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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 22 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    "Sounds as if all you nazis think a bullet in the back of the head is deserved by ANYONE, black OR white,  who resists an officer and despite not endangering said officer in any way.  "

    All You Nazis ...  yeah, that's certainly driving home a point.  Again - put up an exact reference or delete the slander and apologize,


    "So, what is it makes YOU think I'd be a nazi? "

    Trying to imply I called or suggested you were a Nazi - is weak, lame way to deflect from the fact you are calling others ( I assume me) on here Nazis.    "Accuse your opponent of what you are doing."   Provide an exact reference or quote where I suggested you were a Nazi.   Of course - I've asked you back up your accusations here   several times and all you do is deflect.   For example:   " I never once condoned police brutality under any circumstances.".  Provide a quote or reference where I suggested you did.  If anything is clear from your comments - it's that you believe police are brutal and abhor it.  The opposite of condone. 

    I'm done with trying to get you to support your accusations.  Will let you have the last word.  

    You crack me up.    Cherry picking quotes and deleting previous statements in a feeble attempt to look innocuous.

    If I recall rightly, you made the suggestion that I sounded more like a nazi.   My statement of "I never once condoned police brutality under any circumstances"  was to clarify the idea that this would NOT qualify me for a nazi attitude or tendency.  Not to address any suggestion I ever did condone it.  But others here seemed to be OK with it judging by some of the comments made suggesting that if those guys complied with the police, they wouldn't get what they deserved, or some such crap.  You seem content with taking things out of context and drawing conclusions based on that.

    In another post somewhere back there, you referred to me as my feeling  rioters had cause to riot.  When what I actually suggested was that if police and other authorities wished to avoid those destructive, violent riots, which actually start as protests but (and usually, due to outside agitators) deteriorate into riots was to avoid giving anybody a reason to protest.  Like shooting non threatening unarmed young black kids for no good reason.  Or "taking a knee".  

    But I've dealt with sieve headed people before, like an ex sister in law of mine, who, when during a discussion about the topic, and after I stated I didn't support capital punishment, came back with, "So, you think all killers should get off Scot free, eh?"  [blink]  And all I did was to say I didn't support the death penalty.  NOT that I think all convicted murderers be set free or not be subject to any kind of punishment.  :rolleyes:

    22 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:


    You know what was really hilarious?  When Biden was elected and immediately called for "unity" between the left and right.     After the BS they pulled for the previous 4 years?  I don't think so.   We're all just waiting this one out, watch that pendulum come crashing back in the other direction next election.  

    "They" who?  The previous four years were Trump years, and after Biden had any political authority.  So, is it a "guilty by association" thing with you to think he was being hypocritical in his call for unity?   Look, you can't say "democrats" and lump them ALL in the same boat, any more than you can with republicans.  There are exceptions to every rule, even the rule of thumb.  I have a tendency to cut Biden some slack due to his inheriting a political quagmire.  And caused mostly by people who misused and misunderstood arcane terms and concepts, turning them into catchphrases of  incongruity.  Which then incites divisive thinking. 


    On 4/23/2022 at 2:13 PM, zigzag said:

    Michigan... the state where the governor was going to be kidnapped (and who knows what) by idiots who were upset that their rights were violated by mask mandates. Most republican legislators are sticking to their stories in support of a fraudulent election, along with  some 30% of Americans, in a country where electors are being threatened to the point where states are having problems finding electors who will do their jobs due to threats.


    Those idiots too, were convinced somehow that if they pulled it off,  that it would somehow be a large part of what would cause this country to have the "next civil war".  And they're armed to the teeth in preparation. 


    • Thanks 2
  2. 16 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    It's because Mick's vocals are really hard to listen to for me.  And Keith?   He started out at his best and declined consistently from there.    A lot of their hits are pretty terrible IMO and a lot of what they do is just badly ripped off R&B.  There were a few shining moments but also a lot of turds.   With so many other bands out there putting out good stuff it's hard to choose to buy a Rolling Stones album.  Hope this helps you understand.  

    It does, and I getcha on some things.  Like Mick's vocals.  Sure, on the early stuff his voice was perfect for the songs.  Like on "Satisfaction".   or "19th Nervous Breakdown".  But I cringed at his tepid results of trying to be the "blue eyed soul" white boy trying to sound black.  Just didn't work for me.  Eric Burdon was WAY better at it.  And although I still do like many early Stones tunes,  "Start Me Up" from Tatoo You was the last thing I think they did that's worth listening to.  And these two from the '70's are up near the top of the list.    And the first one was the "B" side!  (of "Brown Sugar")

    And this one is an example of Mick's poor attempt at sounding "urban".  But it musically grabbed me...


  3. The "nazi" reference was only to drive home a point.

    First, Not only do some take me WAY out of context sometimes,  but others have gone to a lot of trouble to convince me it's OK for cops to kill anybody for not "falling in line" or doing "as ordered".   Which leads me to think maybe police officer should trade in their blue uniforms for some brown shirts.  And therefore the "nazi" comment. 

    I never once condoned police brutality under any circumstances.

    I don't feel anyone is superior to others based on race, religion or sexual orientation, 

    Like Oscar Levant, I think the only difference between republicans and democrats is that democrats think poor people should be allowed to be corrupt too.  [wink]

    So, what is it makes YOU think I'd be a nazi? 



  4. Just now, Larsongs said:

    Arguably, “The Rolling Stones” were at the top of their game during the Brian Jones period.. For those who missed it they need to go back & get educated… During that magical Musical Renaissance Period they were the 2nd greatest Band in the World… 

    Some would say the 1st!  [wink]

    I clearly recall the big "war" in Jr, high at the time between the Stones fans and Beatles fans.  Arguments got so heated between them they sometimes broke out into fist fights!  And when the Dave Clark 5 came along followed by ALL the bands in the "British Invasion" the number of camps and arguments and fights increased.  :rolleyes:


    I liked 'em all and wisely kept out of the fracas.

    Even the girls bit and scratched over the "Who's cuter....Paul of Mick?"  debate.  :rolleyes:


  5. Sounds as if all you nazis think a bullet in the back of the head is deserved by ANYONE, black OR white,  who resists an officer and despite not endangering said officer in any way.  

    And how does saying "Shooting at the officers gave the cops an out" even sound biased?  Look....

    The discussion started over claiming the preponderance of white police officers killing non threatening black men(and boys) and for no apparent reason.  Somebody then started whining about black cops killing non threatening white men(and boys) for no apparent reason not getting news coverage.  And as nothing even remotely interesting winds up getting recorded on somebody's cell phone and sent into cyberspace, I'm sure if those incidents ever really happened the proof of it HAS to be found somewhere, so WHERE is it? 

    Or could it be that black cops killing non threatening white men(and boys) for no apparent reason really doesn't happen all that much(or at all)?  

    Showing me a photo of some white guy who got shot by some cops in Alabama during a SHOOTOUT with the cops is really no proof of anything remotely related to the subject at hand.  :rolleyes:

    And it's really not only black men,  but anyone who's non-white.  I very early on mentioned the incident of the visiting Dominican in Southwest Detroit who was killed by multiple gunshots by police while he was reaching for his wallet,  apparently thinking the cops were "La Migre"  and reaching for his visa papers.


    • Thanks 1
  6. 22 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    Are those really the only 2 possibilities?   You're reaching here bud.  😉😉😉[wink][wink]🤔🤭🙄[confused]\:D/\:D/\:D/

    It seemed like an odd thing to say unless you were born in say, the later '70's and didn't begin hearing any of their music until the late '80's or later.

    Or else maybe they were REALLY an acquired taste?  I mean,  Their first U.S. single "Not Fade Away"( a Buddy Holly cover) hit our shores in Feb. '64.  I was still 12 and an instant fan.  Took NO time at all for them to "grow" on me, or millions of other U.S. listeners.

    So you'll need to offer the explanation for this one, bud.  [wink]


  7. Yeah.  The brothers are also a long time favorite of mine. Who can forget such exchanges like:

    Groucho: "Now we have to talk about the taxes."

    Chico: "I gotta cousin lives there."

    Groucho: Lives where?"

    Chico:  Inna Texas!"

    Groucho: "No.  I'm talking about TAXES, you know, Dollars!"

    Cico:  "Dat's-a right!  He live inna Dollars Texas!"



    • Haha 1
  8. Most of us grow and change when it comes to certain things.  I used to like Bowery Boys movies, and The Three Stooges.  But by the time I was 12 the stooges seemed so silly and childish to me.  And by the time I reached my 20's, I filtered down to only liking the Bowery Boys back when they were The Dead End kids, and later the East Side Kids.

    But I never outgrew my affinity for Laurel and Hardy, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd.    Unfamiliar?  then check out

    THE MUSIC BOX('32) --Laurel And Hardy

    STEAMBOAT BILL Jr.('28) or THE GENERAL('26) Buster Keaton

    SAFETY LAST('23) Harold Lloyd  

    And up there I alluded to another old and (by some) forgotten movie;

    DEAD END('37) w/ Humphrey Bogart,  Joel McRae, Sylvia Sidney  and the film debut of The Dead End Kids(later The Bowery Boys)  

    Claire Trevor, Marjorie Main and Ward Bond round out the cast.  Excellent flick!



  9. I'm still phased by Ghost's statement, "Totally, they have grown on me over the years..."  [omg]

    Which could mean it took the last nearly SIXTY YEARS until he started to like some of their music, or.....

    He's young enough to have never heard any of it until they WERE past their prime by the late '80's.  [wink]

    And LARS.......

    Maybe they don't post any of their music because they realized a few years before the possibility of recording their music and posting it on a home computer internet site that it was time THEY gave it up!  [wink]


  10. 18 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    Yeah my entire point is that it doesn't make national news.  I'm sure this will be picked apart but ....

    Oxford Alabama

    Officer shot and killed suspect.  We don't know the color of the officer because the local news didn't think that was an important detail I guess.   Perhaps because the guy looked like this:



    Yes he was shooting at the officers instead of wrestling with them and trying to grab a taser.  Does that make it ok? 

    Of course not.  You're off the rails now.  Of course, his shooting at the officers gives the cops an out.  And there's a HUGE difference between cops killing someone in the commission of a crime and shooting at them and someone unarmed being chased down and shot in the back of the head.  As for "trying to grab a taser", the taser was already deployed(by the officer),  and the man was grabbing at it(probably not understanding how they work) no doubt to prevent the cop from firing it again.  He was a Congalese refugee.  I have no idea how long he's been in the United States.  You're somehow beginning to remind me of that girl in Alabama, in a newsreel I saw on TV in the early '60's complaining about the black initiative to desegregate the public schools down there by arguing.....

    "Yew don't see US trying to get into THEIR schools, do ya?  So why do they wanna come into OUR schools?"  :rolleyes:

    And to digress.....

    I notice the shooting piece you posted took place in OXFORD, ALA( from the Dylan song?  [wink]).  We had a school shooting here back in November in Oxford, MI.  Weird coincidence.  And today in the paper was a story that a teen in the UK was arrested for trying to pose as Ethan Crumbly( the Oxford, MI shooter) and threatening to go back to the school and "finish what I started!"  :rolleyes:  And making that threat by TELEPHONE!  [lol]  Plus it seems he was making similar phone calls to other cities and countries, also posing as suspected or convicted shooters.  So we can't say America has all the nutjobs!  [wink]


  11. 23 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    It's about as ok as when some redneck in Alabama pulls the same crap and doesn't come home to his family.  If that story ever made your 2  Detroit newspapers it would be a slow news day.   

    Well, if it made any of the papers where YOU live( and hide that fact) feel free to post any access.

    Oddly enough(or maybe not) it seems to me that it's usually the most shameless and militant bigots that complain that the news "always makes it about race".  [wink]

    23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I've re-affirmed that people are a-holes.

    Did masks work? We wore them and then. to eat, we took them off. So, I guess eating and drinking keeps you safe and you are immune to covid while food and drink are in your mouth.

    I'd say they worked as well as they could under certain circumstances.  But I still get amused thinking about those who wore masks, but never bothered to cover their noses.  I'm guessing their nostrils were packed with enough snot to make them feel safe.  Or had thick enough hair in them that they figured it would filter out any of the virus.  [wink]


    • Like 1
  12. Y'know, many of the old movies mentioned aren't really forgotten.  Except maybe by a couple of generations that think any movie more than a month old is too old to bother with.  

    And JDGM  used a phrase that just irks the hell out of me in any discussion of older, or classic movies.


    Stupid word to use since even a movie made last year can be considered "dated".   I've even heard and read some people idiotically use the word to describe movies made more than 30 years ago with stories that take place 30-100 years earlier.  :rolleyes:  Like someone I know opined that THE GODFATHER, made in 1972, but with a story that starts in 1945, as "dated".  :rolleyes:

    One of my favorites, and one the same age as me was seen often enough on local TV "late show" presentations under it's alternate title THE BIG CARNIVAL.

    But was originally titled:


  13. Out of all this it seems the only "legends" I can think of that can still go on are...



    Mostly on a vocal level since neither was ever heralded for their vocal prowess.  Nobody ever expects any Pavarotti level quality in their voices and their singing(particularly Dylan's) has long been the target of ridicule.  I mean, you can't really "lose" something nobody ever thought you had to begin with.  [wink]

    If you can add anyone to my list please go ahead.


  14. 23 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    So you are going strictly by what you read on paper?  Which news publications? 

    Local Detroit papers,  which since the '80's have been published under a joint operating agreement.  One, the Detroit News, leans right, the other, the Detroit Free Press, leans left.  And for example, in the case of the story about the Grand rapids police shooting, both are editorially similar.  And likely not "filtered" in any way.

    And I did finally get to view that Chris Rock vid.

    22 hours ago, zigzag said:


    If everyone is lying then there is only the truth which you can deduce for yourself, which may or may not be truth. At some point you have to decide for yourself what truth is and who you can trust. But think about it, if twice as many whites are killed by cops (approx. 400/year*) as blacks (approx 225), going by the numbers, and Blacks make up less than 14% of the population, then that means Blacks are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police as whites. (I'm not a statistician, but I think my math is right.) And the logic doesn't stop there. If that number is correct, there are many other considerations as to why that statistic may be true. Are there historical, cultural, socio-economic, emotional, or mental health issues that should factor into understanding the statistics? Numbers by themselves are useless unless we understand the reasons behind them.


    Interesting.  But what your statistical link doesn't show is the difference(or similarity) in the number of unarmed,  non threatening whites shot and killed by police as opposed to the number of black men shot and killed under similar circumstances.  And again...

    In the case of the Grand Rapids, MI shooting, the victim was chased, tazed, tackled and wrestled face down by the officer, and shot in the back of the head.  TWO autopsies verified it as the cause of death.  Not "filtered" in any way.


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