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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. I thought this was going to be about sewing or mending.  [wink]

    But it's just another aimless "sewing circle"  :rolleyes:

    Well at least "sewing circle" is much nicer than calling it a "circle jerk". [thumbup]


  2. 23 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    I'm not allowed to watch broadcast TV because I gave up my TV Licence. Yes the BBC has a 80 year old funding system that made sense up until 1955. It not just the BBC we cant watch, its any broadcast TV. 

    So I have to use streaming services. YouTube & Netflix are what I usually use.

    Do you mean to say that in the UK one needs to have a LICENSE to watch television?  Like one needs a license to legally drive a car?  How does that work?

    And how would it be enforced?  Like here, if you're driving too fast and get pulled over by a cop, he'll ask to see your license and will notice it's expired or otherwise not valid.  HOW would it be known you're watching television without a license?  


  3. I'll have to admit a bit of silly mishearing too.

    Back in the "day", when I had an old bargain basement portable stereo as my only access to sound,  on a couple of songs from Johnny winter's "Second Winter" LP I misheard, on "I Love Everybody"  when Johnny sings,  "I ain't tired, no I ain't hungry...... But I'm HORNY as I can be...."   I first thought(and for years) he was singing, "But I'm HOMELY as I can be...."   [wink]

    Then when he sings,  "No I can't stay in the East man/  and I sure don't like the west/  I can't stand the North or South boys/  But I sure love all the rest..."

    What I thought he was singing was....

    "No I can't stay In Key Biscayne/ And I sure don't like Key West/ I can't stand eatin' off the sophomores but I/ Sure love all the rest...."  :rolleyes:

    And on "Hustled Down in Texas", when he sings,  "Use me for your fool/Sign the dotted line.."  I heard,  "Use it for your fuel/Solid dynamite!..."  And couldn't make out the following line enough to misunderstand it.  :rolleyes:  [thumbup]



  4. This old fart spends a lot of TV time looking into a lot of "retro" TV.    And depending on what's scheduled, a lot of Turner Classic Movies channel.  Bouncing around from MeTV, to AntennaTV, to INSP(for old westerns) , Bzzr.(old game shows)  and PBS.  Nothing new on the big three or other cable channels seem interesting to me.  And I'm not into the "streaming" thing either.  And if there's absolutely nothing on any of those channels I have a well stocked library of DVDs and old VHS tapes of many of my favorite movies.  Commercial free and uncensored.  [wink]


  5. 1 hour ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    Well the cool thing about vinyl is ... It's made out of vinyl.   That stuff is really durable.  If a record hasn't been abused, it can have a very long life.  

    Yep.  And I still have some old vinyl 45s and LPs that sound good.  But more that haven't held up to the "ages".   Now I have to find an old but in good condition receiver to hook my 30 year old turntable into so I can play them occasionally.    I was using a brother in law's old Marantz but after 10 years he wanted it back, so.......  And I can't move the turntable upstairs (it and the vinyl are in the basement)  to plug it into the main Nakamichi system because there's no shelf space to set it in.

    I mentioned getting hold of a copy of STEREOPHILE magazine.  In it you can find suggested turntables to buy that can cost as little as $5,000.00.  That you can hook up to an amp that costs only $15,000.00  with a $12,000.00 pre-amp and shoot it all through a $150,000.00 pair of loudspeakers!  [wink]

    Seems it's not only vinyl that's gone crazy.  :rolleyes:


  6. 8 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

    Truth is there are many fine Builders of Guitars though… It’s a joy to own some of each….

    Sadly I wouldn't be able to afford to.    It's too bad that like back when 35mm film photography was commonplace and there were several places one could go to find and buy old used(and refurbished) 35mm cameras that looked and worked like new but cost way less than they did when new, that there aren't and really haven't been shops like that for old and used guitars(except for pawn shops, which like the one near me that hung their guitars in the display window with an unregulated heat/humidity space and also subject to the cold and direct sunlight).  And if there were shops like that they obviously were located nowhere near near where I ever lived.


  7. 15 hours ago, jdgm said:


    You may be right in the long run.

    The fact is; we still like tubes/valves as they have a lovely smooth waveform / electrical signal /whatchamacallit and present audio in a way that is unique and can be very pleasing to the ear.

    On the face of it, it seems ludicrous to take time and spend money creating a digital algorithm to reproduce analog 'warmth' (essentially mild distortion, yes?) but....they've done it, more or less. It is incredible to me that in my lifetime, tracking and conversion of a guitar signal to digital then to sound with all its parameters has become very near instantaneous...that alone was inconceivable until the 80s. 

    I was at a big hi-fi sale last weekend.  Held twice a year with over 100 stalls.  Lots of vintage and retro hi-fi,  beautiful valve gear and much more but - hardly any YOUNG people.   Hi-fi as I knew it and always thought about it, is middle-aged.  You built a circuit with valves then transistors came along and now the whole thing is on a chip.   Very few people now know or care to hear / listen for the difference as long as the message or music is there.

    OTOH I still have five valve guitar amps - with old valves - they work fine - and I just like them. 

    15 Sovteks.....quite a lot.

    You're right, and it's not surprising  few young people were at a hi-fi sale (or even show).  Too many are sadly content to listen to whatever it is that passes for music lately through earbuds plugged into their phones!  😧

    But it wasn't until I finally could afford high end audio components and too the advent of the compact disc that I was able to hear things on many of my LPs and later, those that were reissued on CD that I never knew existed heard through a substandard sound reproduction component.


  8. Not being familiar with this side of electronic tech, I'd have to  mention that there have been and still are many audio component companies that still and now make those audio amps with tube technology.  And I wonder if possibly any of the tubes they use can also be used in some guitar amps.  After all, many of those audio amps are rated as pretty powerful.   Pick up a copy of STEREOPHILE magazine to see what you can find.


  9. I have no idea how many guitars Gibson had built in the 120 years they've been in business.  Or how it compares to the number made by Martin with 70 more years under their belt.  It just seemed to me, with a population now at 300+ million, with  an equal split gender-wise, and with both genders, adult and children, playing guitars, that Martin should have sold more than 2.5 million.  Even with the number of competitors. (Gibson, Epiphone, Washburn, Alvarez,  Guild, etc.). Add the fact that none of those makers are only sold in America, but have worldwide distribution as well.


  10. 21 hours ago, Larsongs said:

    Not since 1964 but the past 190 years… Total..

    Where are you getting your information pertaining to the total number of Gibson “Acoustic” Guitar Sales since their beginning? I can’t find it? 

    I never mentioned any number.  Was ASKING for one, remember?   Go back and read s-l-o-w-l-y.     [wink]


  11. 13 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:


    'scuse me while I kiss this guy


    There was actually a book about mondegreens (what we're discussing here) by that title.  I had a copy, but damn if I can find it now!  [cursing]

    But besides the book title, a few I recall ....

    On INXS'  "Suicide Blond" the mentioned mondegreen is at the beginning when it sounds like the man is singing, "Soup and salad bar" 

    Then there's Elton john's "Benny And the Jets" with their "electric boobs".

    And of course, CCR's "There's a bathroom on the right"(Bad Moon Rising)

    And back to Elton, it took me years until I learned at one point he was singing, "In Tradition with the family plan" in "Levon".  Up until that point I had no idea what the hell he was singing. 


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