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Timing and singing

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The great tendency in bluegrass -- which emphasizes the downbeat ("folk music in overdrive") -- is to speed up.
Great Bill Monroe story about this. He was trying out a guy for the band. Kept changing the pace with his chop. The tune didn't come together. Afterword, Monore allowed that he had a low opinion of the musician-- "I could drive him right down."


Not this this particularly relevant to the OPs question.

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Please don't - t'would spoil what ya already got. .


I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not 😄


There's things to be taken from this particular video , the most important being to know the song indside out before performing it .


And if you're going to play 'dont think twice ' you have to think about the girl/man who broke your heart .

If you're going to play 'my generation' you better get a little bit of anger built up before you start


You can look everywhere and see someone singing songs , note perfect and impeccable timing but without a single grain of feeling what the lyrics are .

It comes across .

Well , does to me anyway

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I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not 😄


There's things to be taken from this particular video , the most important being to know the song indside out before performing it .


And if you're going to play 'dont think twice ' you have to think about the girl/man who broke your heart .

If you're going to play 'my generation' you better get a little bit of anger built up before you start


You can look everywhere and see someone singing songs , note perfect and impeccable timing but without a single grain of feeling what the lyrics are .

It comes across .

Well , does to me anyway


Well said BBG. Fully concur.

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Great Bill Monroe story about this. He was trying out a guy for the band. Kept changing the pace with his chop. The tune didn't come together. Afterword, Monore allowed that he had a low opinion of the musician-- "I could drive him right down."


Not this this particularly relevant to the OPs question.


Hi Rambler.


Flatt and Scruggs had a TV show in the 50s -- pretty much defining music for Bluegrass. To a traditional BG fan, this stuff is the well spring. Well, someone recently analyzed the beat, It turned out they changed all the time and the bass player followed -- usually associated with who had the lead, which changes a lot in bluegrass. But the average beat did not change much -- the music did not speed up or slow down overall.


Who knew?





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Anyone into Irish traditional music will know that a good bodhran player will match his beat to the guitar and song rather than the rock n roll school who follow the drums time.


There's no right or wrong , metronomes have their place but I don't like them. I like songs to be organic .

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the most important being to know the song indside out before performing it .



EA - in all respect - was too easy about this at some point.

Wasn't a good sign. Made him less than a beginner = A beginner light.


Glad to see that changed later.




And if you're going to play 'dont think twice ' you have to think about the girl/man who broke your heart .

If you're going to play 'my generation' you better get a little bit of anger built up before you start


Right on - been trying to get into St. James Infirmary over the weekend and find it a bit hard 'xactly for that reason. Too dark.

Even had to modify the lyrics a bit to be able to touch it. Sacrilege - hmmm, not really as it's one of those old torch ballad that's been handed down differently through the years.

I would never do that to a newer song - a Fab or a Bob tune fx. . .


But all in all taking on a song is demanding stuff. Like playing cowboys & indians as kids, you have to take it seriously to get your kick.


All this make me direct a Q to Sal :


Can one play that 1968 Revolution thing without bein' revolutionary, , , in one way or an other. Concrete or abstract.

And if goin' #2 what is your inner imagery - cargo-partitur ? (if you allow the term) Just curious here. .

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