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Robi Johns of Gibson Montana seeking help


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Folks ,


Hey I follow Robi on his public facebook page .

He posted a special video today and I thought I would pass it on here to see if you guys were interested in getting involved .


After all this is a man who has done a lot for Gibson Montana .

I'll leave you guys with the link and hopefully between all of us we help him get a bit closer to his goal :










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Good post... Does Robi review these threads? or even look? I met Robi what in the very early starts of Gibson in Bozeman.. a Gifted Guitar player then.. sorry to see this though.. any way of messaging him ?

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So sorry to hear of this, It's truly tragic for anyone with His kind of talent to lose that ability however, I'm in the same boat as Murph at the present time and not able to donate financially but I certainly will pray for Robi, prayer is a powerful thing and this may sound self serving but all the money in the world won't help if God isn't watching over Him. I hope and pray for a good outcome to this very unfortunate situation.

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