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Summer NAMM


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Old names being brought back is a trend these days. Electra was always cool. It's good to see the name back with that tortoise binding again.




Nice, I owned a sweet Electra that I bought back in 78. It had the effects modules in the back. Cool memories.


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You think that guy behind the laptop with the scowl doesn't want you postin' him up on Facebook? B)


Makes you wonder why he's at NAMM if he isn't a people person. Not good marketing having an angry guy working your booth.


We now know where this emoticon came from :angry: lol

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Maybe he didn't like Clint's shirt. Or he had the bean burrito from the truck in the parking lot........


I honestly didn't notice this till you guys pointed it out. I can tell you that I think the guy with the guitar is some sort of rock star although I have no idea who he is. The BlackStar guys were working very hard to tweak the amp to his liking using the laptop. But maybe he didn;t like the shirt... Hmmmm :-k

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I actually had no plans to be at this years NAMM show. But then my friend Martin Blanes hit me up. He is from Spain and wanted to know if had could crash at my place a day or two and maybe bum a ride to the NAMM show because he was going to be doing an exhibition for Emerald Guitars. I told him sure thing. He got me two passes to NAMM so I could come listen to his show. But them he got bumped off his flight and never made it to Nashville. We're gonna plan things a little batter next year.


Here's Martin showing of one of the Emerald Carbon Fiber monsters.



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