Bozo will be listening in.


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  3. Never a fan of the guy and never thinking he was all that great, it's still sad for many who are/were fans and his family and friends.  And what I've heard about his lifestyle and habits(like heavy drinking, etc.)  it's surprising this hadn't happened a long time ago.

    But Rest In Peace anyway, sir.

    And as for the "beat loaf" thing..........  [wink]


  4. 15 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

    Don’t forget “existential threat.”  That has been beaten to death for the past five or six years.

    Actually, that's one I haven't heard.   Does though, seem like what I call "bloated language".  Like, putting things in a way that can be said more simply.  It started back in the early '70's with the WATERGATE hearings.  When those being questioned used phrases like, "Not at this point in time";    Huh?  Do you mean "NOW"?  and "Not at that point in time"  Do you mean "THEN?"  :rolleyes:

    And weathermen on TV started warning us of "shower activity"  instead of "Rain".  Most of the words and phrases mentione in here so far are good suggestions to be added to Michigan's Lake Superior University's "Banished words and phrases" list.    Check it out....



  5. 2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I own a 9mm. Not for show or to be cool. I own it because if someone does come in to my house intending to do me or my family harm at least I may have a chance.

    I would like to go to the grocery store and hunt some milk cartons.

    P.S. I am not the Sad Emoji Fairy.

    Chances are more likely they'll go into your house while you're not home and steal that 9mm you bought to "protect" your home.  Unless you take it with you every time you leave your house.  [wink]


  6. Although I can't name any off the bat, I understand many musical artists, famous on one level, personally think they're not as good as the hype built them up to be.  I was never too big on U2, them only doing a couple of tunes I thought were OK.  

    The band name thing gets me.  I always did think it had something to do with those surrendering U-boats docking somewhere in Ireland.  And does anyone really know where The Beatles name stems from?

    I doubt it had anything to do with Lennon's supposed dream about a woman appearing to him on a flaming pie and telling him, "It should be BEATLES with an "A"  ".  :rolleyes:


  7. 3 hours ago, Pinch said:

    I'm happy as long as I don't hear "triggered", "safe space" or"snowflake" again.

    I'll add "woke", "Karen" and "new normal" to that list. 

    For a while it was "genius" that was being overused.  Like, I long thought Brian Wilson was a very creative and skillful songwriter and musician.  But "genius"?  Nah.  But it seemed every time I turned around, someone was going on about the "genius" of Brian Wilson.  [wink]   Or whomever else.  On the same note, I am a long time Dylan freak.  But I considered him more INGENIOUS than "genius".


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  8. 11 hours ago, Retired said:

    I did a penetration test on thick Phone book once way back before I was married. haha. Does that count?

    I imagine it would depend on what you penetrated it with.  [wink]

    I used to read a lot at work(usually on breaks)  and at times, someone would ask, "Weren't you reading that book sometime last year?"  And when I'd answer, "Yes."  they'd ask, "How can you read the same book over again when you already know how it ends?"  And I simply answered, "The same way you can watch a movie or a show on TV that you've seen before.  And even though you know how IT ends!"  

    Some people just don't get it.


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