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I've been suffering from acute Tinnitus for 3 years now. Probably from too much loud music. To the point where i have to wear plugs if I play electric. No hearing loss yet though. I hear a constant loud high pitch sound in my head. Drove me crazy at first. I would like to hear from anyone who shares my ailment. Many musicians suffer from Tinnitus, Clapton, Collins, etc.

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As in Murph's post, I have about been sidelined completely this past year. No loss of hearing, but the constant high pitch sound of an over inflated tire with a leaking valve stem is with me 24 hrs. a day. It ruins even a quiet conversation. Sensitivity to volume is acute. I never had a hint of such a problem in all my many years of playing electric guitar live. Too long a story to go into here but it is the one remaining problem of a really scary past year.

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I have the same symptoms Hallgroper. Loud noises make the hissing sound louder. But what I can tell you is that I have reprieve from it on certain days. It's not always as bad. The only thing is that playing in a band would not work for me anymorel. I play mostly acouistic and electric in my studio. Even headsets are difficult to tolerate for a long time. But you will get use to it. Try this link : http://www.ata.org/music


As in Murph's post, I have about been sidelined completely this past year. No loss of hearing, but the constant high pitch sound of an over inflated tire with a leaking valve stem is with me 24 hrs. a day. It ruins even a quiet conversation. Sensitivity to volume is acute. I never had a hint of such a problem in all my many years of playing electric guitar live. Too long a story to go into here but it is the one remaining problem of a really scary past year.

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Sometimes when overstressed I suffer acute hearing loss which will cause a high frequency ringing in the affected ear, too. Every time it happened, it went away just with relaxing and sleeping a bit longer, and there is no long-term damage left up to now.

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I have suffered from Tinnitus since I was 12 years old. It began in my right ear, which also suffered a near total loss upon hitting my head on the end of a desk and receiving a concussion.


My left ear, however, decided to join the fun when I turned 23 and since it is my only working ear has scared the crap out of me from time to time. I never play in a semi-loud situation without plugs.


Stress will make it unbearable and a combination of xanax and use of a hearing aid to amplify actual sound over the ringing will lower the ringing and make things manageable. Knock, knock, that strategy hasn't been used in quite a few years.


However, I do use air filters for white noise whenever I sleep and dead quiet rooms will aggravate it, since concentrating on it appears to make it louder.


It's been a serious issue in my life. But at lower levels can be dealt with.


If you need to discuss this issue at greater length, please PM me and I'll try to help you anyway I can.

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Best of luck to you bud!


Sometimes when overstressed I suffer acute hearing loss which will cause a high frequency ringing in the affected ear, too. Every time it happened, it went away just with relaxing and sleeping a bit longer, and there is no long-term damage left up to now.

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Thank's for your input. Best of luck to you



I have suffered from Tinnitus since I was 12 years old. It began in my right ear, which also suffered a near total loss upon hitting my head on the end of a desk and receiving a concussion.


My left ear, however, decided to join the fun when I turned 23 and since it is my only working ear has scared the crap out of me from time to time. I never play in a semi-loud situation without plugs.


Stress will make it unbearable and a combination of xanax and use of a hearing aid to amplify actual sound over the ringing will lower the ringing and make things manageable. Knock, knock, that strategy hasn't been used in quite a few years.


However, I do use air filters for white noise whenever I sleep and dead quiet rooms will aggravate it, since concentrating on it appears to make it louder.


It's been a serious issue in my life. But at lower levels can be dealt with.


If you need to discuss this issue at greater length, please PM me and I'll try to help you anyway I can.

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