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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. I didn't know the guy or ever heard of him.  I was a member of the forum back in the early 2000's  but for some reason didn't stay long.

    But if he was a friend of yours I can appreciate your grief.  I've had many friends from various stages of my life who have passed and it's always depressing. 

    Hang in there.


  2. 2 hours ago, kidblast said:

    yea! I can get my grove back now!! 

    errr,, wait,, I'm 65 - my hair is now mostly gray, 


    prolly not..


    I didn't KNOW they had orange groves in Massachusetts.  [wink] (couldn't resist).

    Personally, I think the newer cut of having the sides of the head shorn down to a five o'clock shadow with the top of the head much longer and slicked back is just as bad(if not worse) than the Mullet ever was.   And it tickles me whenever I get my semi annual haircut I sit in a barberhop waiting for my turn and the shop is filled with twentysomethings sporting what amounts to nothing more than stubble.  All waiting to get haircuts!  [omg]

    And as one whose childhood was spent being forced to bet buzz cuts or "flat tops" (and nobody, NObody! Looks good in those) and still breaks into a cold sweat at the odor of butch-wax, and is still trying to hang on to my progressively thinning scalp, I fail to SEE the desire to have a close cropped head.  


  3. 15 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Come down to North Myrtle Beach and I can give you the grand tour of idiocity. Racism, professional drunks in golf carts, people who believe the election was stolen, tourist, heat and humidity, we got it here. When your golf cart is a rental it screams tourist. Make sure you take your underage kids along so when you get too loaded they can drive back to the rental property.

    Hell, got all that on one side of my family.  Except for the golf carts.  😜


  4. 19 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    You can hijack away. It what makes this place what it is. IMHO The Stones were at their best when Mick Taylor was in the band. I think getting so famous so fast and being thrust into the limelight at what is, and prolly still is THE worlds biggest band, was to much for him. 

    If you're talking about Mick Taylor, I found this...

    In November 1973, Taylor underwent surgery for acute sinusitis and missed some of the sessions when the band began working on the LP It's Only Rock 'n Roll at Musicland Studios in Munich.[12] Not much was achieved during the first ten days at Musicland, but most of the actual recordings were made there in January 1974, and in April at Stargroves, Jagger's estate in Hampshire. When Taylor resumed work with the band, he found it difficult to get along with Richards.[citation needed]

    Not long after those recording sessions, Taylor went on a six-week expedition to Brazil, to travel down the Amazon River in a boat and explore Latin music. Just before the release of the album in October 1974, Taylor told Nick Kent from the NME about the new LP and that he had co-written "Till the Next Goodbye" and "Time Waits for No One" with Jagger.[citation needed] Kent told Taylor he had seen the finished artwork for the sleeve, which revealed the absence of any songwriting credits for Taylor.[13]

    "I was a bit peeved about not getting credit for a couple of songs, but that wasn't the whole reason [I left the band]. I guess I just felt like I had enough. I decided to leave and start a group with Jack Bruce. I never really felt, and I don't know why, but I never felt I was gonna stay with the Stones forever, even right from the beginning."

    — Mick Taylor, in an interview with Gary James,
    8 hours ago, Tman said:

    I figure music is like wine, what is good to you is good to you. Good to me you may like like. A lot of it is your history with whatever music you consider. Stones music was the first I played in a band (many reasons but ease of playing was a biggie). A rare band can write that many songs and have a lot be decent for so many years. Like wine, it's personal. 

    As wine supposedly gets better with age the analogy doesn't work for the Stones as IMHO,  by the '80's they started turning to vinegar.  "Start Me Up" was the only tue from that period I liked, and the last one I can think of that still had that Stones "vibe".


    19 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    I mentioned in a different thread, I'm not really a fan either so I guess I'm in that minority.  I like a few of their songs here and there.   Here is an example, I think this is just a nice sounding track.  

    Know what you mean.  I'm the same with a few of the "big ones" everybody else seemed to go nuts over.  With the Stones, you could say I was a fan, but not really a BIG fan.  But "Tell Me"  still holds a lot of sentimental value with me.  

    Man, those early photos are a hoot!  [cool]


  5. He was one of the better ones alright.

    Everybody makes a big deal out of his mobster/gangster roles but if you check out his filmography he had incredible range.  Able to play a scary psycho and a sweet hearted  softie with equal aplomb.

    Rest In A glorious Peace Ray.  You deserve it.


    • Like 3
  6. Although I did like Bruford's style better I never thought Mr. White was a bad drummer.  The article linked didn't inform of the cause of death.  It's sad and at what I too feel is too young of an age.  And so soon after Ray Liotta it makes me apprehensive as to who #3 will be.  [scared]

    Rest In Peace, Allan


  7. 33 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    When Suspicious was recorded was Scotty working with him anymore?

    Had to look that up.  The Colonel was behind Elvis getting rid of Scotty and Bill black, and Moore's appearance with Elvis in his 1968 Singer "Comeback Special" was the last time Scotty and Elvis both played together and saw each other.  And since "Suspicious Minds" was recorded and released in '69 it's obvious why Moore wasn't used for that recording.


  8. 20 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    If you're going to be the grammar police here, maybe you should know what a sentence fragment is?  Example: 

    [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink]


    The "wink" emoticon is placed by me to let the person I quote know I'm just having some sport with him(or her).  That Sarge used "to" when it was clear he meant "too" was the reason for my quote and query.  And to hopefully remind him (and others) that this ISN'T FaceBook, where those kind of gaffes of third grade level English takes place a LOT.

    19 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I'm a Liberal Arts Major, cut me some slack.

    Then one would imagine you'd know better.  My grammar wasn't always "top notch"( and really still isn't) but got better by well meaning corrections from others I knew who were Liberal Arts majors.  [wink]


  9. 17 hours ago, jdgm said:

    We call it a hog roast in the UK.

    Very tasty though I haven't been to one for years.  We like apple sauce over here.


    A nephew had a couple when he still lived in Gladwin, MI  about the middle of the state of Michigan, but still many consider it "up North".  Anyway....

    He called it a "Pig roast"  Not sure how he cooked it as it was already done and placed on a banquet table by the time we got there.  And it was delicious.


  10. 21 hours ago, mihcmac said:

     Having coffee, having to upgrade my flip phone but verizon only has 4g flips, so II guess I will be good until they do away with 4g.

    I had to buy a cassette player/recorder so I could go through a densely packed box of cassettes going back to the early 70's. Lots of surprises....

    In the same boat with my old LG flip with Verizon.  But they offered me a phone so I do believe they have flips for the upcoming change.  If not, well, cell services are a dime a dozen, so I'll carry on to 12/31 then latch onto another cell provider.  [wink]


  11. 20 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    The guy playing E, looks like sort of like a young John Travolta. Maybe its just me. I love Elvis, and my parents tortured me with him growing up. Suspicious Minds is such a great song with that James Burton guitar working in the background. Not sure if James was the guitar player on the studio version, but live he sure was.

    Is it gonna be in theaters or going straight to a streaming service?

    The kid looks more like an extremely young William Shatner to me(The Brothers Karamazov('58) era).  And the guitar in "Suspicious minds" was session man Reggie young.  Why not Presley's long time guitarist SCOTTY MOORE I have no idea.  Maybe he was sick that day or something.

    At first I sighed, "Oy.  ANOTHER story of Elvis thing?"  But his story is a fascinating one.  Of both triumph and tragedy.  My hope is that the actor and director(whomever) plus the writers attempt an accurate portrayal of his life and not the usual caricature most attempts have been.


  12. 23 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    Wow you love to stick your head in the sand.  Are you saying that there is one company that makes all ATMs?   Have you ever heard of NCR Corporation?  How about Diebold Nixdorf?

    That's pretty comical in itself - coming from the person who posted the thread about "Edible band names" and then proceeded to "correct" half of the people who posted responses. 

    Oh, also:   [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] [wink] 🙄

    1.  Did you see anywhere I made the claim that only ONE COMPANY makes ALL Automatic Teller Machines? That there are several companies that produce the machines is proof it's possible to acquire machines without braille on the buttons very easily.  And at probably no extra cost.  No doubt it's bean-counter laziness(or somebody's)  that causes it to happen. 

    2.  Yes, the title of the thread IS "Edible band NAMES".  In case you failed to notice (which is likely) the ones I "corrected" either posted bands that didn't really fit the category or entered individual artists names(like Chuck Berry).   Or tried sophomoric "end runs"  with semantics involving slang terms most people either never heard of or never use. 


    • Like 1
  13. I had a friend who back in the '70's was a huge Sparks fan.  The only one among us who could stomach them.  But then too, he thought the original TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE was the greatest movie ever made!  :rolleyes:

    And oh,  it did take me a few to realize who MECCA was!  [wink]  [laugh]

    I at first thought it was some Middle Eastern  alt-rock band.  😜


  14. Actually, I didn't think the LP was all that great.  Not compared to their previous work and some after this one.

    And too Evans....

    I listen to old albums a lot.  Mostly because nothing much after the '90's caught my ear and taste.  And a few of my favorites from "wayback" are...

    Let It Bleed(Stones)

    Zeppelin 4

    All three Hendrix Experience LPs

    Spirit--debut LP

    Wheels Of Fire--Cream

    Magical Mystery Tour--The Beatles

    Children Of The Future--Steve Miller

    Crusade--John Mayall's Bluesbreakers

    And of course, all them old Dylan LPs..[wink]




    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  15. 2 hours ago, badbluesplayer said:

    I had the denim vest and the harmonica holder thingy...

    Heh!  Mine was the chamois type coat and the harmonica holder as well.  [wink]  Wore it like a necklace.  But too, learned to play it while strumming out some Dylan tunes.  [cool]

    Spent the day listening to what I had from......


    The only ones I don't have are the ones that make up his "Christian trilogy".  


  16. Today(5/24/22) after I sign off the iNet I'll load  six Bob Dylan cds into my 6-disc carousel cd player, press "play" in honor of my man's 81st birthday today.  😊

    When those are done, I'll load the rest of what I have in it and play them.


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