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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. On 5/18/2022 at 3:51 AM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    John started to be a political nut after the Fab 4.

    What about I AM THE WALRUS.  REVOLUTION and COME TOGETHER?  After the band met Dylan in '64 John got obsessed with political and social issues.  


  2. A guy goes into a bar and when he gets his drink he notices, in the mirror, a creepy looking guy sitting at a corner table surrounded by five or six of the hottest looking babes he's ever seen.  He motions to the bartender and when the barkeep gets up to him the guy asks, "Man, that creepy looking mess must have a trainload of money, eh?"  and the bartender says, "Naw.  He just sweeps out the library.  Makes less than minimum wage."  

    So the the guy asks, "So how DOES he get those righteous babes to hang all over him like that?  He must have some kind of come on or pick up line, eh?"

    And the barkeep says, "I don't get it either.  All he does is come in, sits at that corner table with his drink just grinning and licking his eyebrows."


  3. On 5/16/2022 at 1:19 PM, ghost_of_fl said:

    Found the millennial. 

    Gotta wonder what you mean by that.  I'm far from a millennial.   and really, since Kracker is from the Detroit area, like the music or not we're still familiar at the correct spelling of the name.  [wink]


  4. 19 hours ago, Mr. Gibson said:

    I paid 2.00 to see Headeast which is the cheapest I’ve ever paid, except where I snuck in.


    Yeah.  Back in the summer of '68 we used to pay a $2.00 admission price to see Bob Seger  every other week at the St. Aquinas high school dances held every weekend in Southgate, MI.   Less than 10 years later we paid $25.00 a ticket for his "Live Bullet" gigs at Cobo Arena.  Listen hard and you can hear me screaming in the background somewhere....  [wink]


    • Haha 1
  5. 19 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    Uncle Cracker

    Eminem (M&M)

    Fleetwood Mac & Cheese

    Uh,  that's KRACKER.  And I doubt Eminem really had the sugar coated candy in mind when coming up with his homophonic stage name.  [wink]


    • Haha 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, duane v said:

    I have found that the Brit comedians have a much better delivery and material . Todays US comedians are boring and kinda vulgar.

    And consider....  Some Brit comics can get way "off color"( or, colour, if you will [wink])  without appearing really vulgar.  Like THIS guy------


  7. On 5/15/2022 at 9:21 AM, Larsongs said:

    How do his prices compare with other top Acts?

    Depends on the genre possibly.  ie;  Back in the '70's, when I more regularly went to  Detroit Symphony Orchestra concerts, the ticket prices were about(if memory serves) $10-$11.  Now, a "top act" in that realm would be somebody like ISAAC STERN, who I saw perform Tchaikovsky's violin concerto with the DSO at no extra cost for the ticket.  I'd say that Stern, in the classical music realm would be comparable to McCartney in the rock realm.   Same with Rudolph Serkin,  Lazar Berman,  Sir Clifford Curzon,  Itzhak Perlman,  Jorge Bolet...   All whom I've seen(and heard) perform with the DSO, and all at no extra cost per ticket.  And incidentally...

    My first rock concert was Hendrix in Feb. '68 at $4.00 for the ticket!  And that show had three opening acts before him. (The Thyme, Soft Machine and The MC5).  [wink]


    • Like 1
  8. Thanks.  Hearing Strawberry Alarm Clock on Music Choice the other night was the catalyst for this thread.  Figures I'd forget it when the time came to make the thread. 🙄

    Not familiar with Peppermint Rainbow however.  And I'm not sure the "jam" in Pearl Jam had anything to do with the fruit spread.

    And wouldn't that be "Green Apple Quick step"?  which of course I wouldn't consider to be edible.  😉


  9. Speaking of band names, there were a few in the day that sounded edible.  Off the top I can think of....







    So.....  who did I miss?  😉


  10. More on infidelity....

    An old man shuffles into the confessional of St. Mary's catholic church and tells the priest, " Father, after 62 years of faithful marriage to my wife I broke my vow last night and had sex with a pair of 18 year old twin sisters." 

    The priest in amazement said, " That's a long time to be faithful just to ruin that record with a meaningless tryst.  I'm sure at your age you know how to make penance?"  

    The old man replied, "I don't know anything about that.  I'm not Catholic.  I'm Jewish."

    "What!" charged the priest,  "Not Catholic?  Then why do you come in here and tell me all of this?"  And the old man said,

    "Hey!  I'm telling EVERYbody!"  \:D/


    • Thanks 1
  11. The band I was in way back changed names once to twice a month.  I've mentioned this before.  I'll try to recollect some....

    Magic Lamp( well, it was the '60's)


    Post Natal Drip

    Electric Heat( from a sign on a mobile display of electric home heating options by the Detroit Edison Co.)

    Tempus Fugit( from the other guitarist's grandfather clock)

    Ethereal Deal

    Head Cheese

    Trojan Horses

    12th Street Riot Band (12th street in Detroit was the epicenter of Detroit's  riot of '67.  The street name has since been changed to Rosa Parks Blvd.)

    That's all for now




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