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IPads and garageband


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Someone has offered me a 2nd generation iPad.

Will it do me for garage band ??


Or should I keep saving?


Grunt... how about the ipad mini 32g? reasonable price, and plenty of storage, and up to date. It just doesnt have the fingerprint thingy, which is dumb, and a "retina" screen...







It's $319 in the US. It is what I actually use too.

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2nd gen is really old... Doesn't mean you need newer, but newer might be nice. I second the iPad mini recommendation. I'd go with the newest mini, the one with the retina display, BUT I would not bother with the NEWEST new one (yeah) with the fingerprint deal. Sorry, I know that doesn't make sense. I think this might be what Sal was already saying. However, just in case he was saying the original mini, I am specifying the mini with the retina display (but not the newest mini with the fingerprint jazz).


Maybe that's more than you wanna spend tho, and you might say hell, I'll get the newest instead (iPad Air 2). Which will probably be replaced next year. :) It came out last year.




Anyway, good luck. Quite a mess, them Apple products, especially in England where there is such a severe price hike on already overpriced stuff. Just my opinion though. Tell David Cameron to give your tax credits back. I know, it ain't his fault, but I'll blame him anyway. :)

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If you want to use it with an external audio interface, make sure the system and the driver are compatible.


Yeah , am researching . it seems my lexicon alpha may not be compatible

Although I have read that it works with the camera connection for iPad ...

Seems to me then a powered USB hub would be needed to power the interface.


Heads melted

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If you want to use it with an external audio interface, make sure the system and the driver are compatible.


Yeah , am researching . it seems my lexicon alpha may not be compatible

Although I have read that it works with the camera connection for iPad ...

Seems to me then a powered USB hub would be needed to power the interface.


Heads melted

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All designed to be disposable!


You may have trouble getting the old connectors and adapters now.


I have the original Ipad still but bought the newer one when it came out - the retina biz is just a giant leap for web and photo viewing but the sound files haven't changed in quite a while.


And the new biggie one is out any minute...


I am not much he.p because I don't use it for anything but playback - I keep my music stuff in a non web standalone Imac because I have had my previous stuff hacked and deleted. I clear my iPad regularly and now I see 2 Malware viruses in the settings app that I can't get rid of. Great.




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I thought that apple stuff was pretty malware proof.

Imagine what state your windows machine would be in


Ideally I'd like to just get a macbook , but they're the price of a car



My work Dell pc was festering with viruses and ground to a halt a few weeks ago and I am still waiting for the teckies to set up and send a new pc, while I work on a Dell lappie with my hdmi cable to a bigger screen or I seriously would be blind by now. I bought my Macbook a couple of years ago to learn some video editing - it is a mid range model with mid range everything and let me tell you it is 500 times better than my work Dell laptop easily, but I am not allowed to use it for work with security concerns being the reason while the rest of the place leaks like a siev!


Maybe save up for a used Macbook, BBG? A old Macbook is better than no Macbook!!! A nice powerful laptop gives you SO many options and not just music related - very sturdy and self contained.




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I put garage band on my ipad over the weekend. (Don't know what generation it is though....how do you tell?) I had to upgrade the OS to get garageband to work.


Thinking about some kind of interface to the guitar. Not sure what to get 'cause I have a nice Allen & Heath USB Mixer that I run into Sony's Vegas if I seriously want to record. The other instruments are nice in GB if I can figure out how to control them in some kind of musical fashion...

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Good to know Christo.


I like the look of this setup.



What you going to do when your wife wants her cookery book holder back ?


haha, I made that holder so you dont have to look strait down while using, now while sitting you can see and use a lot easier

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haha, I made that holder so you dont have to look strait down while using, now while sitting you can see and use a lot easier


Its a nice job.



The focusrite thing looks great , I've become kinda fed up with a PC and daw's etc.

Want something simple like this and garage band. Its not like I'm going to remake Sgt pepper ...

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