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Errata corrige: oggi ho smontato i P.U. dallo scasso per controllarli, sono siglati così "P90 TAP L" al ponte , nel sito gibson così sono descritti:

P-90/TAP (Alnico V)

A "coil tap" feature usually refers to splitting a humbucking pickup, but in the truer sense of the term these new single-coil units are wound with a "tap wire" that eliminates a portion of the coil, to access a second sound from each pickup. In full mode each pickup sounds like a traditional thick, snarly Alnico V P-90 in its position (approximately 7.0k ohm in the neck position and 8.6k ohm in the bridge), but lift the push-pull switch on each pickup's volume control, and resistance levels drop to 5.0k ohm and 6.0k ohm respectively, for a brighter, sharper single-coil sound that is still rich and authentic, and not as thin as other pickups that are split entirely in half.


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Fatemi capire, è un SC alV di quona potenza del quale puoi bypassare un tratto di avvolgimenti per passare dai 7-8.6k ai 5-6k con cambio (ovviamente) equivalente di caratteristiche sonore?

Curiosità, ma i primi soap erano Alnico V o II ?

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