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Mr. Natural

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Posts posted by Mr. Natural

  1. At the mid-point of his career, the sports talking heads were beginning to refer to Wayne Gretzky as "the Babe Ruth of hockey".

    By the time Gretzky retired, some of the same talking heads were referring to Babe Ruth as "the Wayne Gretzky of baseball".

    • Haha 1
  2. I like Zappa, I just don't have very much at all.  I had Freak Out on LP, but it disappeared.  I have Lumpy Gravy on LP and CD.  That album took some getting used to, but, over time, it kind of grew on me.  And, I've got the CD single of his "Stairway to Heaven".  I need to dig that out and put it in the car.

    I need to get some more Frank.  I think he was underrated as a guitar player.

  3. 7 hours ago, brad1 said:

    What is bad? The seats? Or the Orioles?

    or both?

    I don't know about saturn and his boy's seats, but the Orioles are drawing bad air this year.  But, really, the Orioles are just two players away from the post season - Brooks Robinson and Jim Palmer.

  4. On 6/16/2021 at 10:27 AM, Twang Gang said:

    I sometimes buy stuff I don't need at the time just because of the deal.  I think it has to do with how you were brought up.  My parents grew up during the depression in the US and scrimped and saved every penny they could.  By the time I got to high school my father was making a very good living and they didn't need to do that, but still did.  Because I was brought up in that environment I do it too even though I don't really need to anymore.  I'll buy two cans of coffee at the grocery if it's on sale, even when I have an almost full can at home.  There is a place that sometimes offers golf balls "buy 3 dozen - get a 4th dozen free".  I can't pass it up.  But I know eventually I will use all the coffee or golf balls or whatever, I don't think I've bought something and stuck it in the closet for 10 years and never used it.  

    I do the same thing, and I don't even drink coffee or play golf.

    • Like 1
  5. On 6/16/2021 at 2:22 PM, Rabs said:

    Ok its done.....

    Call me boring, predictable, obvious... I am also happy  🙂  Comes with a dinky channel switch which is nice.. £229.. Which I think is ok.. I know where I am with it and I like the way it sounds..  Nuff said !!



    And with its bigger brother 🙂 


    I bet you'll be happy with that.  I think I would've done the same.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 6/9/2021 at 2:06 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Side 2 of Live Peace In Toronto is what people in Hell have to listen to all day.

    I bought that LP when it was released.  I listened to side 1, then I listened to side 2.  I listened to side 1 over and over and over.  By the time I bought Live Peace on CD years later, I had just about worn out side 1 of the LP, but side 2 had only been played once.  I don't listen to the Yoko half of the CD.

  7. 10 hours ago, Karloff said:

    well, unfortunately the Red Sox have fallen a game behind 1st place in the MLB East ...

    Yeah, the AL East is a tough division this year.  It's still early in the season, but if the Red Sox don't come around, they'll probably get desperate and start thinking about thawing out Ted Williams' head.

    And, Greta?  Yes, climate change is real, and yes, some of it is probably caused by man, but her rant probably turns off more people than it inspires.

  8. 11 hours ago, Whitefang said:

    Never much cared for Wolf.  And I wonder if THIS is where the inspiration for his pro name came from---- (and dig that AXE!)


    Thanks for the Josh White.  I've got a little Josh White on a couple of old blues anthology LPs.  Besides a lot of Wolf, Muddy, Sonny Boy, Elmore James, and the other old '50s to '60s Chicago guys, I've got a lot of the older guys like Blind Willie Johnson, Skip James, Blind Willie McTell, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Charley Patton, etc., etc., (and, of course, the requisite Robert Johnson.)

    I just love the blues.

    • Like 1
  9. I've got Message... too.  You're right, not his best.  I've also got the This is Howlin' Wolf's new album.  He doesn't like it.  He didn't like his electric guitar at first either. album on which he re-records some of his old hits.  Also, no where nearly as good as his original recordings of those same songs.

    But, By God, I've got those two albums, and just about every other thing he ever recorded and that was released including the poorly recorded live stuff and the stuff he recorded with Bo Diddley and Muddy.

    And, thanks for the Gil Evans "Spoonful".  I enjoyed that.

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