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Saw this over the weekend and I've gotta say terrific superhero flick maybe the best I've seen. I'm no comix fanboy but I knew the basic story going in and this movie works. Perfect vehicle for Ryan Reynolds smart a$$ routine and from the opening credits pokes fun at other hero movies and other marvel characters to boot.

Cool story line,funny and some great action sequences.

Definitely not for kids though. R rated for good reason.

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Mmmmm,, interesting.

My boy(13) is going to this with his buddy tonight.

It's rated 14(A) here. Not restricted.

I read the parents guide info on it. I'm sure it won't be the first set of boobies he's seen but I

figure it was an ok coming of age flick for him to see with his buddy's.

I saw worse when I was his age.


He's a smart kid. He'll be fine.

I think....


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Mmmmm,, interesting.

My boy(13) is going to this with his buddy tonight.

It's rated 14(A) here. Not restricted.

I read the parents guide info on it. I'm sure it won't be the first set of boobies he's seen but I

figure it was an ok coming of age flick for him to see with his buddy's.

I saw worse when I was his age.


He's a smart kid. He'll be fine.

I think....


I watched Robocop when I was like 13/14 or so.. Violent as hell but blew my mind.. Still one of my faves


I don't think it did me any harm...


a coo coo ca choo, barromtang, swamp......

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I watched Robocop when I was like 13/14 or so.. Violent as hell but blew my mind..




For what ever reason violence is an acceptable part of society but naked boobies are not.

I'm not worried about the violence. Nor am I worried about the boobies.

But for what ever reason I would be most uncomfortable watching it with him while the boobies are bouncing.

What the hell is wrong with me(and the rest of society) that I worry more about the naked body than the violence

we expose our kids to?

If anything, nudity should be more acceptable.


Happy to say I have raised my kids up right and they know right from wrong and they know whats real and whats not.

They question commercials and they challenge the status quo. Yet I'm still uncomfortable watching

beautiful naked breasts with my son.


Sorry Cookie.

No hijack intended. I just got on a rant.

My bad.

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For what ever reason violence is an acceptable part of society but naked boobies are not.

I'm not worried about the violence. Nor am I worried about the boobies.

But for what ever reason I would be most uncomfortable watching it with him while the boobies are bouncing.

What the hell is wrong with me(and the rest of society) that I worry more about the naked body than the violence

we expose our kids to?

If anything, nudity should be more acceptable.


Happy to say I have raised my kids up right and they know right from wrong and they know whats real and whats not.


Are you talking about knowing the difference between natural vs. fake boobies here? [laugh]


In all seriousness, I do agree with you about this subject. I too never got why violence is accepted yet a beautiful naked woman is deemed as totally unacceptable. Also, why can they show tribal women topless on daytime TV, yet not Western women? That puzzles me...


Another one is, why can a woman go around in a bikini at a swimming pool, yet if she walks down the street in underwear it would be indecent exposure? [confused]

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