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Thank,s Lars 68


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Hello folks great form, been lurking awhile. I want to thank Lars for his post of his new pick guard that he got from http://www.firestripepickguards.com/ When I saw his pick guard I said WOW. I had been looking for a replacement guard for my j45TV, So I contacted Fire stripe. Great guy to deal with, and got one, here it is


Thanks, Phil. It looks great. I have that picture on my website.



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Phil....is that pickguard thin and have the square unfinished edge or the thicker guard with the polished beveled type edge??? It LOOKS great....any stories on the removal of the old one and replacement advice??



Here is a link to a video for removing a modern pick guard with the transfer adhesive like that sold by LMI and Stew Mac.

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Wily it's a thicker guard with the polished beveled type edge. Feels nice when I play, I play with my fingers and rest my pinky on it. I removed the old guard with the hair dryer method and a plastic putty knife that has a sharp edge. That I bought at local hardware store. Cleaned glue residue with naptha. Installed the new guard with the tape hinge method. James Guitarjtb sends his guards with adhesive. Thank's to James for the guard, Check out his site

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