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70's Les Pauls


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It would be the earliest of the "Standard" reissues.


Here's my '75, as early as I could get:




As early as 1971 Gibson did manufacture a run of Standards called "'58 Reissues", and made about 1000 for a New York retailer. I'd love to get my hands on one of those!

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A '76 Deluxe Goldtop. [biggrin] Just like Mike Ness! :rolleyes: I could go for any '70s LP Deluxe though :)


EDIT: My Favorite finishes are Goltops and Tobacco burst :) Also, I always wanted to try one with a maple neck... have any of you played one of those? If so, what kind of difference was there?

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Thats awesome...I saw a picture of Alex Lifeson playing one that looked unusal like this...Not the prdution one I was used to seeing.

Hi Donny.


I'm not familiar with the one A.L. plays but yes; that one's a bit special.


It's the prototype Recording as designed by Les Paul for his own use.

The snaps I posted were taken from the catalogue for the 'Julien's Auctions' company which organised the auction to sell-off many of Les' guitars (and gear) after he passed away.


The pre-auction estimate, seen at the end of the text-box, seemed (to me!) to be a very reasonable $20,000 - $30,000.

In the event, of course, it made a possibly more realistic $180,000...


Nice guitar, though. I'd bet our good friend Bence would like to try it out against his own Recording model - just out of interest.





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Hey I have been looking at Plain top Classics on eBay after I priced 70s Les Pauls.

I think if I get one in a Vintage burst add 57 Classic/Classic Plus set and gold reflector top hats with siver inserts...Tribute to my first Les Paul :)

Go For It, Donny!


As I believe I've mentioned once before(!), Great Guitars! For the price you can get them for in the States I'd buy loads; They're about 50 - 60% more expensive over here.


The possible sticking point might be silver-topped reflectors. I think Gibson themselves only offer gold-dish'd ones as aftermarket parts - although I'm sure other companies will offer some.


And when you get it, Pics or it didn't happen!...LOL!



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